Ch. Ⅵ - We Will Cross That Bridge When We Get to it

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November 30th, 2022

The sun was nowhere to be found, it was hidden by the dark clouds. Nobody thought that it was raining all of a sudden on a normal wednesday afternoon. While everybody was sad because they couldn't eat out with their co-workers, Vayu was more than happy to continue his new hobby at the cafeteria. While drawing sketch manually, he realized that someone was glancing at his artwork.

"Hey, not going out with the others?" Vayu asked as the lady in red blouse approaching him.

"Oh, you noticed me. I thought I was good at hiding, haha. Nah, I'll pass. Already brought my own meal. What are you doing? New obssession?" May asked sarcastically

"I never knew drawing can be that hard, especially when you are a perfectionist"

"Well, that's true. That's why despite being a graphic designer myself, I can't draw at all HAHAHA"

"Wait, really? I thought you must have a great drawing skills in order to graduate from Visual Communication Design Major" Vayu was in utter shock

"Nope, my final project was making an e-learning app. I specialized in User Interface and User Experience."

"But your drawing for my previous novel was great. You could portray the moodboard based on my description perfectly."

"Oh, stop it you. But seriously, though. Why did you start drawing?"

"Got someone who's gonna have a birthday soon. So I prepare an experimental surprise. Here, whatcha think?" Vayu finally finished his sketch  and showed it to May

"This is no amateur drawing, you must have had a hidden talent, Vayu. Keep it up!"

"Just May being May, Thanks for the compliment though"

"Finished my meal, catch you later"

As May left Vayu alone at the cafeteria, he drew his diary that was hidden inside his notebook.

Day 200 - I finally finished the sketch, I just hope that she likes it. Maybe I should color it, too.

Before he could write another sentence, his co-workers immediately filled the cafeteria seats. So he decided to go back to his desk and continue working. Not having anything to fill his stomach. As the day approaches, Vayu didn't shop so much, he decided to save money until his next payday and buy something sweet for his new favorite person, Pandora.

Details? That's not very Vayu, he still didn't know what to buy. What he knows for sure, though, he wanted to make it a personal and special one.


December 1st, 2022

"It's payday, guys! Check your account!" one of Vayu's co-worker shouted as he entered the creative team room.

"Finally!" Vayu murmured to himself

"Yo, Vay you got free time after work? Let's stop by 'Wok This Way' and try their orange chicken. We also hear that they have great xiao long bao beside their fried dishes." Vayu's co-workers invited him for a dinner night

"I would love to, but sorry guys. I had another plan, maybe I will join next time." Vayu declined the offer

"What a bummer! Well, then. Don't be envious when we are having chinese meal later and don't tag you on IG Stories, okay?"

"Nah, no worries. Hope you guys have a great dinner!" Vayu replied calmly

As 4 P.M clock finally ticks, the team went off without Vayu to go to 'Wok This Way', a newly opened chinese restaurant. But Vayu had another agenda on his own. He went to confectionery store and asked the clerk about their products.

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