Chapter 3: Idealism Vs. Utilitarianism

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Merry Christmas Everyone, thank you for taking the time out of your day to read the next chapter! Moreover, this chapter is dedicated to my boys Kianu and Damon, two of the best people I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. So glad to continue knowing them for the foreseeable future. Without further adieu, let's get this ball rolling.
The trip with the mortals was awful. I was forced to watch the little girl while the father was out. It was a constant strain as well dealing with keeping my identity hidden at such short notice. Luckily I've adapted well with Futaro's system of life, his speaking, and his intellect. The fool was a genius, I'll give him that, but aside from that he was painfully average.
Currently my "Father," was attempting to sign me up for mortal school. This was disadvantageous to me as it gave me less time to plot my justice.
"So, are you excited for school,"
'Foolish mortal,'
"No. I do not want to go to this so called "School,"
"You can't get cold feet for this year, it's important to work hard."
"Ugh, you mo-parent's can be so annoying."
'Stopped it,'
"Don't be that way. It's just for the year."
"Fine, but don't blame me for ruining my image in the face of the public,"
"Y'know Futaro, you've been acting differently recently... are you going through puberty?"
"Mortal, that's a new one."
"Er... 'How do I get out of this,' yeah, ha ha I'm attempting my tryout for the school play."
"Wow, well in that case that was pretty good."
'That was WAY to close,'
The following days passed by at light speed. My so-called sister annoyed me every second of the day, and my father was never home. The average mortal family seems immensely self centered, which justifies my eradication of their race. Unfortunately today was when I had to go to "School" so now I'm attempting to stall for as much time as possible in order to continue my plan.
"Come on big brother, it's time to go!"
"I'm *Cough* sick."
"You aren't missing your first day Futaro."
"I can't go, I have a chronic illness in my lounges."
"Cap Futaro."
"Regardless I cannot go, 'Leave me mortal'"
All of a sudden my "Father," picked me up out of bed and stood me up.
"What was that for?"
"Well, you don't seem to be coughing so..."
"Big brother you gotta go to school."
My route was mapped, I was supposed to head down the street, take a right, and then continue straight to the subway. From there I would take train number 9 and then when it stopped into the station, I was to leave the station and continue forward, and the school was straight ahead.
While on route to the subway a boy in a student attire was surrounded by a group of three.
"I don't have time, please leave me alone." The boy pleaded.
"Please, a rich upper class kid like you should know better than to be out here." One of the men said.
"Besides, you probably have some nice things on you, it'd be a waste to not capitalize on this opportunity." The second man said.
"Fine, just know, I won't be paying your hospital bills." The boy began.
"Wow, it's a one on three fight kid, you're better off not fighting us." The third urged.
"Eh, you failed regardless, simply put, it doesn't matter how strong you are, because I'm automatically better."
"Kid, understand that you don't have any backing in this fight." The first tried to persuade.
The student, not wanting to keep this up, just walked off. But the three street thugs kept on following him. Wanting to see how this went I followed the pair. We continued to walk to the subway when all of a sudden the thugs made their move, one lunging after him. The student jumped and then kicked the thug into the wall on the stairwell. The other two thugs in shock charged the kid. He grabbed the arm of one and then slammed him into a step. The final thug tried to land a punch, but it was caught. He got lucky because the student let go. And so he continued down the stairs like nothing happened. I continued following, until the student blandly stated, "I know you're there, why not come and talk,"
"Alright, how are you so strong?"
"Strong, no. I use something else that isn't strength."
"What is it then?"
"Force of will."
"Huh? What is that?"
"Oh, you're from another world but you don't know what force of will is?"
I got into a fighting position.
"Please, don't throw a punch, it's easy to spot by any alternative world being from miles away."
"Well continue on then, how do you about that?"
"You're using a skin suit. An illusion to conceal your identity. Your force of will pushes against itself because you aren't in the proper shape of being."
"Elaborate a bit."
"Basically, because you have taken on a different form, your power isn't properly arranged and so, it's completely obvious to anyone with supernatural abilities."
"Back to force of will, what does it do?"
"It allows me to predict power, which is the easiest explanation."
"I see."
"Anyway, what's your name? Real name I mean."
"Well Black, people call me Daniel."
Daniel and I remained silent until we had our seats on the train.
"So, why are you here Black?"
"To exact justice."
"Elaborate a little bit please Black,"
"Alright, essentially humanity is completely flawed as they overuse every resource they have."
"Ok, I see. So what is it that you want to do to fix this?"
"Simple, Kill all humans."
"Hahaha, I'll help you, but just know it won't be easy."
"What do you mean?"
"Basically, while we don't have flashy powers, we do have to deal with what is known as "Jared,"
"Who is Jared?"
"It is this Earth's "elite," defender, employed to keep peace."
"Wait, how have I never heard of him?"
"You only know about him if he lets you know."
"How does that even make sense... isn't it more tactical to play strategically?"
"Actually it isn't." A random stranger chimed in.
"How would you know?" I asked the now revealed scrawny student.
"Cause I am Jared." The stranger broadly stated.
"Jared it's a pleasure to see you again," Daniel sarcastically stated.
"Awwww, thanks Daniel, I'm glad you feel that way," Jared said, genuinely flattered.
"Daniel whats the deal with this guy is he stupid?" I asked.
"He's socially inept, but don't let that dissuade you. He's a master of strategy, and he has apprehended and killed hundreds that decided to use their powers for what we are." Daniel replied.
"Alright, what do you want, "Jared?" I asked.
"Ideally, you give up. Annoyingly, a fight. And Philosophically, a debate." He answered flatly.
"That makes no sense foolish mortal." I presented.
"I agree." Daniel blandly stated.
"Ok..." Jared said sulking back down to his chair, "I just wanted to sound cool."
'What the hell, what is wrong with this guy?'
"Anyway, just letting you know now, Black, You're a problem, and I HATE problems. So if you're smart, you'll quit while you're ahead because I will stop at nothing to ruin your life if you even attempt to kill again." Jared Threatened.
"I'd like to see you tr-" I began.
Suddenly I was alone, riding in a subway car with just Jared. Over and over again I was killed, all while being unable to move. And then suddenly I was awake.
"WHAT THE HELL?" I hatefully shouted.
"Don't discredit appearances, just now, I have the ability to kill you however I wanted, whenever I wanted." Jared happily stated. "Well then, while the subway is coming to a stop, I'll be heading off. See you two at school."
"Well, that was something." Daniel laughed.
"I want to kill him, SO BAD!"
Mortal school is awful. They learn simple subjects like "Math," and "Physics," I can say for a fact that mortals are all stupid. If they require such basic learning at this age, they are nothing more than a stain on the universe. Regardless, it was now lunch time.
'That mortal said to keep the budget low, if I want to continue my cause, it may be best to just overspend,'
After a brief order I was in my seat, with the cheapest meal I could buy.
'Damn sentimentality.'
"Hey! Wanna play chess Black?" The bane of my existence questioned.
"Why are you here Jared?" I asked, annoyed.
"Well, I wanted to play chess with Damon, but he was talking to friends, so then I asked Grant, but he doesn't like chess, so I came here."
"What do I get when I win?"
"I'll do your homework?"
"How is this at all advantageous to you?"
"Uhm, I really have no idea hahaha,"
"Exactly, then leave me."
"Ok..." The idiot sulked off.
"Hey bro, don't bully Jerry boy," A different boy shouted at me.
"HEY STAY OUT OF THIS!" I shouted at him.
All of a sudden a multitude of students in the lunchroom were against me.
"I HOPE ALL OF YOU DIE!" I bickered, hoping they would all give up.
The crowd was unrelenting though, shouting at me for not playing chess.
As soon as I said that, the entire crowd disappeared, leaving just Jared. Acting like nothing had happened, Daniel walked in from out of nowhere.
"Yo, Black." Daniel casually greeted, before taking a seat at the table.
Jared casually set up the board, but just before we could play, a strange red head strolled over to the table, her head raised high, and a sort of "Better than you," attitude pulsing from her. She was 5'7, wearing a red shirt and green skirt, and a pair of star earrings hanging from her ears.
"Hey you," she said motioning over to Jared.
Jared looked deep in thought, basic reasoning dictates that he's formulating a plan.
"Oh, yeah what's up?" He said with confidence faltering from his voice.
"What did you get on that test?" She asked him.
"Um... I missed #38 cause I got confused and second guessed myself, but aside from that I got 99/100."
Shocked, the girl's hair seemingly went from a deep red to a bland gray. But I had no time to pay attention to that.
"LOSER," I shouted at the fool.
"Hey that's rud-" the red head attempted to say but I shushed her with my next statement.
"Shut it pig."
The cafeteria fell silent. A few whispers were heard, but aside from that not a single sound erupted off of any individual. All of a sudden a boy, clocking in at 5'11, brown hair and a tan skin tone, burst out laughing.
"Eyo Kianu you can't laugh at that," Jared said trying to hold back his own laughter.
"Man I can't not laugh at that, he destroyed her!" the boy said back.
"Well, that's true." Jared said laughing as well. "Alright Black, that was hilarious, we'll play chess later, I need to calm down after that."
I watched the blue clad boy walk off, attempting to do the cliche "disappear as a car passes technique," while Kianu joined him, but he was easily spotted trying to round the corner.
"This guy is the most terrifying being in this reality? A kid who can't even pass a test completely," I asked Daniel.
"Yup... this guy,"
The redhead, still hiding her embarrassment, wasn't hesitant to hide her rage.
"You're a Jerk and a Failure, you'll never amount to anything in your life, and your parents are disappointed in y-" she was cut off by me punching her gut.
"I got a 100%, still have more friends than you, have a clear goal, strong set of morals and values, and I uphold my parents' desires. The only failure in this room is you." I retorted walking off.
'Why was I so defensive back there? There's no reason for me, a god, to get offended by poor insults,' I thought, walking down the hallway to where? No one could guess, not even me.
While walking down a hallway I got a phone call. It was my "father,"
"Hey kid, how's school treating you?"
"It's fine, somewhat too easy to say the least."
"Hahaha, that's my kid for you, regardless, I've got a job opportunity for you."
"What is it..." 'I can't imagine the idiocy of this job'
"This rich guy called, said he needed you to do tutoring. Would you be ok with that?"
'And there it is, more things in the way of the zero mortal's plan, regardless I need the cash' "All right, I got it. When do I start?"
"Today after school. Address is 2934 Westmore Street, floor 8."
"Alright, I'll see to it that I succeed."
With that call concluded only a few minutes remained to lunch. A hush was heard as an ominous silence filled the air. The sound of heels clacking was all that was heard. A very angry dark pink haired girl was making her way down the hall, her rage silencing the murmurs of nearby students.
"WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?" She shouted. Not wanting to stick around with all this noise, I began to walk off.
Realizing she was talking to me, I turned around.
"Miss if you don't mind, not everyone wants to lose their brain cells, and every second you're here I feel mine in particular get smoother and smoother."
"Alright tough guy, here's a bit of a rhetorical question for you, why is it that the only thing you have going for your name is that edgy facade and that annoying attitude?"
"You forgot to account for my genius intuition, and my godlike persona, and as for the question, well I'm just glad I got more than just bitching in my genetics." And with that, I just walked off, the girl just stood there, jaw agape, as if she never expected such harsh language in a fight between entities. Well, was she in for a treat when I won this world over.
The bell rang, and then it was time for English class. Unfortunately I was greeted with the dreadful sight of a segmented, table divided classroom. There were 6 tables, each with 4 desks building them up, giving them that rounded square shape. Each desk was rectangular, having a pair of two facing inward one way, and the other pair facing inward the other way. A large gap dotted the distance between half the room, dividing three of the square masses. As I peered into the room I saw a few individuals worth noting. Daniel was at the back end of the room, keeping socializing as more of a minor tangent than an actual activity. Meanwhile Jared was staying in place socializing with an unfamiliar individual wearing a cap. I slowly sauntered over to Daniel, keeping my presence at a minimum. My quiet facade was interrupted with a loud, "Hey Black!" quietly adjusting my eyes over to the voice, I unfortunately recognized the tone and pitch, and "Little to my surprise," it was Jared.
"Black wanna join my table?" he quickly asked.
"Absolutely not."
"Please? I'm bored and I need another member, you can even invite Daniel over!"
"It's still a no."
"I'll give you 10$."
"Nope, bye."
I walked over to where Daniel was sitting, and followed his positioning. He had a great vantage point over the whole class, including Jared who had leaned over and continued talking with the person from earlier. Fortunately the teacher walked in and directly "Shushed," him. The class was fairly straight forward, we were given the entire period to brainstorm and hold a discussion about our "dreams." Naturally I was curious as to how wishful the rest of my peers thought.
The first 30 minutes of the class had begun, mainly consisting of quiet chattering about nonsensical dreams. As for Daniel and I, we continued to brainstorm about the "Zero Mortals Plan." I was mainly interested in that fool Jared's dreams as his thinking was always in the now and not in the future. Regardless, 45 minutes had passed and the discussion was mandated to begin. Jared stood up immediately and while I expected babbling nonsense, what I got was far more laughable.
"My ideal dream is built on wishful thinking. I figure if I can clear school, work as hard as I can, and pool my money with my friends, we can all live more luxurious lives than most, it's a way out there goal, but it's worth working towards, every second."
Hearing his resolute sounding voice, I could tell this was no joke, but the hilarity of it, I couldn't help myself. I burst out laughing, the entire class turned to look at me while the teacher's voice peered up from my loud hilarity.
"Excuse me, what is so funny?"
"Oh I apologize, but his tone was so resolute when he read off his goals, I couldn't help but chuckle a little."
"But, he was being serious."
"Please, as if anything sensicle can come out of his mouth,"
"Bu-" Jared cut her off.
"It's quite alright ma'am, I'm sure his principles just represent something different. Pay no mind to it."
"Quite a profound movement from you, I'm willing to ignore the fact you just interrupted me for that."
"My apologies ma'am, it will not happen again."
The rest of the students presented their arguments, the class continued until it was our group's turn.
"My dream is the eradication of the plague that corrupts this earth. The major wide scale cleansing of this forsaken planet, as soon as I eradicate the temporal matter that is mortality. This world will be a better place when I'm through with it." I proudly stated
"Edgelord," Jared muttered under his breath.
"Excuse me?" I asked in a more than irritated tone.
"Edgelord lookin bitch." The boy next to Jared stood up and said to me.
"Shut up dumbass," Daniel said to him.
"Don't talk to my boy Grant like that!" Jared shouted at Daniel.
"ALL OF YOU, PRINCIPALS ROOM NOW!" The teacher shouted at us.
"Absolutely not," I prefaced toward the teacher.
Jared had begun bickering with Daniel, while he and Grant were doing some sort of "Cool Handshake," it didn't look all that cool.
"Like your "I'm gonna kill everything," plan will work, its just blatantly stupid," Jared proposed
"Oh and your "I want all my friends to be happy!" plan is SOOOOO much better!" Daniel argued.
"IT IS BITCH!" Grant flat out stated.
"W take Grant!" Jared commended.
"Killing is the only solution!" Daniel bickered.
"Nope, it's not, and it never will be." Jared responded.
'This really got out of hand fast, I've got to calm this down before the teacher gives me a suspension or expulsion.'
"Calm down all of you!" I shouted.
"Black I can't calm down, the sharp dichotomy between you and I is something I have to correct."
"Really? Elaborate what "I'm," doing wrong."
"You are a man with conviction. A man with a goal, but that goal is failure. You can't kill everyone and claim you made a perfect world simply because without people there is no world."
"Your "people," are nothing more than a flawed plague, an infection sent to this earth to corrupt it."
"For every good person, there is 1 bad person. Good people affect the area around them, and only 1 person can change 100 bad people. Point is, this world isn't perfect, but it's damn close, and I won't let some alleged "God," take away everything that thousands of people have created over centuries."
"Your statistics are nothing but wishful thinking, you fail to realize just how major 1 bad person can be. 10 bad people can snuff out the light in 1 good person. So why not remove the faltering good and bad people?"
"Because everyone deserves a second chance, and THAT is why this world is nearly perfect, because everyone gets their second chance."
"But what about those who can't change? Then what do you do with them?"
"You inspire them to change, and I think YOU can change, just follow me. There are some major events on route, so please, just help me, adopt my goals, follow my philosophy, and join me so together you and I can perfect the world."
"I would have to disagree, by eradicating the problems from the source, we in essence perfect the world. So by killing humanity, those forced to struggle under their rain can prosper."
"It's apparent that our philosophy can never align then, but despite that, you've proved to me all the more that you can change."
At this point the class was silent, the teacher was applauding.
"A miraculous performance! The pair of you had a wonderful discussion, the characters you portrayed were absurdly amazing! And the duality of the discussion appeared as if you two were renowned as some sort of heroes determining the fate of the world! What an excellent beginning to an amazing year!" The teacher regarded, and with a kindhearted tone.
And with that final moment, the bell rang, and everyone got up to leave. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Jared handing our teacher a few dollars, and in exchange she handed him a pair of papers.
'Strange, I thought that she would introduce herself before launching us into an assignment,' I thought to myself. Regardless, while her activity was unnatural, it wasn't worrisome.
A single period remained before the end of the day. Naturally I was hoping that Jared was not in said class, however the individual that was wasn't much better.
"Futaro Uesugi, a junior this year, with the age of 19, approximately 5'11, a genius intellect, coming from a 5 digit family." The noisy girl from earlier gloated, a sly smirk decorating her face.
I looked down at her name tag, and then retorted with, "Nino Nakano, a power hungry whore that doesn't know when to drop things despite her obvious uninvolvement."
Her smirk immediately faded as a fit of rage started to show itself on her features. I had little time to pay attention to strangers however, as the teacher walked in at an exactly perfect time. Well, perfect enough for him to notice me gloating at a now angry Nino.
"Kid, I would recommend you sit down immediately, and leave that girl alone, lest you face the dean head on."
"My apologies sir 'Damn Mortal!' it's a bit of family drama between the pair of us,"
Nino mumbled a small, "Well he's not wrong,"
The teachers fuming rage suddenly ceased itself as a lighthearted grin appeared on his face.
"Ah, well if it's family issues, then please continue!"
The class fell silent, relishing in this teacher's stupidity at willingly letting a fight happen.
"Anyways while those two duke it out, we're gonna play a game of... Dodgeball!"
"Against who?" A familiar boy asked.
"Those kids slaving away under that moron Gray."
"Whose Gray?" Another student asked, this time a short haired girl.
"My undying rival," our teacher said boldly. "I figure you should know the name of the best teacher at the school. My name is Stark, and I've won the "Most athletic Award," 5 years in a row."
The doors in the middle of the room opened up and revealed a separate group of students. In the middle of the field lay a pool of dodgeballs.
"Today you all are playing dodgeball, but this is no ordinary dodgeball, this is *Special Dodgeball* where the rules are altered."
A different voice entered the arena, I assumed it to be this "Gray fellow,"
"Your goal is simple: take out all the opposing team, while keeping your team alive, you cannot lose a single member on either side, if the enemy team is out, and you have lost a few members of your team, all players will return to their team, and the game will restart. You are separated by colors, not boundaries, meaning that anywhere on the field is free game. There will be walls that slowly cover the arena forcing players together, but those walls do reset if you take out the last player, but you have lost a few players on your side. Finally, please note that this is a game of teamwork, not skill. You cannot win if you don't work together." Gray explained.
"Couldn't have said it better myself. I should've expected such genius exposition from my *Undying Rival*"
Both sides had just about 20 members. On our side, we had a boy Jared was with earlier, named Kianu, the annoying Nino, myself, a peppy nearly orange haired girl, and a large group of not so flexible kids. On the opposite side, Daniel stood, looking rather sad at his team. At first I thought it was due to our separation, however on his team stood a few, "Noteworthy fellows." These players were Grant: the boy from earlier, The red haired girl, a strange red and black haired boy, a large portion of less noteworthy individuals, and... Jared. Rather fortunate for me, seeing as my revenge from earlier would be nearly impossible to pass up. As the teams walked to the middle, several pillars began to rise from the ground, meanwhile a large border of walls ascended on the outskirts. Gray and Stark began to throw balls into the arena, as a loudspeaker descended.
"If you get hit, leave the arena Via the ladders lining the walls. Stick to your team's side, do ensure you remain careful."
A timer emerged under the speaker, it read a number "3," and then began to count.
"3.........2.........1......... GO!"
As usual, leave your questions down here, I will attempt to answer them during the next chapter, thank you all for reading and have an excellent week! Oh, and one more thing, thanks again to my two homies, together this story wouldn't be possible. Of course there are others who've contributed extensively to my writing desire, but they'll get their spotlight soon enough.

In Another World With The Zero Mortals Plan (Goku Black x Nino Nakano)Where stories live. Discover now