Ch. Ⅲ - Every Cloud has a Silver Lining

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May 11th, 2022

On a bright and sunny day, Vayu went to the station to go to work. He almost forgot to put the chocolate bar from May yesterday. Thankfully he woke up at 2 A.M to pee. After that, he realized the existence of the german chocolate bar and put it into freezer. He tasted the chocolate a bit by breaking a block of it (the chocolate consists of 8 blocks, it was medium-sized).

While on the train, He was watching a self-development video. Recently, he got obsessed with self-development and psychology stuff (typical INFP finding something new to obsess with). Most of his lunch break time was also spent watching Psych2Go Videos on youtube. He finds most of the topics to be relevant to his life. He decided that one day when he wanted to continue his study to master degree, he would choose Psychology as his major, at least that's what he can wish for now.

The giant clock at the office corridor was ringing twelve times, it is time for lunch break.  Unlike most of his co-workers who bring their own meal, Vayu never prepares his own lunch, it is too much of a hassle for him to prepare himself some lunch, so he always go out to the cafeteria. While he was grabbing a german schnitzel set for his lunch, and buying a pocari sweat from a vending machine, his shoulder was tapped softly.

He turned around and saw a familiar face, it was the caring colleague, May, in her black and flowery blouse.

"Hey, how are you? Have you tried the chocolate?"

"Oh, hello May. I have tasted it. It was bittersweet! Like my romance life haha" Vayu laughed sinisterly

"Haha, cheer up! It's dark chocolate anyway, so expect some bitterness. Anyway what do you have for lunch?"

"Nothing much, just schnitzel, pork one, and pocari sweat. Gotta get that dose of energy to keep myself inspired, you know?"

"Yeah, I also need some inspiration to design the cover for your book, too. Maybe I should buy myself one as well"

"I think you should!"

After that definitely-not-sponsored conversation, they were sitting together at the cafeteria. It turned out that May brought her own meal but decided to join Vayu instead of with other co-workers.

"So, why are you not having your lunch with the usual buddies, May?"

"Nah, just want to get a new atmosphere. And since you are here, why don't I spend my lunchtime with you?"

"Ah, I see."

"Why? Do you mind if I sit here with you?"

"No, I don't mind. It's just something new for me haha." He laughed nervously

"There's always a beginning for everything, Vayu. So don't be scared to try new things that life has to offer" there we go again with May's advice in the noon

"You are right. Well, let's dig in!"

"Itadakimasu~" May said the famous japanese line before having her lunch

"What's the equivalent for itadakimasu in german?"

"Hmm, I think there's no direct translate to that. But we say Gesegnete Mahlzeit or just simply Mahlzeit!"

"And it means?"

"Blessed mealtime!"



That's probably the most lively and social lunchtime moment for Vayu while working at Arthur Publishing. He cherished every moment that he spent with many of his friends, especially female ones since he's pretty awkward around women. But May is definitely one of the supportive female friends he had while working there.

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