Chapter 13: The Unlikely Tag Team: Humanity's Grand Finale

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My apologies for the delay everyone, as you can likely assume, we are nearing the finale of the story. Thanks to the events I have happening this weekend, I will be posting Chapter 14 on Thursday this week. Chapter 15 however will be resuming the default schedule.
        "Now then," Jared broke the ice. As of current we were on a high velocity rocket, heading straight to the dark side of the moon. It would take us around 8 minutes to reach, so we had a bit of time to kill. "How do I convince you that humanity isn't bad?"
    "You don't," I responded. "It's not all black and white, your ideology revolves around that. Idealism never works, it's fictional."
    "Meh, people have a right to hope and strive for the best. Utilitarianism isn't all that good either though, the concept of making a decision for everyone based on a 1% difference is flawed entirely, especially considering your thought process of killing people just trying to work hard."
    "Mortals abuse and crutch anything that falls into their hands. My killing is justified."
    "Is it though, or is that what you've been telling yourself. Justice or vengeance? Right or wrong? Are you killing for the future, or killing for yourself?"
    "I'm killing to preserve life."
    "But what is the worth of a life?"
    "Another life."
    "How about a human life, what is that worth?"
    "Several lives."
    "But if utilitarianism is built upon what is best for the most people, then wouldn't humans be considered the most people thanks to their excess of lives?"
    "No, because all humans do is take, never give."
    "But look at Daniel, look at Nino, look at Miku, they gave you a home in their lives, they pooled their resources so you yourself could live."
    "And now look at them, Daniel is dead, Nino has PTSD, and Miku must have lost part of herself knowing that the man she loved was dead."
    "Humans are like the cells in a body Black, they multiply, over and over again, filling in the gaps of where a cell was destroyed. They'll recover. Nino has learned to live with PTSD, Daniel has moved on knowing that people cared about him, and Miku will find someone again to fill in that part. It's in our nature to lose, and it's in our nature to push forward."
    We made an impact with a large object outside. Jared raised his finger up in the typical "Shhh," manner, and we proceeded to make entry to the now penetrated ship.
    Inside it was a mess. A scrap heap stitched together with some high quality welding jobs made the rickety mess of bolts fly. Dirty metal was plastered on the inside, and mismatches of weird grays and browns colored every direction we looked. The floor was uneven, and every step was uphill or downhill. Ridges from the walls intercepted with the path, and the alarms blaring of our entry to the ship blurred out in a mangled groaning noise. The lights to match the alarms had perfectly managed to blind us, a bright red, blue, and even green mix decorated every corner of the ship
    "Well then Black," Jared whispered, "It's clear that we ought to split up. Eramis is like those wolf things, but she has a gold arm with a black and red crystal slotted in the wrist of one. Kill her when you see her."
    "Yeah yeah, and we'll fight as soon as we get back to Earth?"
    The nearby corridor took me into a beautiful white room with some orange and red stripes plastered on the walls. In the center was a gross looking metallic green and brown pod. And just on the side was a white and purple creature, acting as if it were a doctor of some kind. I slowly made my way into the room, staying cautious of the thing. I managed to set a few feet in, when it noticed me. It slammed on the keypad, and the pod opened up.
    "Wow! The exact person I want to kill just walked into the room?" The figure said.
    "I don't know you," I replied, dumbstruck.
    "Yes you do, it's just been too long I'd say." The figure said in a somewhat familiar voice.
    "Then remind me, who are you?"
    "My name? Well that would be Uesugi... Uesugi Futaro. The boy you allegedly killed such a long time ago."
    "Dear Jared," A voice snickered at me. "I'm so glad you managed to make it today, you are the whole reason why I went to such lengths to get so strong."
    "Oh, well then by all means tell me who you are."
    "I'm more of a show kind of guy."
    "So am I, show me how you know me."
    The room went silent, the figure whispered something unheard.
    "Repeat that again?" I asked nicely.
    "Blazing Crown." The figure spoke, slamming to the ground, a pillar of blue fire lighting up the dark almost dome-like room in a blaze.
    "Oh, you know how to use some of my power? Amazing I guess." I complimented, dashing in and swinging my sword to attempt to land a kill.
    "Not just your power," The foe laughed maniacally, "Your weapons, armor, skills, talents... EVERYTHING." Slicing my arm off.
    "What, you some kind of half rate clone?" I taunt, landing a couple of flips backwards.
    "Paraversal double." He said, conjuring a volley of flaming swords to fire off.
    "Paraverse? That's a myth." I replied, setting up a circular symbol to shield the hits.
    "You of all people should understand the laws of reality physics. Reality is an easy form to shatter." The figure taunted, changing the bone in his arm to a sword.
    "In the whole multiverse, I am exclusive to this single world, I was born outside of it. Paraverse implies there is an infinite amount of multiverses, in which there are alternative me's." I pondered, clashing swords with the figure.
    "It's completely possible to travel through the paraverse, and your "Remnant of Reality," can do it easily." The figure explained, severing my leg.
    "Allistar DESTROYED the paraverse, Remnant of Reality is the only thing left to even remotely hint to its existence." I surmised, kicking my foe with a newly formed leg. The impact made a loud "THUNK!" noise that rippled throughout the room.
    "Well then, this puny pitch black farce of a duel is getting old. Let's add a little bit of coal to this fire." On queue the room began to roll. "Time to end this inferior me."
    My doppelganger landed in the section of the ball I was currently standing on. He went in for a nice and simple slash that I quickly parried and retaliated with. A gash in his chest was present, but as quickly as I cut it, it faded thanks to the healing prowess. I was hit by a jab, but severed his arm. He cut down to my leg, dividing it in half, but I was able to drop my sword for a little bit to poke out his left eye with my finger nail. He retorted, quickly cutting both my legs off, but using my upper body, I pulled him to the ground with me. He went in to tear off my left arm, but was susceptible to my right thanks to his visionary blindspot. I breached a hole into his head, and grasped his brain. I was met with an incinerating burn that completely charred my right arm. Using my wounded left, I jumped back, grasped my sword, and landed it in his neck where his adams apple was.
    "Not even a second passed, and yet how amazing it is that we managed to tear each other up that severely." He stated, as the pair of us made eye contact, a blue glow reforming the severed bits of our bodies.
    We both jumped back, the rolling ball the least of our problems.
    "Dawn Chorus!" We both shouted, several blue hollow circle outlines of fire began to clash.
    "Blazing Crown!" the pair of us shouted yet again, two blue pillars of fire slamming into one another.
    "Clean Slice!" we yelled, two highly dense slashes of condensed mass and energy slowly set course to collide.
    In an instant my foe was slamming me into a wall, I kicked him off to the ceiling, and then spun around and slammed him to the ground. He kicked me off of him, and threw me into the side, landing a solid left hook to my right cheek. I coughed up a couple of teeth, and spat them out at a high velocity. They collided with him, and he hit the ground quickly. I kicked off the wall, and elbowed him in the neck. In that instant, the two Clean Slices collided. Pulling us both into a dark void. A blue hue formed from my foe, as he went into a more powerful form: Trigger MK1. His features grotesque, a brown mask of darkness clasped to his face, his clothes intact, but his body still the same, aside from his arms which were encapsulated in the same brown carapace.
    "Trigger MK1? You must be desperate to win." I taunted, parrying a super high powered hit from him.
    "Eager to finish you off fast." He replied, throwing me to the pitch black ground. I kicked him to a pitch black ceiling, only to be punched into a pitch black wall.
    He grasped the sword at his hip, the same as mine, only stronger with his repression of self imposed limiters. I parried his blow, but slowly felt my forearm fail to hold him back. I quickly disassembled the components of my body, reformed them into ash, and undid the process. I was now behind him, sword impaled where his heart would be.
    "Check," I taunted.
    "Mate," He retorted, kicking me into the pitch black wall.
    He dashed in, preparing to hit me with a hook, I grabbed it, and slammed him into the pitch black ground. I slammed my foot into his chest, winding him, and then began to pull at his arm, forcefully ripping it off. His screams of agony were my motivator.
    "Monster, Human, Demon, Devil, all of them," He said, standing up. "I've been called them all." He went in for a punch with his newly reformed arm, I parried it off to the side. "Pathetic idealism like yours, your ineptitude spans across your ideology to run this world." He spoke, relentlessly throwing punches to no avail. "I've seen the worst, I've lost everything, and to see you, standing here, protecting this world, protecting Black, protecting Chaos, it makes me sick!" He spat, his eyes glowing a flaming blue. "You sit here, fighting for the fake dreams of tomorrow that will never come true! Every single word you utter that "It's gonna get better," or "I'll fix this," or "I will protect this world," It's all to brainwash yourself. You want to make yourself believe that you CAN protect this Earth, you WILL protect this Earth, well news flash: YOU CAN'T!" True malice echoing from every phrase he shouted.
    "How do you know I can't, if what you say is true, you're not from this multiverse." I utter, landing a solid right hand punch to his face.
    "Enough with the cheap lies, you just want to convince yourself you can!" He shouted, enraged at my philosophy. "You're insufferable, pathetic, not willing to do what's right. You protect those who shouldn't be, and neglect those that should!" He spouts, landing a blow to my stomach that winds me.
    "I fight for what I believe in," I quietly whisper, catching my breath, while he relentlessly stomps on my spine in an attempt to crush it.
    "WHAT YOU BELIEVE IN? YOU BELIEVE WRONG THEN!" He screams, stomping so hard the black ground beneath us cracks. "YOU LOST EVERYTHING IN THIS WORLD!" He continues, the cracks getting ever bigger. "YOUR FRIENDS, YOUR PALACE, YOUR PURPOSE, ALL OF IT!" He infuriatingly screeches, "AND FOR WHAT? FOR CHAOS, YOU'RE PATHETI-" he's cut off by my fist making contact with his voice box.
    "Talk bad about me all you want, but," I take a moment to catch my breath, "Watch your tongue when talking about her." I spit, landing a downward jab to his head, the black abyss finally shattering.
    I reform my sword, bracing for another clash.
    "JARED! FIGHT ME EVENLY!" He shouts prepared. His aura is completely different. A cloud of ash slowly clears to reveal him in his fully powered form. White hair clad to his head, a blue fire emanating through the multiple scars and gashes in his chest. Four arms, two on his left, two on his right, four wings on his back: two red, two blue. A spear in his upper left hand, a great-ax in his lower left hand, the sword in his lower right hand, and a ball of energy in his upper right hand. Full Devil Trigger, a form that I had been given thanks to the DNA spliced into the very fabric of my existence.
    "Going all out? I need to prepare for when Black and I have our rematch, so I'll have to decline." I say, my sword glowing a cyan blue, empowered thanks to the need against this newfound foe. "So tell me, how do you know all this stuff about me? If you are me, you should know that I'll stop at nothing to win, even when it'll result in failure." I ask, my punch being grabbed by his hand, and my fist being slowly crushed.
    "Do you know why I like to call myself "Blue?"" He asked, crushing my hand bone into dust. "Obviously you don't, but I do it because the color blue is a constant." He said composed, blasting me away with the ball of hyper condensed energy. "Everything that is blue, remains blue. The sky, the sea, blue stars, even blue flowers. If blood gets into the sea, it remains blue. If blood gets into the sky, it's still blue. If blood gets into a star, it's still blue. If blood gets on a blue flower, it's STILL BLUE!" He shouts, kicking my head into the rolling sphere, denting the interior. "But Jared," He laughs sickly, "People aren't blue, I'm not blue, blood isn't blue, tears aren't either. Blue isn't a constant with us, it's a liability." He mutters, my body in his hands, being pulled from each limb to tear it apart. I fall to the ground, but quickly regenerate.
    "I understand now, Blue," I whisper in a low voice, "You've suffered, you've sided with evil because of your suffering. Allow me to finish this, to kill you, so you can die in peace." I quietly close, transforming into the Trigger MK1 form.
    "YES JARED, FACE ME! 100% NO HOLDING BACK!" Blue screams, thirsty for the finale and ensuing bloodshed.
    I land a kick to his right eye. It gushes in blood, his socket bursting open releasing all the little bits of his remaining eye. He headbuts me, indenting my skull, and then spears off my left arm. I catch his sword, only to be blasted by the orb. In the midst of the commotion, I manage to parry his ax with my sword sheath, and then throw my sword in his neck. I dashes in with his wings at a faster than light speed, and unleashes a hellstorm of fire. It pushes me back, but I bury the sheath of my sword deep in the metal below us, protecting me from the backwards thrust.
    "BLUE! You can't hope to defeat me!" I shout.
    One shot. My sword reforms in my sheath. One shot. I unsheathe the sword, raising it upwardly perpendicular to my body. One Shot. I tense my back leg. One Shot. Slice. Blue's head falls to the floor, and his body collapses motionless.
    "I apologize for your suffering, Blue," I whisper. And with that I walk off.
    "Wait..." I hear from behind me, a struggling blue in the frame, slowly standing up on his feet, a fully formed body. "You've yet to use the divinity of this form haven't you." He laughs amused.
    "Don't do it, going gold will most certainly finish whatever life you have left off. I hit you with reality sickness. You'll die soon, just accept it."
    "Never, like you said, us Jared's, we struggle until we die. We don't give up." Blue mutters.
    "I admire you Blue, but this is a scenario where you shouldn't keep fighting."
    "Fifty percent."
    "It's what you told Black back on Earth. You'll only fight at fifty percent. Well so will I, but you have to promise me this. Since we both know what we can do at One-hundred percent, why don't we meet each other at the 50% point."
    "Sure. I'll do it, just this once."
    Blue's hair went from a sparkling white, to a beautiful gold. The brown carapace on his body cracked, revealing an unblemished white skin. His clothes consisted of a golden T-Shirt, and a pair of gold shorts. A similar aesthetic clad to me, however a large glaive clasped to the back of my shirt.
    "Now then," Blue uttered, "Let's finish this."
    I charged in, a golden punch landing to his face. He went spiraling into the wall, several cracks proceeding the hole made.
    "Outer space?" I mumbled before being kicked into the moon by Blue.
    I slammed him to the ground, creating a large crater. He retaliated by getting on top of me, beating into my chest. I kicked him off, crashing into another large ship. The two of slowly stood up from the impact, and held our fists up, trading blows to the face after every strike, the shockwaves disrupting the large fleet that served as our audience for this fight. Little fragments of the moon peppered the fleet of ships. But Blue and I were immune to the pain. I threw him into a nearby large cruiser a third the size of the moon, and proceeded to follow him in. Blue hit me through several walls, and I landed in the engine. I kicked him back, sending him spiraling into the boiler room. He flew out of the ship, and slammed into me from the outside, flinging me up, poking a hole vertically into the ship. Once I was outside, he picked up the ship and threw it at me.
    "SEVER!" I shouted, cutting the ship in two. Blue grabbed one of the halves and threw it at a near light speed. "SEVER!" I screamed again, cutting it. Blue continued to take the pieces and throw them, granting no care to the damage he was causing. "SEVER!" I screamed again at another piece. "SEVER!" "SEVER! "SEVER!" debris flew everywhere, the ship decimated, however, large chunks were still able to be thrown. "SE-" I was cut off by Blue landing his fist into my voice box ripping it out.
    He kicked me back into the moon, I quickly rolled to avoid his impact, but Blue was relentless, going for stabs and jabs wherever he could. I kicked him back to the moon's atmosphere, and jumped off, increasing the distance between us. Blue grabbed the moon opting to throw it at me, my voice box had regenerated, and I screamed at the top of my lungs.
    "REMNANT OF REALITY SEVER!" my glaive now clasped in hand. And the moon was divided into microscopic chunks that were arranged in proper order.
    "DIE NOW BLUE!" I screamed, throwing the glaive at him. It impaled him through the chest, and I quickly warped over to it. I ripped it out of him, and landed 11 quick jabs that all pierced through his body. I quickly flew back to the main ship, holstered Remnant of Reality, and watched as Blue's body collapsed in on itself from the hits I made.
    'What is suffering? Is it the process of pain, or the actual pain itself. It's weird, all this time I've wanted to die, and the moment death comes, I don't feel dead. Truth be told, if it could've been avoided, I would've much rather lived as a human than as a super elite justice warrior, but some things can't be avoided.'
    "Delta?" I heard a voice whisper.
    "Funny I thought I had died." I say, opening my eyes to a pink sky.
    "You did, and I've come here to greet you." The voice said.
    "That's right, I forgot about you." I said, rather monotonously.
"It's ok Delta, you've lived and suffered long enough, I didn't expect you to remember me when we reunited." The voice said, attempting to coddle me.
"Then who are you?" I asked.
"It's me, Beta, or as you called me: Nymph."
'Funny, to think that all this time I've been in pain, but the thing that made me feel pain I forgot. How did it go again? Oh... right.'
"Allistar?" A young Blue asked.
"Yes Delta?" A stern but composed voice replied.
"Will you teach me how to do that thing with the sword?" Blue inquired.
"What the "Sever," technique?"
"YEAH! It looked so cool when you used it to beat up Omicron and Xi!"
"Well, I suppose a little break would be fine. But you've gotta stick with it and practice ok?"
"I promise!"
    'I spent the whole day practicing, but all I could do was chip a couple of tree branches.'
    "Hey, it's ok Delta, you'll learn it in no time!" A young Beta encouraged.
    "I know, but it's just I'm not nearly as good as Allistar, or even Epsilon."
    "But you will be! You just have to work your hardest to succeed. Allistar always said if you want something, take it with your own two hands! So maybe, if you wanna get better, do it with your own hands!"
    "Oh..." She giggled, "Right."
    'That was my home, in the world between, I, along with the other 23 Ageloids trained, lived, and found ourselves.'
    "I've called you all here today to relay some amazing news!" He shouted. I along with the 23 other's were currently in a large auditorium, watching Allistar give his speech on his amazing plan.
    "I've managed to fix the multiverse, and by extent, the paraverse. By working with my alternative self, I've created a route in which you all can act on your purpose!" He spoke, letting the crowd fully grasp the words he stated. "So, you will be paired up with a partner, and then sent to one of those worlds to find out if my dream does exist!"
    Naturally Beta and I were a duo, and we made a fine team. She was incredibly intelligent, but also dense. She couldn't realize my feelings for her even if it killed her. Although, I couldn't complain. Despite her feelings, she was smart, kind, graceful, and very pretty. She wasn't really on the tall side, hardly breaking the 5 foot marker, however she made up for it in other areas. For example, she had beautiful teal blue hair tied back into two pigtails that divided into two littler pigtails at their ends. She looked somewhat childish, but she could both switch to, and maintain a more adult composure if the time arose. I was utterly infatuated.
    Beta and I were given the job to protect the planet Earth. And protect it we did. She and I managed to perfect the major flaws in humanity, such as the selfish nature and orientation. We also wrote the social ideology that all humans are granted the right to choose their life, and are all responsible for the consequences of those choices. In just a few short years, a society filled with glowing philosophy, and intelligent youth was born. Wars were won quickly, Beta wasn't all that strong, but she could more than handle herself. I on the other hand was a monster at battle. But that all changed one day.
    It was a typical May. Golden sunshine cloaked the ground, and I was biting into one of the rice balls offered to the shrine where the common folk would ask for our blessing. In recent years, the need to leave the home hasn't been all that prevalent, but regardless we shouldn't let good food go to waste. Beta was busy with playing some game, insisting she was one of if not the best players, jabbering about how her tap speed is almost light speed level. Naturally I humored her, letting her play her little bit. Unbeknownst to me, that was the last time I'd see Beta at her best.
    I had to leave for a little bit. Nymph, or rather Beta, wanted Japanese great Koi for dinner. It's not easy to find those, and much worse, they're better fresh than store bought. Regardless, today was the day I wanted to confess my feelings to her. I had spent the entire morning giving myself a pep talk on how to do it. I planned out a scenario for every contingency, and yet, I still somehow managed to fail to predict the worse case scenario. I returned home to the traditional Japanese style manor completely ablaze, and before I knew it, a dart had hit my arm, I was out cold.
I awoke to the world in between. All 23 Ageloid's were gathered in order to hear my trial.
"Jared Delta Havoc, you are being tried for enslavement and interpersonal affairs with another race. How do you plead?" Gamma asked.
"Innocent!" I shouted, worried about Beta.
"Bit Beta Jam," Gamma Started, "Are his claims of being innocent correct?"
"COMPLETELY!" Nymph shrieked bordering tears. I managed to get a good look at her face, all burned and cut up, her bug-like wings tattered, and her typical white and black clothes shredded.
"Gamma," Omega spoke, "I feel Beta is an accomplice, seeing as the two lived together."
"Solid conclusion Omega," Gamma coldly spoke. "In light of new evidence. You two are convicted of interspecies contact, and are in direct violation of code 624: All individual species should not be infringed upon."
    "CODE 624 WAS NEW, IT SHOULDN'T APPLY TO THE PAST!" Nymph and I shouted.
"It's retroactive." Alpha stepped in, looking disdainfully at us. "And so your punishment is lessened, but it still is needed."
    "Hereby, your sentence is 200 hell years, cut in half thanks to the retroactive nature." Gamma surmised.
"BASTARD," I shouted.
"Enough," Omega silenced me with a quick jab to the throat. "Accept your fate, it's bad character to try to dodge your fate."
'And so, we were sent to the world of hell. Our bodies were torn apart by demons, but pulled back together by the chains that bound us. Beta was lucky, she died. I got out, my mind broken, and my soul destroyed.'
"Welcome back Delta, glad to see you in one piece," Alpha greeted.
I gave him the pure silent treatment.
"Oh what happened? Beta die? All of us knew she was pathetic, that's why she needed to die." Alpha gloated.
With that I stopped dead in my tracks. "What did you say?" I asked rather coarsely thanks to my lack of speaking for 200 years.
"We ageloids are supposed to be perfect, she was flawed. She was meant for intellectual warfare, but all of us are nearly equal at that. She wasn't strong, and therefore had no right to be one of the best."
'I made sure to savor ripping Alpha apart. His agonizing screams were music to the ears. And watching him sputter out bullshit apologies to get me off his back was like icing on the cake. Omega found us, but I easily killed him too. Gamma was next. I found her at the lake, apparently waiting on Omega and Alpha. Making her suffer was the most fun of all. When I was done with my torment, all that was left of her was just a cut up mound of used flesh. However, before I finished her off, she told me that Allistar had commissioned a new Beta, and therefore the old one must be terminated. That was when I had realized it: Allistar needed to die, and I would kill him.'
"Allistar!" a past me shouted.
"Delta, what a pleasure, why the hateful face?" He said, talking down.
"Beta? Well of course I did. You are all designed to want to reach the best possible strength you can, Beta had reached her limit, and was still lacking. You however had gotten to your limit, and somehow you surpassed it!" He emphasized.
"You let her die!"
"I gave her the opportunity to get stronger, and she failed."
"BASTARD!" I shouted, going for a strike.
I was shut down instantly by Allistar's right pointer finger. He shoved his left into my gut, winded me, and I was out. I awoke later chained up and in constant pain.
"Delta, you understand that all this is to make you stronger, correct?" Allistar spoke.
I was blindsided by pain, it overwhelmed my senses, and it was the only thing I could feel. I passed out, and when I woke back up, blood was the main decoration of my body. It covered everything. I looked up to the sky, only to see clouds of smoke puffing up around. Below my feet, a pile of bodies lay.
"What happened?" I mumbled.
"You killed Epsilon and Omicron, Delta," Allistar applauded.
"Why?" I asked.
"Because they were weaker than you, and so they are flawed in design. It was only natural they would die eventually, you just brought it sooner. Don't worry Delta, I will make you the strongest, you've more than proved yourself." As soon as he finished, the pain came back, burning my senses. Everyday it was pain, kill, blood, day end.
'And so I suffered. Endlessly. Every model was nothing compared to my power, and for years the only things I could remember was the color blue. I had thought that it was the sea that compelled me to blue, or it might've been the sky, but it wasn't either, it was Beta.'
'During a normal excursion, I had gained consciousness a little too early, and in my few seconds before Allistar noticed, I punched a hole through reality itself. It took everything I had, but I had escaped that world. I woke up on an alien ship, face to face with a strange creature.'
"Hello... human." The blue wolflike creature spoke.
"Where-" I tried speaking.
"Europa, on the ship that I own. I found you freezing in the cold water. Somehow you lived, and I want to know how."
"Because I am beyond human."
"Well then, tell me, what do you wish to achieve?"
"I want the man known as Allistar to suffer."
"And what are you willing to give up for vengeance?"
"Whatever it takes."
"Well then human- no, whatever you are, I would like it if you joined us in our endeavor to eradicate all who should oppose us from reaching our former glory."
"And can you guarantee I will have my vengeance?"
"If we succeed, of course."
'Sure, I was used to kill, win wars, and sway the tides of battle, but it didn't really matter, my sole purpose for living was to kill Allistar, to avenge Nymph, and most importantly, to make him suffer just like he had made me. I learned about just how much my body can do, and in no time at all, I was one of the most trusted allies of these things I would learn to call Eliksni. I killed endlessly. I lost myself in violence, and soon the only thing I came to know was my insanity. My motivation: gone. The only thing moving me forward was the next victim to my blade.'
"I'm sorry Nymph," The current me profusely pleaded.
"It's alright!" Nymph giggled, not being phased by my actions in the slightest. "You did what you could. You've lived a life of suffering, pain, and anguish, but I know that you did it all for me. Thanks Delta."
A single tear dropped from my eye. "Are you mad that I couldn't kill Allistar?"
"You can't be serious. You can't kill Allistar silly!" She laughed. "But, I know who can."
"Who?" I pondered, subconsciously knowing the answer.
"This multiverses' Jared, but you already knew that." She smirked.
"What's next for me then?" I pondered.
"Simple: you and I live on in the afterlife, as a stepping stone for others to reach."
"Can I really go to a paradise after being so cruel?"
"Absolutely! You just gotta feel remorse for your cruelty. And right here, right now, you do."
"Thank you Beta." I say, full blown crying.
"Don't worry Delta, I'll get your mind back to normal once again, and when we're done, you can cook me that Japanese Koi meal."
"It's a date."
'And thus ends the story of Beta and Delta.'
    "Black, you don't understand how long I've waited to kill you," Futaro laughed maniacally. "I had all these body modifications, but no one to test them on, but you, you'll be my first target." He raised his right hand up, firing a massive beam that penetrated several walls deep before dying down. "Amazing isn't it? The miracle of electrical engineering. The only thing left to perfect is my vengeance, and that's next on the agenda." Futaro gloated, oozing charisma.
    I lunged in for a quick and easy neck breaking kick, but Futaro had somehow acquired battle experience, and ultimately slammed me into the ground.
    "Not the first time you've hit the ground today is it?" He laughed. "Well I figure I should clear some stuff up. Remember that transmission a while back? A large static audio log that detailed something around orbit? I hacked into the encrypted mainframe of the school in order to leak Jared's plan and location. From there, I could get you up here, and from that point, I had the power to make you suffer. Isn't this showdown going to be so fun?" An insane Futaro spoke. Deep down I knew I had ruined this boy's life, and despite it all, I couldn't shake the awful feeling that followed my actions.
    "You've gone insane, Futaro. You're blinded by your thirst for vengeance." I reasoned, parrying a strike he went for with his left arm.
    "Who's fault is it that I'm like this?" He laughed, very nearly grabbing and crushing my wrist.
    "You can shift the blame all you want, but I'm not the one who made you like this, you CHOSE to be this way." I persuaded, kicking him into the ground.
    "CHOSE MY ASS!" He shouted, kicking off the ground. "I'M ONLY LIKE THIS BECAUSE YOU STOLE MY LIFE AWAY!" He screamed, before I kicked him into the wall.
    "We can't choose our circumstances, but we can choose our responses." I logically presented, using a cross guard to block an energy spear he made.
    "BULLSHIT, YOU'RE JUST TRYING TO MAKE ME THE VILLAIN TO COVER YOUR ASS!" He shrieked, high kicking through my cross guard. "The ONLY thing you knew about me when you killed me was that I was just a human. You didn't think to consider my family, my friends, my LIFE!" He presented, whipping around in midair to land a rocket propelled left hook to my face.
    "I'm just trying to say," I began, catching his left fist, shattering it in my right hand. "That despite it all, despite my actions, and despite the world I will create," I inhaled deeply, catching and shattering his other fist. "I'm sorry."
    Futaro stopped, looking puzzled. He took a moment to look at his broken hands and then... *WHAM* I was slammed into the glass just in front of the room entrance.
    "You think I want an apology?" He maniacally laughed again. "NO I WANT BLOOD, YOUR BLOOD!" He screamed, sticking his hand back into the pod he emerged from. "Isn't this technology so amazing?" He villainously cackled, all the while his hand slowly reformed. "The power that I'm given thanks to these advancements... it still astounds me." He whispered foreshadowing times to come. Off his back, four large cannons emerged, spewing purple lasers along a horizontal path.
    "You leave me no choice Futaro," I remorsefully called, forming energy in my hands. "Ka-" I began, jumping over the first large laser, "me-" I continued the chant, chaining several jumps over the large purple beams. Futaro disengaged his lasers, and then went in to punch me with his left hand, "ha," I continued my chanting, waiting for the blow. "I'LL END YOU HERE BLACK!" Futaro screamed in the few seconds of slow motion he made to close the gap, "me," I whispered, a large purple ball appearing in my hand. Slowly, Futaro inched ever closer. Each second felt like an eternity as I prepared to finish the attack. "Ha," I uttered a giant purple beam sending Futaro flying back, rupturing several walls. I stood up to follow my destruction, and through my path a large open room, with a glass dome as the ceiling and several large machines hung. This was the furthest my beam had gone, but Futaro was out of sight.
    "Intruder detected: engaging defensive protocol." A machine voice churned.
    "You like the machine quality Black?" A hidden Futaro gloated. "It's clear that even with this technology, you're still stronger, so I'll just let other things soften you up, and then I'll play clean up crew." He concluded.
    Hundreds of creatures poured in from four doors that all lined up perpendicular with one another. The large machines hanging about slowly became undone, and fell to the ground, whirring to life. I had no time to care about these things, seeing as the creatures had all begun to swarm me. I unleashed my fierce god slicer, and began to butcher every last one of them. Blue blood splattered after every hit, and what had appeared to be a clean room, was now decorated with the entrails of my foes. Each creature used a little knife in order to attempt to kill me, but they couldn't penetrate my flesh. Unfortunately, if they all focused on the same point, it was definitely possible to hit a fatal blow on me, but the raw attrition of this battle wouldn't be enough to let me die here. Several of the large machines began firing blue energy from the strange cannons they held. I jumped forward, landing on the armor of one, and stabbing through, destroying the engine. Off in the distance, another large machine had dropped from the ceiling, a large six legged tank. I fought my way over, only to be interrupted by another one of the previous pathetic scrap metal beings. Amidst the chaos, a large bit of the creatures began to rapidly push several buttons in an attempt to release more machinery. I had no time to worry about those things, and instead began to chop at the legs of the tank. I busted through the armor, leaving its engine exposed, and it collapsed onto the ground not used to the lack of its own weight. Large cannons began to fire at me before I could finish the tank off, and it managed to get back to its feet yet again, seemingly unphased. A large horde of the creatures ran forward, attempting to finish me off here. I responded by spinning with my sword in a circle, cutting several of the beasts in half. Larger beasts jumped in, rushing around with several swords. I parried the upper swords, and shattered the lower ankles of the things, rendering them immobale. I subsequently launched a holy light grenade, to clear out the larger horde. Everything was blown away by the impact, vaporized almost instantly. I ran over to some of the stragglers and finished them off fast. From the ceiling, a large machine, the size of the whole room dropped, active. I parried its stomp, and it responded by firing off several controlled rockets. They were easy to stop, and all the subsequent stomps were quick enough to make work out of. Out from behind, Futaro dropped, stabbing through my chest. I retorted, kicking Futaro into the large engine of the machine, instantly setting his body ablaze.
    "DAMN YOU BLACK," He screamed in searing pain. "I'LL KILL YOU."
    "Warning, new course detected: Siberia, Russia. Landing gear: Failure, Breaking gear: Failure. Brace for impact."
    "What?" I whispered before feeling the entire ship itself lose its grip inside the atmosphere of Earth.
    Jared rushed into the room, having tracked my energy signature, and began to aggressively shout.
    "What do we do?" I asked, parring a strike from a somewhat melted Futaro.
    "I'll slow it's impact down, but you're gonna have to stay inside the ship. We can't let their leader escape." He concluded, landing a brutal uppercut onto Futaro who slunked down, utterly beaten.
    "Copy." I responded. "But how did we end up like this?"
    "I fought someone and we ended up tearing up a few more holes than we thought we would." He innocently waved.
    "Dumbass," I closed.
    "Suit it yourself. I can't protest the facts." He mumbled, rushing out of the ship from the way he entered.
    "HOW?" An enraged Futaro spoke, "AFTER ALL THIS, YOU'RE STILL STRONGER!"
    He was pitiful, his body completely torn up, where he once had a beautiful purple chaste, several ragged burns and the stains of blood lie. His hands lay mangled, and his legs couldn't even function properly. He couldn't move, but still tried to fight.
    "I just want to win more than you do?"
    "WHY? WHAT DO YOU FIGHT FOR BLACK?" He agonizingly screamed.
    "The memory of Daniel." I concluded.
    The ship began to slow uncontrollably, and I braced for impact.
    "Futaro, I will remember you, so accept your demise here." I said, forming a scythe and slamming it into his chest. His eyes lost all color, and I slowly skulked off, making sure to never ruin someone like this ever again.
    "BASTARD, DON'T YOU LEAVE!" Futaro shouted, slowly getting to his feet, only to be shaken to the ground by Jared's attempts to stall the ship.
    "Die in peace Futaro, don't keep up this pitiful struggle." I calmly stated walking off.

In Another World With The Zero Mortals Plan (Goku Black x Nino Nakano)Where stories live. Discover now