Ch. Ⅱ- To Cross Her Path

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Two months is all you need to destroy a man's heart. After all this time, Vayu still can't get the fact that he was just taken advantage of. He realized that he has made many mistakes in life, but this one in particular left an unhealable wound that would last until indefinite time.

"It's really easy to just come and go without actually investing your thoughts and feelings, huh?" Vayu talked to himself as he scrolled through past conversation of him with Sky


April 30th, 2022

All of sudden, Vayu's phone rings. As the time shows 07.30 A.M, he picked up the call from a familiar person that hasn't met him for 3 years.

"Vayu, howdy man? Things looking good for you?"

That's probably the least expected question for him to receive in such a dire time.

"Hi, Rain. Nah, I am not fine. I just got ghosted by a person whom I invested my feelings into"

"Wait, what? How and Why? Man, you stay right there, you are still at your good ol' apartment right? Imma go there quick. You have a lot of explanation to give"

"Yeah, sure. Just push the bell and don't break in like last time or I will call the cops"

"Haha, yeah buddy. I got your back"

Vayu and Rainer hung up


'Ding-dong' the door bell rings

At exactly 09.00 A.M, someone is pushing the bell of Vayu's apartment. Nobody has ever done that for at least 2 years, beside the courier who delivers stuff that he orders online.

"Let me in!" Rainer voice can be heard from the other side

"Gimme a sec" Vayu didn't expect that his longtime mentor as well as schoolmate arrived at 09.00 A.M where he's still cooking breakfast

Vayu opened the door and saw Reiner in his formal attire and long oversized parka jacket while carrying a suitcase. Add magnifying glass and cigar and Rainer would look like a detective figure from western countries.

"Please be seated, I will finish my cooking first"

"Yeah sure, what's cooking?"

"Nothing much, just cooking Indonesian-style meatballs called 'Bakso'. Here, try some" Vayu scooped some meatballs and soup into another bowl and handed it to Rainer

"Woah, thanks man. You really know that I haven't had my breakfast" Rainer accepted the meal enthusiastically

After washing the dishes, Vayu took his own meatballs soup to the dining table where Rainer has been chatting furiously with someone on his phone.

"So, yeah. How are things going for you past these 2 years?" Vayu initiated the conversation

"A lot has happened, man. I just finished my master degree at Psychology. Basically I am a licensed psychologists now." Rainer showed a psychologist license out of his suitcase with his full name 'Rainer Sasaki'.

"Woah, congrats man. I never thought you would continue your study to such degree. Cause you know, you were such a badass back then in Senior High" Vayu is impressed by his mentor achievement

"Yeah, that what most people assume about me. But I like to keep myself motivated and never let others know what my next move is. So I give it my all to psychology. Anyway, back to topic. What HAS happened to you?"

Vayu told Rainer about his meeting with Sky back then in February and a sudden attraction that kept developing for 2 months. Then he gave it his all to Sky but got nothing but regret in the end.

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