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Valerie's POV 

The sight of her cold feet almost sends me spiraling to the floor as I let out a loud gasp with my hands flying to my mouth.

She is no longer the woman I came here to visit yesterday. She is pale white and gone.

This is when it suddenly dawns on me.

When I heard Celina telling Ryan over the phone that his Mother was dead, I almost laughed out loud because I wasn't shocked like Ryan was. It felt like a joke.

How could she be dead? We saw her yesterday, she was getting better than ever before, then how could she be dead today?

The added information about the attack on the hospital is enough to make me believe as well as the sight before me.

She didn't die a natural death. She didn't die due to complications from the surgery. She didn't die as a result of the fake cancer diagnosis. 

She was killed.

I begin to go down slowly as I continue to watch her from where I stand. The sight of her feet is doing unimaginable things to my reasoning.

She shouldn't be dead. That bastard should take her place. She is too good to be dead.

She is the reason why I am still here after all. She is the reason why my path even crossed paths with her son.

Ryan has refused to come in here. She was carried out of the room she was in yesterday immediately she was confirmed dead. Ryan couldn't come here with me but I wanted to see for myself that this is all a joke but now it isn't.

A low sob escapes my mouth, making me realize how surreal this is.

The nurse is saying something to me but I can't hear her. My head is spinning and my heart is in pain.

The sobs turn into a loud wail until someone picks me up from the ground. Without seeing who it was, I turn around and embrace him until his familiar cologne fans my nostril and I begin to cry all over again.

I am crying for many reasons.

Because she is dead and she doesn't deserve it. Because she is dead and didn't get to see her grandchild like she has always wanted. Because she died when we thought she wouldn't anymore. Because she is dead and that monster is still out there roaming freely on the streets.

And finally, because of Ryan.

The pain he must be feeling right now would be unexplainable. He loves her. If he didn't, he wouldn't have agreed to marry me in the first place.

He doesn't even know who his real father is yet and the only person he shares a bond with is gone now.

His blood.

I know how much they both mean to each other. I know how much she loves to talk about him and his childhood. I know how much she craves to see him happy and with kids running around the house. And I know how much she means to Ryan.

The bond between them is unbreakable even in death. And that monster will pay for this.

"Let's go", he grabs my hand and we begin to move out. Close to the exit, the nurse stops us and he lets go of my hand.

Because of the tears still streaming down my eyes and because I don't want to look him in the eyes to see how pained he is, I continue to watch my feet, trying to absorb everything.

"One of the cleaners saw this note in her room after the incidents." I hear her say to Ryan as he moves closer to take the note from her.

"Thank you", I hear him say back to her before coming back to meet me. With his arms around my shoulder, we take the exit out.

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