Chapter 3

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everyone was delited by the news that Y/n will be there watching the grand magic games. she is the only member of Fairy Tail that didn't like show up in public.

all of the guilds in Fiore doesn't know about her. so this will make Y/n debut to finally show up in public. she hate to be show up in public. or even the center of attention.

you probably wondering why don't just using cape that has a hood on it that will cover her up? or just use a mask, right?

well, she did. but she did it when she do her missions. in this case, Y/n wouldn't wear any of those thing because Makarov told her not to.

why? it's sort of kind of a deal that both of them make. you see, if Y/n show up using those thing on the day of the game, Makarov won't let her do any missions for 6 months. and ofcourse Y/n hate it.

those missions is the only source that she could find informations about him. the only thing that she also could find her master. like it or not she must take the deal.

Makarov knew it was a harsh thing to do, but it is for her best. okay let's continue the story.

it's already 5 more days to till the day of grand magic games to start. everybody keep on practicing their magic and push to their limits to make them stronger.

also the twist that Fairy Tail would give this year in the grand magic game that they will be sending two group for the game. Natsu's team and the others ofcourse didn't know any of this, because it is a secret.

only Y/n knew about it. Mira's team will be the second team of Fairy Tail and she keep it a secret. now everyone just doing the same thing as usual. but something unusual happen to Carla.

it happen after they got out from Makarov's office. she saw a vision. a future vision but only a little bit. it just shown in second. but Carla knew something isn't right. something that will bring chaos to Fiore.

Carla keep it inside herself. she wanted to talk about it with someone but she is scared that they might think she is crazy or delutional. until she knew someone who she could trust. no not Wendy, she is too young to understand this kind of situation.

"Mira-san do you know where is Y/n-san?"

"oh she is in the library as usual, it is her favourite place after all."

"right, thank you Mira-san."

Mira just nod her head and Carla start to flew to the library to find Y/n. then Carla saw her reading a book in a small table. then she flew closer and land on top of the table.

Y/n notice Carla presence and she look up to her from her book.

"I'm sorry to disturb you Y/n-san, but could I talk to you for a second?"

Y/n gesture her hand to Carla to continue and tell her what she wanted to talk about. Carla then let out a heavy sigh and start to tell about her visions of the future that might happen.

Carla is comfortable to talk about it with Y/n, cause she knew that Y/n is one of the person who knows magic the most in the guild.

after Carla told her the visions,she saw Y/n face that she didn't react at all. but she could feel that Y/n trust her words from the beginning until the end of it.

Y/n then close her eyes thinking of something. Carla visions seems to give her sort of clue. the future. she open up her eyes widend a bit as she connected all the informations. all of it, Carla visions it all connected to one thing. Him.

"i-is there something wrong Y/n-san?"


she stiffend a bit when Y/n called her name. her tone is seems very serious.

"does anyone else know about this?"

"no. I only tell you about my visions. could you tell me what is it about?"

"Fiore is in great danger... and one thing for sure he came here for one purpose."

"what is it?"

"he want to kill me."

Carla widend her eyes. she was shocked. why Y/n tell her with such a calm tone, even though she is serious about it. like Y/n knew she will be killed anytime soon.

Y/n then let out a sigh and close her book.

"don't let anyone know about it."

"yes, ofcourse."

Y/n then nod her head and she stood up and put the book on the shelf. then both of them went back to the main hall. both of them then saw Wendy sit on the bar talking with Mira.

"ah so you found Y/n-nii."

"so what are two talking about?"

Carla seem nervous to talk about and Y/n notice it.

"just some things about books."

the both of them seem to be convince about it. since Wendy knew recently Carla is interested in books also. so it does make sense.

"oh I see, well I guess you find the right person for it."


Carla then look at Y/n and she just nod her head. now, Carla is worried about Y/n when she knew about her visions. on the other hand, Y/n knew what she needs to do since she knew about what will happen and thanks to Carla. finally she will avenge her home and family.

to be continued...

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