Your not alone

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Maybe, true happiness is when we are happy with ourselves.
- faraway

Her eyes widened in amazement as she looked at her own reflection.
Hinata's heart began to beat faster as she moved closer to the mirror to take a closer look at her reflection. It was undoubtedly her - the same short dark hair, the same soft features, the same familiar smile. But something wasn't right. Something was different.
The light coming through the windows was different - it had a warm, nostalgic glow that gave her a mix of joy and unease. Hinata panicked as she realized she was no longer in the present. But how could that be? And above all, how could she return?

She turned away from the mirror and stared down the hall, searching for answers. But all she saw was the familiar surroundings of her old home, which gave her no clues as to how she got here or how to return.

She turned away from the mirror and stared down the hall again, searching in hope for answers. But all she saw was the familiar surroundings of her old home, which gave her no clues as to how she got here or how to return.

A noise behind her made Hinata spin around. There was a figure standing there that she immediately recognized as her younger brother. Her heartbeat quickened as she realized that she was actually in the past, a time when her brother was just a little boy.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" her brother asked confused. "Are you okay?"

Hinata's mind was reeling. She didn't know what to say. Should she tell the truth and risk being called crazy? Or should she lie and try to talk her way out of this situation?

Before she could make a decision, she suddenly asked in a strong voice, "What are you doing up so late?" You should be in bed by now" it was as if someone had possessed her in the panic.

Her brother looks at her nervously and says nothing, as if he's hiding something from her. He plays with his hands that he tried to hide but it didn't work.

Hinata analyzed him with stiff eyes.
He was sweaty as if a hot summer day had just come into the house. His eyes had a sign of panic that she couldn't describe. Not the panic where he did something bad or had a bad dream, but as if he had seen something bad.

During her observation, she saw him hiding something behind his back. His arms hiding it, like it was his biggest secret. The depressed mood in the room was very easy to read.
After a period of silence, Naoto brought a paper in front of him and held it out in her direction. His head fell and he began to sob.

Hinata felt her stomach tighten as she sensed the somber mood in the room. Naoto's sudden sobs stung her heart, and she knew instinctively that something serious must have happened. Hinata stood there, overwhelmed by the sudden intensity of the situation. Her brother, normally a lively and happy boy, suddenly seemed so scared and disturbed. A knot formed in her stomach as she wondered what could have happened to put him in such a state.

With a resolve fueled by a mix of concern and determination, Hinata slowly approached her brother. She placed her hand gently on his shoulder, forcing herself to remain calm even though her heart was pounding wildly in her chest.

"Naoto, what's wrong?" she asked in a soft voice, trying to meet his eyes, which he stubbornly avoided.

Her brother hesitated for a moment before finally raising his head and giving her a desperate look. His voice sounded shaky when he finally began to speak.

"Hinata...please? Please help me...I can't stand it, they're not helping me," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper.

Hinata's heart skipped a beat when she heard his words. A wave of panic coursed through her as she imagined what her brother might have meant. But she forced herself to remain calm and gently urged him on.

"What do you mean? What happened?" she asked, her voice firm and determined.

Naoto swallowed hard and hesitated for a moment before pulling out the paper he had been holding behind his back the entire time and handing it to her. His hand shook as he handed it over, and Hinata could barely stand the sight of his shaking body.
Hinata took the paper and began to read slowly while Naoto stood in front of her and sobbed.
"Why didn't you tell our parents?" she now asked the sad boy, who looks as if his world had been completely shattered in one night.

Her heart broke as she heard her little brother's pain and fears. She felt helpless in the face of the injustice that Naoto had to endure, and yet she also felt a surge of anger that is slowly burning in her blood.

"Listen, Naoto," Hinata began softly as he finished, "you are not alone. I will always be there for you, no matter what. You are braver than you think, and I will do everything to make sure that you feel safe and supported."

Naoto looked at his sister with a hint of hope in his eyes. He felt his burden lighten a little knowing he had Hinata by his side. With the burden off his shoulders and new hope, he made his way back to his room, to slept through the remaining hours until school started

Now Hinata was standing alone in the hallway, still with the note in her hand from her brother's teacher telling her how her brother withdrew during the weeks and was then found locked alone in the bathroom.
She already knew he was bullied but never this bad. her memory goes back to the other past where it was the same situation but not too soon, Takemitchi helped him when her brother was a little older. How long had this been going on, she asked herself? Her hands clenched as she thought about it.

-hahah do you feel this anger? I know what you feel, I will help you-
Said a voice

1141 words

Dude, I'm so excited to write this, it's beginning like the first step to badas Hinata haha.
I apologise that I did not write in forever but I was like sick idk- I got diabetes now and my immune system is down the train bc I get sich like
every 2 weeks, I just felt like sh, I mean just my body was not working right :) I'm really sorry
Okay enough with this talk like ew, so the main point is I will write again and continue this book yayyy haha:)
Have a good day<3

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