Chapter 4

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Y/n was trying her best to get more information about him. after Carla tell her about her visions, she need to be more alert to surroundings. he could be anywhere right now.

not to mention, today is the day where all the guilds will gather up at the capital of Fiore, Crocus. where the grand magic game will be held. after Carla told her visions, Y/n didn't talk to anyone.

not even a single word were spoken from her mouth. well it's a common thing when she do that, but even though she don't like to talk with people that doesn't mean she is mute for the rest of her life.

she even distance herself from everyone. right now, she is walking with Natsu's team to the train station so they could easily reach their destination.

"are you for real?! why should we get on this thing?!"

"if you want to be late for the grand magic game tomorrow, you could walk by yourself pinky."

"what did you say naked princess?!"

"shut your mouth both of you!"

Erza then snapped at those two and scold them in public while waitting for the train. Y/n, Lucy, Wendy, Happy, and Carla just standing there watching all that happen.

Lucy then look at Y/n who just have a blank face. she were wondering if Y/n is okay. she seems awfully quite. really quite.

"hey Y/n-chan. is everything okay?"

Y/n snap out from her thought and she look at Lucy who is standing beside her. she just nod her head telling her that everything is alright. making the other three look at her.

Carla saw it the other way around. she is very worried about Y/n condition. her death is coming near. even though in her visions it didn't show her that will she still be alive or not.

they all heard the train has arrived and they start to get in into the train. a common thing that Natsu always does when he got inside a vehicle. the motion sickness got the best of him.

different situation as for Y/n and Wendy since they control their motion sickness. Wendy has to use her magic to help Natsu feel better.

Y/n sit beside Happy and Carla while in front of her is Natsu and Wendy. beside them are Erza and Lucy and in front of them is Gray. their sit position is face to face.

Y/n just keep looking out the window with her mind full of thought. it bothered her to be honest. she even couldn't sleep for 5 days. she wanted to get rid of the thought but she can't.

it surely haunt her like a nightmare. Natsu is feeling a lot better thanks to Wendy. he then saw Y/n in front of him. he felt something that there is something wrong with her.

"Y/n, something bothering you isn't it?"

Y/n lift up her head from the palm of her hand and look at Natsu. Natsu's face seem serious. making everyone look at Y/n.

Y/n just shook her head. but, Natsu didn't convince with her answer. then she let out a sigh.

"you can tell us about it you know that right?"

'no. I can't tell you guys about it. it is for your own safety too...' Y/n think for a moment. thinking of an excuse so Natsu could stop asking her a lot of questions.

"...just the grand magic games."

"you worried about that?"

Y/n hesitantly nod her head. there was a moment of silent. then Natsu broke it with his laugh and Y/n then look at everyone else that they just show their smile feeling a lot confident.

"you know, you don't have to worry about that right? cause for sure this year that Fairy Tail will win it!"

"for sure it is, we will show them what have we got."

"we will show them that we are strong!"

"also showing them that we are unstopable!"

"aye! that's right!"

"because we are Fairy Tail!"

Y/n just stare at them seeing their confident. for sure Fairy Tail has been humilated for years and it didn't stop them for giving up their hope. Y/n then just nod her head. Natsu then give her his biggest smile.

then Y/n continue to look at the window and she put her head on the palm of her hand. making her mouth cover up.

'I know you guys will win this year... but I'm sorry. I couldn't tell you the truth. I'm sorry...'

then after a long time, they finally reach their destination. they reach at the capital of Fiore, Crocus. Natsu is the one who get off first as the rest follow him from behind.

it is the first time that Y/n is in the capital. it seems so different than she imagine. it's more lively around here with a small festival in it.

"alright, you guys could walk around first. I'll be doing some check in at the hotel for us."

Erza saying taking the others laguage and bring it with her to the hotel. then she left the others. Y/n just looking around standing at the same place. then she got drag by Natsu follow by Wendy, Carla, and Happy who is flying beside Natsu.

"come on! let's explore it together!"


then they all walk together seeing a lot of variety stalls around them. Wendy seem to be the most exciting. while Natsu and Happy eat everything that they saw delicious.

until someone accidently bump Y/n and make her slightly wanna fall down. luckily the person grab her wrist and pull her up. making the both of them close.

to be continued...

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