Chapter 5

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a blonde guy accidently bump Y/n and it made her almost fall down. but luckily he catch her wrist and pull her up making the both of them close to each others.

"sorry! I didn't see you there-"

the blonde guy than stop for a minute to look at Y/n. her H/c hair shine under the sun light, her beautiful E/c eyes, and her soft lips.

Happy saw all of this and he was to stun to see what happen in front of his eyes. Natsu notice Happy is being quite and not eating his food. Natsu then turn around to see what happen.

he widend his eyes and start to walk closer to Y/n. then he gran her shoulder and pull her behind his back. not roughly cause he don't want to hurt Y/n.

"better take your hands off from her blonde."

"or what? what you gonna do?"

"I'm going to break your arms off."

the blonde guy then notice the guild mark on Natsu arm, making him remember that he is from Fairy Tail. then Natsu also notice the guild mark on the blonde arm. he is from Sabertooth.

then Natsu remember his name, Sting Eucliffe. one of the dragon slayer that is in Sabertooth. Y/n then look at both of them as she was confuse.

Y/n notice that Natsu is holding her hand and then she let go of his hand. Natsu then turn around and look at Y/n.

"Y/n, are you okay?"

she just nod her head and Natsu let out a relief sigh. Natsu turn around again and give a glare to Sting.

"listen here, if I ever saw you again with Y/n. I'm gonna beat you up to pulp."

Sting just chuckled at Natsu's behavior.. "we will see about that at the game. see ya later Y/n."

Sting gave Y/n a wink and then he walk away from them. Natsu is furious about it. Y/n then put her hand on top of Natsu shoulder and he look at her.

Y/n just gesture to him to go to the hotel, he notice that the sky is getting dark.

"ah yeah you right. we should head back to the hotel now. come on Happy!"

"aye sir!"

then the three of them went to the hotel and also they meet Wendy and Carla on the way to the hotel. they finally reach the hotel and they all prepare for the night. as tomorrow they will start the day for the grand magic game and also a surprise.

•·.·''·.·• •·.·''·.· •·.·''·.·• •·.·''·.· •·.·''·.·• •·.·''·.· •

Natsu's team woke up very early as they all seem to be very excited and as all of them all fired up. but not for Y/n. through out the night, she is barely get enough sleep.

she felt she is being watch by someone and it alert her very much. she already tried to sleep by taking a meditation that she always do while she train and tried to calm her mind. but it didn't work at all.

they were all waiting inside the stadium where all the contestants are waiting for the opening ceremony of the game. Erza notice her friend that she has been zoning out since morning.

"Y/n, are you sure you are okay? you have been zoning out since morning. no, since yesterday."

Y/n could hear the concern from Erza's voice. she is not wrong though it did happen since Y/n came to the capital. she has been alert with her surrounding. the feeling that she felt right now, she didn't like it at all.

sometimes her dragon scales would appear, but she quickly calm herself so the scales would gone. sometimes it happen when she felt that she tremble a bit or her heart beat is getting fast. she doesn't like that kind of feeling.

"...I'm fine."

"Y/n-chan, you know you can talk to us right?"

Lucy put on a comforting hand on Y/n shoulder and Y/n look at her. Lucy put a warm smile with a worried look towards her. Y/n don't want to be a burden to her friends. so she always stay strong for them and looks like that she is a fearless woman.

Y/n then nod her head as they all heard that the grand magic game is about to begin. that's Y/n queue to stay with the others at the balcony where every guild has already been asigned.

Y/n then stand straight and look at all of them before she left them all.

"good luck."

"thanks. we will win this game for Fairy Tail."

everyone agreed with Erza and Y/n just nod her head. then she walk to the others where they all had gathered up in the balcony. along the way she tried to calm herself.

clear up her mind. until she finally reach the others. everyone is in there, then she walk towards Makarov and stay beside him where the exceeds standing at the edge of the balcony in front of them.

Makarov then notice Y/n but when he look at her, he could feel that Y/n is unease.

"reasured child, don't need to be worried for them. I know that they will win this."

"I know that old man."

then Carla look at Y/n slightly turn around to see her and Y/n just nod her head, telling Carla that she could completely handle the situations for now. Carla hesitate for second and gave her a small nod.

'he almost come... searching for me... I have to be ready, he could come anytime soon...'

to be continued...

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