It All Begins...

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it all started in a beautiful day. sun brightening up the day. people laughing. people smiling. it was a perfect day to start a life. untill... something happen... a war came upon us. it was a nightmare.... a living hell.

screaming... crying... anger... sadness... scared...
it is all she could hear and felt on that day. everything was destroyed... nothing could repair for what happen on that say. HE destroy everything... HE killed her people... HE stole everything from her...

she couldn't save all of her people... they were her only family... the only hope that she wished that they could be the one who will keep the generations goes on for forever. but that hope soon was gone when HE came to destroy everything...

she thought it's her fault... that she couldn't protect her people... what kind of a warrior is she that can't protect her people in the brink of death.

she will always carry this sins to herself. after all what happen to her home... she promise to herself, that one day... she will avenge her people death...

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a words was spread quickly in in Fiore. a war just ended near an island called Tenrou Island. the island is unknown since it is located on the strong magic region, so someone came to investigate the island.

an old man was seen on the island exploring the area and as he walk he felt a strong magic. he thought it was the magic that came from the island. but it wasn't. he then look to a forest and start to walk there, since he felt the magic from there.

then he reach a place that he hasn't seen before. the place was completely destroyed into pieces. the entire place was burnt into dust. he didn't think that it would destroy the place almost completely gone.

then he walk slowly. the war had ended for several weeks by now. until he saw someone. a little girl that has a beautiful (H/c) hair she looked like a 10 years old kid, but her condition isn't very well.

then he walk to the girl and she notice someone present. she took a spear near her and point it to him. he then stop and held his both hands in the air. ready to fight him any time.

"I came here by peace."

the little girl didn't respond. she just stand strong holding the spear with her both hands. soon he notice that her eyes didn't held a single shine.

"I won't hurt you, I promise."

she lower her spear a little bit from his throat and he just lower his hands slowly to his side. she did still pointing the spear at him. he kneel down and look at her with a calm face and a small smile.

"may I know your name?"

she didn't answer his question. he knew that the girl hurt so much. he will try his best to make her at least tell her name to him.

"alright, do you know what happen in here?"

the little girl soon remember something inside her mind. her hands started to tremble, the spear fell down from her hands. she hold back her tears. she fell down to her knees and head hanging low.

he walk slowly getting closer to her. slowly lifting up his hand and place it on her shoulder. he could feel her trembling.

"it must be hard for you isn't it?"

all he could hear is the little girl sobbing holding back her tears. he slowly pulling her closer to him gently and he start to hug her in a comforting way.

"you know... some time letting your tears out is okay. you don't have to hold it back."

" was my fault..."

she whisper a little bit. he could hear her voice just a little bit. but, it was an improvement even though it was slowly. he want to make her gain his trust.

"I... couldn't... protect them..."

"it wasn't your fault child."

"they all died... because of me..."

he then gently pat her head to make her feel better. she has been through a lot for such a young age. then he let go of her but his hands still holding her shoulder.

"look at me."

she slowly lift up her head and look at his eyes. her eyes still holding her tears.

"you are a very strong person for surviving all of this. you are the bravest kid I ever known. you have a heart of a warrior child."

she widend her eyes a little bit. that last sentence, is the same sentence that her master said to her. she realised that Makarov is almost like her master.

but different. she then calm herself and let out a sigh. he gave her a smile, glad that she is calm right now. know he knew that the strong magic came to from this child.

he notice some dragon scale on her right arm, just a little bit. but it fade out slowly, he think that the scale will show up if she lost control of her emotions. making him think that... she is a Dragon Slayer.



"that's my name. you were asking my name before."

then smile at her. glad that she finally could slowly trust him by telling her name. even though there is still a hint that she couldn't trust him.

"a beautiful name for a girl like you. well I guess it's best that I also tell my name. I'm Makarov Dreyar you could call me Makarov."

Y/n just nod her head. Makarov then look around not able to see a single life in there. he could only felt Y/n's magic. meaning that she is the only survivor from the war. he can't just leave her alone in here.

"say, do you want to come with me? I promise you would be safe in there."


"to Fairy Tail."

to be continued...

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