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Ryan's POV

Valerie has been ignoring me for over a week now, ever since I told her I wasn't in support of her telling my mother that she was pregnant without my permission.

Mother has been over the moon because of the news. Everyone now knows that Valerie is pregnant.

Whenever I have the intention of resolving this conflict between us, I always find her curled up in bed, leaving the couch for me to sleep on.

I got the maids to take another bed into the room where I sleep now. I no longer sleep on the couch but I wish I can sleep beside her on the bed.

Guilt is one of the emotions I feel more ever since she came into my life. I have no idea how she manages to let me feel this way.

I feel bad for what I said to her which caused her to become mad at me and I really want to apologize to her.

She is just trying to help.

Casually, I stroll out of her room and close the door behind me when someone bumps into me.

It is Valerie and she is raising a brow at me.

"What were you doing in my room?" She scrunches up her face at me in curiosity.

I never thought I would be caught. I didn't even sneak out because she is always in my room. I don't know what excuse to give so I say the only thing that comes to my head.

"I was looking for you", I answer gently, scratching my chin. 

She throws me a suspicious glare, not convinced by my reply. She is wearing a short nightgown and it looks like she is ready for bed.

I just arrived from work. Instead of going straight into our room, I came to Valerie's room to get something.

Folding her arms around her bosom, she demands. "Why were you looking for me?"

I expected her to tell me that I was lying. I have met her in my room for three consecutive nights, other times, I met her in the living room watching a movie.

"We have dinner at my parent's", I lie perfectly, hoping she won't suspect a thing. We haven't even exchanged more than three words at a time for over a week now.

Sometimes, I want to ask her how her shoulder is doing but I haven't been able to summon up enough courage to start up a conversation that might lead to another argument.

I wanted us to make up first. Not argue with her again, endlessly.

"Tonight?" Her eyes bulge open in surprise and I nod, happy that she bought my lie.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Displeasure crosses her expression and I shrug.

She glares at me once more before turning around to go back to our room. I heave a deep sigh of relief, thankful that she bought my lie.

I thought she was going to insist on knowing what I came into her room for. 

I watch her disappear out of sight before striding towards my room. I just need to change into something light and then off we go.

When I get into the room, Valerie is going through the closet and I realize the last session of my closet is filled with her things.

How come I never noticed? 

The rain has stopped but she isn't going back to her room. Does she enjoy sleeping in my room better?

She brings out a brown silk gown with sequins. I am about to tell her to wear it when she moves away from the closet with the dress, not sparing me a glance.

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