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Valerie's POV

Ryan's ex-girlfriend is the third girl I saw alongside Fred and Brenda the other day I had a nightmare.

I had the same nightmare today and I was able to recognize her better than that day when I found her familiar.

That isn't what is baffling me but the fact that she is there with Fred and Brenda and why I keep dreaming about them.

Who is she to Fred? Does she know Brenda too?

Summoning up enough courage to get up from the bed, I do so, reminding myself of what happened last night at the restaurant.

Everything almost ended badly because Fred and that woman showed up, getting Ryan all reeled up. I still don't know what to make of his anger towards Fred and why that woman was with him.

I don't understand what is going on really and why Ryan is not making an effort to clear the confusion. 

Does he expect me to force him to answer me? Why did he ignore my question when I asked him who she was last night? Is he ashamed to call her his ex-girlfriend? What exactly transpired between them and why do I find her name familiar too?

If I find her face familiar, then that should be from the dream but did I also hear her name from the dream I had when I saw her with Fred and Brenda?

I don't know if it's the little drink Ryan and I shared last night that is making my head bang this way or if it is because of how the numerous questions are spinning in my head.

I can't even find any answers to any of the questions and it is irking me.

Shoving every thought about Fred, Brenda, and Celina out of my mind, I step my foot down and drag myself to the bathroom to take a bath.

Ryan's mother and I have plans to meet up today. I don't know why she insists on me visiting without Ryan. If only she wanted me to come with Ryan, I would have made it tonight when he is back from work and then I can visit my dad back in the house this morning.

I haven't heard from him since the last time I visited and I am getting worried again. 

As fast as I can, I wash my hair and take a bath. When I am done, I come out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my bosom.

My headache is gone and I feel refreshed after bathing. I sit on a stool across my dresser and begin to rub my body butter on my body with another towel tightly wrapped around my head to drain the water in my hair.

When I am done rubbing the butter all over my body, I open one of the drawers to bring out a hair dryer and I use it on my hair till I am satisfied with the dryness.

Standing up straight, I proceed to the closet to find a dress to wear. After pondering for a while on what to wear, I settle for a black leather skirt and a white top with leather boots and a little purse.

Within minutes, I am dressed and good to go. Realizing that John must have driven Ryan to work, I decide to give Ryan a call.

I find my phone on the left side drawer of the bed and I quickly pick it up to dial Ryan's number.

With impatience, I wait till he picks up.

"Hello", his voice sounds a bit different today, a little husky like he is trying to get over a banging headache or his hangover. 

We didn't drink into a stupor last night, did we?

"Hi", I ignore his voice. "I'm going to your mom's place. Can I use one of the cars in the garage?" I ask as politely as I can, hoping he will give a positive answer.

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