Chapter 9: The Perfect World Can Exist

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Allow me to again thank you guys, the audience. A writer can only write if they have an audience, and thanks to everyone out here, I have one. Once again, the slight few minutes you all sacrifice to read my works is incredibly kind. Thanks again, and on with our story.
    Daniel and I were finishing up recuperating, while our caretakers, the Nakano siblings, attempted to maintain a reasonable life considering they were protecting the very people that would end the world. Daniel and I sat on the couch, watching some boring news network. I utterly despise most news networks. An informed mortal is an awful mortal. It makes it hard to kill people when they know I'm coming for them. Regardless, Daniel, shirtless and wearing a pair of blue Jeans and a black belt. The only noteworthy article he wore was a white bandage wrapped diagonally across his right hip to his left peck, and downward from there. Daniel was by no means out of shape, in fact he had the beginnings of a six pack forming just from the sheer amount of physical stuff we've had to do recently.
    "Man, what time is it?" Daniel said, springing up from the couch.
    "Looks to be about 7:00 AM." I answered.
    "Well, doing the approximation for the individual wake up times of the Nakano's, we have about an hour to kill." He reasoned.
    "So, what do you want to do?" I asked somewhat anticipating his response.
    "I'm gonna do it Black..." He said somewhat ominously.
    "What does that even mean?" I asked, somewhat annoyed at his antics.
    "I'm gonna ask her out." He said seriously.
    "I see. Well then, allow me, a god, to assist you in your endeavor."
    "Many thanks. So, where do we start?"
    "Clothes. Let's get you into some high quality shit."
    "Works for me."
    It had been around 4 weeks since we poisoned the water. People had begun to doubt the strength of the government, and so they began to venture outside. By the 3rd week, it appeared as if society had yet to change. Most schools went back into session, but they constantly chose to take multiple security measures. Now, four weeks in, society had nearly regressed to their previous antics. Streets were busy, people ran back and forth down large streets dotted with cars. Buildings had lights on, and a constant stream of people flowed in and out of large office jobs around the city. It was easy to blend in, of course using black hoodies and keeping our heads down.
    The nearest clothes store was just about 2 blocks north, and 3 blocks west, a quick walk for me and Daniel. On the way home, a traditional Japanese store would cross our path, so I could probably grab a new outfit as well. The quints would be awake by the time we got back, but the clothes would make us look a bit more presentable, and in Daniel's case, it would showcase some of his finer qualities. Suits were obviously a no, they were expensive, and hindered movement, not to mention they just felt awful. Sportswear was good, but Daniel doesn't seem like the type of guy to be all that sporty, and while his body was definitely fit for those types of clothes, his personality probably wasn't. But just as we had begun to be disheartened we found it: upon a nearby model a black overshirt, clad with gold buttons, a blue outline of a dragon encompassed the front over the side of the right peck. Underneath that shirt there was a nearly pitch black T-shirt with the small design of a dark blue scale. As for the pants, a pair of nice looking Joggers with 2 pairs of dark blue stripes lined the inside and outside legs, perpendicular to the people he would walk by. They were deep black. Daniel and I took a look at one another and knew this was the pair.
    We headed to the checkout with Daniel's new clothes, and still hiding our identities, handed the cashier about 200$. Allowing her to keep the change, we left the store, feeling amazing that we found Daniel's new fit. We made the decision to stop at one more store on the way home. The possibility was still in the air as to whether or not I would get my hands on my own pair of hit clothes, but might as well attempt in the store. We walked inside, and immediately I saw this was my kind of store. Traditional Gi's lined the wall. I paced down for a fair bit, and saw the exact design of what I would want. Pitch black aside from a neon pink belt. The lower portion being light and baggy while the upper region is similar in metric. The only other notable design feature was the gold sleeve that covered its left arm. It was small enough to not be overbearing, but big enough to be noticeable. Daniel and I shared a glance, and then nodded in agreement. We grabbed the Gi, paid the cashier a lofty 500$, and were on our way home.
    It was about 9:00 AM when we got back (8:54 to be exact). On the way home, Daniel and I had gone over the basics of flirting: Firstly, always reinforce the fact that you are better than her. Secondly, always appear cocky and arrogant that way they follow you under any circumstance. Finally, degrade their value as much as possible so they stay with you. Daniel did not like my advice, and I earned a heavy punch to the back of my head.
    We entered the front door immediately to a worried family.
    "What the hell? Why would you risk yourselves being seen?" Ichika said disapprovingly.
    "We had hoods on, and got clothes." Daniel said dismissing her quickly.
    "Where did you go?" Ichika pestered.
    "Marx and Zou's." I said.
    "Wait... then who did it?" Ichika thought to herself.
    "Did what?" Daniel asked.
    "Somebody broke into the police station last night, they stole some information, and among the theft were the locations of two individuals in witness protection."
    "Raiha and Isanari." I said.
    "How do you know?" Ichika pursued.
    "Because Jared is going to use them to bargain."
    "Who's Jared?"
    "At this point, I'm wondering about that myself."
    Daniel had slipped off from the conversation, and changed into his new clothes. Coming down the stairs from the bathroom, I couldn't help but notice the blush on Miku's face.
    "Black how do I look?" Daniel asked, waiting for my approval.
    I smirked and replied: "Meh fine I guess."
    'That's my Man! You look epic!'
    "Black, he's your friend, give him more flattery than that!" Ichika shouted.
    "Please?" She pleaded.
    "Nah it's good Ichika, back won't admit it, but he likes it." Daniel said.
    "Tsundere," Nino chimed in.
    "SO THAT MAKES YOU ONE TOO!" She screamed back.
    Ichika grabbed Nino and brought her back upstairs, presumably locking her in her room. I looked over my shoulder to Daniel trying to pull all the stops to "Woo," Miku. I quickly took cover on the green couch, and watched Daniel attempt to flirt. It seemed pretty one sided, especially considering that Miku wasn't one for words.
    'Shit, he's losing the fight!' I thought to myself.
    In a stroke of luck, Daniel had kept his airpod in his ear. While strange that vigilantes would even consider purchasing airpods, the Nakano siblings had plenty of spare airpods, and out of the blue one day, Miku just gave Daniel a pair. A gimmick with most airpods is the element that allows them to read out text messages. I quickly pulled out my phone and texted Daniel.
    'Try to show your superiority,' I messaged.
    He paused for a second, looked back at me annoyed, and then charismatically climbed up the stairs, jumped onto the guard rail, and attempted to do three rapid backflips. He managed the first two easily, but the third one spun him out and he crashed into the ground, facefirst. Miku sprawled to grab him a towel for his now bleeding nose, and Daniel rolled around laughing at his stupidity.
"Daniel, any more of this, and I'll declare you anemic."
"Sorry Black, but that was just too stupid of a thing for me to do." He said now holding the purple towel to clench his bleeding nose. "Thanks Miku," He said, avoiding eye contact.
Miku nodded in acknowledgement, before replying with a quiet "you're welcome."
I waltzed over to the couch and continued to watch the "MNN (Militia News Network). This was the closest thing we had to political parties in this city, and I loved the mudslinging the hosts were constantly doing towards political figures and noteworthy individuals."
After Daniel had snuffed out his nose, he donned his hoodie, and went for a walk with Miku. I quickly sprinted to the elevator, and selected the top floor. From there I made my way to the roof in order to correctly gauge the route they were taking, and provide my input as to Daniel's next option.
The couple walked for a minute, before they stopped in front of a cafe. They waited in line for about 15 minutes, Daniel buying himself a chocolate sprinkled donut, meanwhile Miku requested a disgusting green vegetable soda.
I look down at my phone with urgency as I see his intentions: 'DANIEL MAKE HER PAY FOR IT, SHOW YOUR SUPERIORITY.'
Daniel glanced around, and looked up at me atop the nearby building. He quickly flipped me off, and pulled out enough change to pay for their meal.
'DAMN IT DANIEL! LISTEN TO ME!' I thought, annoyed at his actions.
The pair then walked their way straight for a couple blocks. They came upon a traffic light. They began to step onto the crosswalk to switch blocks, but a child randomly ran into a nearby crosswalk with oncoming traffic. Daniel inhumanly sprinted to catch the kid, narrowly avoiding a car going twenty over the speed limit. The car breezed past, and all the pedestrians collectively applauded Daniels actions while simultaneously condemning the driver. Daniels' hood had slipped in the scuffle, so he made sure to never look back up from his actions. Fumbling with his hands, he quickly grabbed the hood and pulled it back over his head. Luckily, over the celebration, no one realized he was a mass serial killer, otherwise it wouldn't be a celebration, more of an intervention.
I watched Daniel stand back up, head down, and walk back to Miku, most bystanders still applauding him. As soon as he met up with Miku they continued their "Walk." Out of the corner of my eye, I could see someone who looked similar to Nino stalking from afar.
'Bitch can't go two feet without getting pressed for someone else,'
She sneaked in and out of the passing crowds, slowly but surely keeping her distance from the duo. I quickly pulled out my phone and texted Daniel.
'Nino is following you, take a left on the next block, and then go straight to the grocery store, once inside, exit at the opposite side, that'll put you at the nearby block to avoid her.'
Daniel pulled out his phone long enough to send a quick 'Ok.' and then followed his route.
'Where are you going?' I send after he's taken the detour I requested.
'Flower field where we fought Kianu.'
'What why?'
'Two reasons, 1. It's pretty, 2. I want to see what color the flowers change to.'
'Sounds like a plan, need me to guide you?'
'No, just keep Nino off our backs if she comes back.'
'Damn it, babysitting? Really?'
Daniel slowly walked Miku to the flower field, my job of luring Nino away couldn't have been easier. The bitch managed to catch up a few times, but a few alleyways were enough to scare her off.
It had been about 2:00 by the time Daniel and Miku reached the field. They went over to the flowers and took a seat. They just talked for a bit, I stalked the premises in order to ensure that nothing was able to interrupt them. As long as Daniel managed to confess to the only mortal I somewhat liked, I would succeed. It wasn't too long since they arrived that Nino had begun to trek up the path. I quickly snuck away from my post to intercept her pathing.
"Why are you here Nino?" I asked, annoyed.
"So you guys don't kill my sister." She said hatefully.
"She's the only mortal I can tolerate, and Daniel likes her, we're not gonna kill her."
"That's probably what you want me to think, but I won't fall for your words."
"My words are the only thing keeping you alive, I suggest you don't discredit them. But if you want to ensure her safety, I'll let you get as close as you can without interrupting them." I said, trying to appease her.
"Fine, but don't try anything."
"That's my line."
We quickly walked up the path, pure silence between us. Till Nino whispered something.
"What was that?" I asked.
"Why did you kill him?" She said, trying to walk on eggshells.
"Kianu?" I answered.
"No, Grant." She finished.
"Because he got in our way. You have to realize that I'm fighting a war." I answered.
"Thank you." She managed to squeak out.
"Why? You were very nearly scolding me, and now I'm receiving praise?"
"Grant is a mixed case with my family."
"How come?" I was genuinely interested at this point.
"Whether it was his wishes or not, his family very nearly ended our family's lives. When we were young, we went to many exquisite parties. At one of these parties, we met Grant's family, the "Glücksspiels". They were so rich that they had nothing at all to do. At that party, the game they played was a sort of russian roulette game. Every adult was given a gun, it was their choice to fire or not. The bullet count as well was not specified, and the guns were rigged to explode if we were to even attempt to open them. His father, Trex, had so much fun watching the adults slowly kill each other in unrest. My father and mother barely made it out after a week of the massacre. I was lucky too. I was the only one selected to go with my parents. The overall trauma of that event still plagues us to this day, and although I didn't wish it, I was happy to see Grant, the son of someone that evil, gone."
"Damn, I don't know what to say."
"Maybe a "You're welcome,"" she said, acting entitled.
"Fine, you're welcome." I said annoyed, "But how did you know I killed Grant?"
"Ichika witnessed the whole thing, it's part of her choice to house you guys instead of turning you in, it's her way of keeping us alive."
"So I guess mortals do care about some things at least."
Our conversation was stopped by us arriving at the field. We arrived just in time to Daniel and Miku sharing a kiss with one another. As quickly as we arrived, we quickly ducked down into the flowers to watch from afar. So far, none of the flowers had changed to look at the pair yet, not until Miku grabbed Daniels hand, and then it happened, the blue flowers turned to look at the pair. I quickly pulled out my notes to my phone and typed: 'Red = Violence, Blue = love, Purple = ?' and then slotted it back to my pocket.
"I'm gonna ruin their moment." I say to Nino.
"Don't you dare!" She whispered loudly.
I stood up and walked toward the pair, who were unable to see me.
"Hey guys, what are you doing out here?" I asked rather innocently. Snapping a selfie of the couple, an annoyed Nino, and my smirking face.
Daniel looked at me with pure annoyance while Miku sat there a blushing mess.
"Kill yourself." he said.
I threw a punch at him, and sent him flying.
"Bitch, what were you saying?" I asked, laughing.
He stood back up, sprint tackled me, and proceeded to land as many fists as he could on me.
"ALRIGHT I GIVE CHILL." I say annoyed.
"Yeah, that should teach ya." he said, pissed off.
We all turned to head home, Daniel and Miku just talking and Nino and I in pure and utter silence. We arrived at the Nakano abode, but just as we were about to enter, Daniel asked to talk, just us two. The pair of us went over to the staircase, and I eagerly awaited his apology.
"Black, the people we're fighting aren't mortals."
"I agree."
"So you know then?"
"Yes, they're monsters."
"No, they're people."
"WHAT MAKES YOU SAY THAT!" I say annoyed.
"Because I know what happened to Kianu to make him choose Jared's side."
"And I know what Grant's done in the past. They're the same, and they're both monsters."
Our discussion was cut short to the Nakano sisters screaming.
"We'll finish this later." Daniel said to me.
"Agreed let's hurry." I replied, as we full sprinted to the room.
The two of us kicked open the door, and saw a nearly empty room, save from the figure dragging the two Nakano girls through the shattered window into a helicopter.
"Nice of you to finally join us." An all too familiar voice rang out from the helicopter.
"JARED!" Daniel and I shouted in sync.
"Correct, now then, I want to play a betting game." Jared said ominously.
"Alright, but first, give us back Miku and Nino," Daniel said, ticked off.
"Can't do that, you see, in bets, something must be given, and something must be taken, and your gambling chips are the lives of these five girls, and your two family members." He said.
"Then what is your bet?" I shouted.
"Simple, MY LIFE." He replied.
"But that's not worth seven lives." Daniel chimed in.
"It is, because everyone I've sent to hell has scorned me all the way down. That's worth more than five if you ask me. Regardless, here's how the game is going to work:" He said, collapsing two blue rings around my dismembered fingers. "Tomorrow we're gonna be playing Pompei, a game revolving around killing one another regardless of the cost. Your life as an individual is worth more than your partners, so play smart. Anything goes, and the boundaries are the city." He said. The two rings spun around my missing fingers and quickly reconstructed them down to every last detail. "Of course I will be ensuring that all players are in top shape, so prepare yourselves." Jared again said, cloaking me and Daniel in a blue hue. When it finally dissipated, Daniel and I had all our wounds healed, and Jared left with the unknown individual, Nino, and Miku.
"We're gonna make him pay." Daniel said, looking at me.

In Another World With The Zero Mortals Plan (Goku Black x Nino Nakano)Where stories live. Discover now