The First step

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Now he did it again.

He breaks her heart every timeline.

She has enough.

It was at the evening where takemitchi stood on the door and said the words that she begun to hate every time line more and more.

"hina lets break up-

I don't think that I'm fit to be with you but I really love you so please don't think it's because of you , I just don't think that It will work"

Hinata just stood there with a blank stare, thinking in high speed. She couldn't do it anymore, couldn't stand it that she was so dump and naive. Thinking this time his choice will become better.

In his option this is really the best idea he has come to mind?

She knew there were so much better options than breaking her heart over and over again.
Hinata could help him, be by michis side, like she dreamed. But he denies everything, just doing it all by himself, nothing can stop him to rescuing his "friends" and her.

There was it, his "friends".

They are nice, funny  and even loyal if you give something.

What she means by that?

Her michi gives his live for them, his future, love, kindness and so much more.
He's trying everything in his power to help them. At what cost?
Making bad decisions like this and just thinking "I will save them?"
But what about him?
His family?
About her?

Yea, he loves her desperately to hell and back.
BUT Michi doesn't see how it's destroying himself.

Every day he's not much present, staring in the air trying to think how he can beat all the grab by himself. Coming with bruises even one time with a stab wound in the hospital.
Not sleeping regularly because his out with his friends in the night.
Hinata tried everything to talking to him to dragging him home even so It's no use, like you're trying to fight a wall.

She is just tired of all the things.
She sleeps less than before, lost weight, has eye bags like a damn pander.
Then there are the memories, where she sees every timeline when michi is going back to the future. Dead everywhere you look, fighting to no end, cry's of her loved ones.
At first it was just fragments of memories, with time it became worse. The night, is now the biggest fear she has. Fearing there are more dramatic consequences she will see.
The far most scary was when she saw his dead.
That's were she began to think.

It began with her, so shouldn't it end with her?
When she was not there, will he not suffer anymore?
The people she love will they be happy?
Happy that there is no death?
Will therefore be not so much suffer?
Or is she just making it all up?
Making herself go crazy of nothing because he got the power, he technically was to be first travelling to the past and changing all things or?

Looking into his eyes she sees her world. The love of two soulmates. Two people who need each other. Even when the other one is not honest.
And there she was beginning to understand that love can't be achieved when both are suffering.

Looking away from his blue eyes she begun

      "It's okay michi, I unterstand it, just so you know you have a place in my heart no one else ever could have, I see how you are struggling, I'm sorry I was not a big help really. I had a feeling this will come. I just want now my space I need. Please tell your friends they should leave me alone. Thank you for the beautiful memories, I hope you will find someone better who is good enough for you."

Takemitchi looked surprised at her.
He didn't think she will take it well.
Even so his heart is breaking at this point, the words she said are cutting like fine splitters in his heart.

Trying not to cry at what she said, regretting the decision, his arms are now trying to reach out for her.
Just to find that she already slammed the door before he could say something.

 Just to find that she already slammed the door before he could say something

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702 words. Chapter 2 in working( coming out tomorrow)

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