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Valerie's POV

Fred is blackmailing me to have lunch with him because I bumped into his car. I've spent two hours with him already and it's noon.

Determined to piss me off, he asked that I take his car to a mechanic. Fortunately, I found some notes in Ryan's car and after getting the car fixed, he demanded to have lunch with me.

I know I am not supposed to agree to have lunch with my ex-boyfriend. I am supposed to hate him and spite him so much for trying to hurt Ryan but Fred has become so unfamiliar to me and I guess my curiosity made me give in.

"You still look beautiful", he comments, making me take the straw away from my mouth as I stare at him.

I didn't have breakfast this morning before going out. By the time we were done fixing his car, my stomach was already rumbling and that was why he suggested we grab lunch nearby.

With a proud smirk, I remark. "Just like Brenda."

He turns his face away and curses under his breath. "Brenda is nowhere close to your beauty, Val and you know it."

"Don't call me that ever again", I warn him, adrenaline shooting up my spine. "You think I'm here with you because I want to? Do you think I'm here so we can discuss the bullshit you did? Don't get me started, Fred."

I take a drag of the milk shade, turning my face away from him.

"Hey, come on. I already told you Brenda and I are not together. What happened was a mistake that I will continue to regret for the rest of my life."

A short laugh escapes my mouth, not because I find him funny but because he thinks I am a fool and I will fall for this again.


I should finish up and get out of here.

"You don't believe me, right?" He points to his chest. "What do I have to do to prove to you that we are not together?"

"Get lost! Never show your face to me again! That's the only thing I need from you, can you do that?"

My interest in knowing about Celina whom I saw with him at my dinner date with Ryan last night is beginning to go down drastically.

She is the reason why I am here because I thought I would find my answer since Ryan isn't ready to tell me who she is.

"Brenda was your friend, Val…"

"Who you cheated on me with", I yell with annoyance, grabbing the attention of others. Trying to calm my nerves, I warn again. "Don't get me mad, Fred, and don't call me Val."

Ryan now calls me that. It should be exclusive to him because Fred doesn't deserve that honor.

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