Chapter 8: Faulty Morals, Awful Ideals, and Everything in Between.

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50 Reads so far, a milestone that seems insignificant on paper, but in reality, is quite the achievement, I'm glad you all enjoyed my writing enough to continue reading. I had 1 goal when writing this, and that is to tell a story and captivate an audience, it's clear that I've achieved that purpose, so thank you all, now on with our story.
"So, you made it, good to see." The figure spoke. Today, he was cloaked in a black mask, a metal black suit that served its purpose as a shield as well as an enhancement to physical prowess. There weren't any blemishes, and along his joints were purple bright lights that glowed sinisterly. At his hip, he held a silver revolver, meanwhile on his back, a Katana was held, the same purple one from the previous day. This man wasn't human, that much was obvious. He seemed more machine than anything, and his body didn't help dismiss that notion.
The area we had been told to commune at was a field with a dirt center to it with an area of nearly a mile. Surrounding the field were endless flowers, each one ranging from a majestic light purple, to a presumptuous scarlet red, or even a deep sky blue.
"This field is special, it reacts to the desires of the ones inside. If you look on the outside, the Red flowers are pointed inward at us, that means that the individuals inside the field are in the mood to fight. These flowers are called "Kriegblooms," named after the war hidden in contrariety."
"Great history lesson, why should I care though?" I mocked.
"Might as well learn something before you die."
Daniel and I had arrived five minutes prior, him and I landing barely enough time to fully stretch and prepare. Given our opponent, we made sure to dress the part, and considering our high speed and high strength nature, we made sure to reduce any weight at all. Daniel wore a pair of camouflage shorts, and a camo shirt to match it. He had brought a small knife just in case, but didn't need it. The main focus on his attire was just in case our fight pushed us out of the circle, he would have ample opportunity to conceal himself. I however wore some black shorts, the typical exercise type. A black adidas shirt plastered to my chest, and everything else was just your average sportswear, the only real metric of individuality was my right hand, clasping one of the mysterious black triangles.
"Well then, you two ready?" He asked.
"Completely." I said with a smirk.
"Definitely," Daniel responded.
A leaf slowly fell to the ground, and as soon as it made contact, the pair of us charged at the figure. Daniel landed a palm to his face, allowing me to land a punch to his chest. Daniel quickly spun around, landing a kick from the back of his shoe to his opponent's face. Mimicking his overall mood of combat, I kicked the figure in the chest. They quickly recovered, and did a couple of flips to distance themselves.
"Very nice, you definitely improved, and over a day too." The figure spoke.
Daniel and I just smirked, knowing this fight was all but won. Our opponent unsheathed his sword, but kept his distance, opting to fire slashes of purple energy at us. Seeing as we had hardly any blades for ourselves, we decided on dodging the pulsating blasts. Daniel charged up a ball of force of will, meanwhile I used the black object to channel my energy to. Instead of a ranged attack however, this power was much more substantial. In the old world, my main close ranged weapon was known as the fierce god slicer. Here however, I wasn't strong enough to use or manifest it. However, during me and Daniel's previous fight, a stray sword beam hit one of the objects, stimulating its energy output. In return, it channeled, and refracted the energy in a much more powerful intensity. These things were conduits, and were vital in attempting to acquire success from this fight.
Daniels force of will made impact against our foes sword, and in a split second I was up close with the fierce god slicer. Landing a good stab in, it was easily over for the average mortal. That being said, our foe wasn't a mortal. Much to my surprise, he actually bled a little bit. His reaction however was irregular. He latched onto my blade, and began to rapidly spin in a circle. My only options were to let go, and risk losing the slicer for the rest of the fight, or overpower my foe. The latter was what I chose. I planted my feet, and restricted his movements. Daniel launched into the fight, providing an endless volley of punches to deter the figure. The only issue with his hits were the fact that they did little to nothing to even punish his opponent, rendering them nearly unnoticeable. The figure quickly pulsed, and threw me and Daniel off of him. Luckily in the struggle, I had removed my sword, and the figure had to now deal with the effects of bleeding out being involved. The figure locked eyes with me and quickly rushed to my position. In blinding speeds, he quickly roundhouse kicked me into the nearby foliage, and in my last moments I was barely fighting, losing consciousness. In the background, I could hear Daniel shouting for me to get up.

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