Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

"Their parents are Night and Death."

Angel stared at the three kits as the words left the tom's muzzle. The kits looked at her in fear, their small bodies curling up to each other. Angel stood and padded towards the three kits, her eyes never leaving them. The orange tabby just watch from where he sat.

Angel now knew why theses cats reminded her of someone, they reminded her of her dead sister and her mate. As she stood before the three cowing kits, her mind flashed with thoughts. Should she kill them? Should she let them live? But how could she let the last thing of her sister live? They could be carrying the evil that was in her sister in them and only cause more sorrow. Maybe this is what her sister meant when she said it wasn't over.

She raised her paw, letting her claws coming out, getting ready to give them the killing blow. Then she saw the three flinch, ducking their heads and shaking nonstop, her paw falter and with a sigh she lowered it, unable to take their life. She sat in front of them and meowed softly. "What are your names?"

The three looked at each other and then at the tom, then the brown female that resembled her mother meowed. "Ggio calls us Kit 1, Kit 2, Kit 3, and Kit 4." Angel looked behind her at Ggio as he stared back in boredom. "But I think momma called us Efah, Leilah, Lena, and Reaper." She pointed to each of her sibling when she spoke.

Leilah was the black she-cat, Lena was the flamed colored one, and Reaper was the small tom while she was Efah. Angel nodded. "They beautiful names."

Efah nodded. "My name means gloom and darkness!"

Leilah added. "My name means dark beauty."

Lena purred. "Mine means temptress."

Reaper just shrugged. "Mines something about reaping souls or something."

Angel purred slightly, her whiskers trembling in amusement. "Alright you four how old are you?"

The three she-cats look at each other in uncertainty while the tom shrugged. "Almost four moons I'm pretty sure."

Angel nodded. "I thought so." Then she shot Ggio a look. "When did you get them?"

He sighed. "About when they were almost two moons."

"And how did you get them milk?"

He frowned. "I had them drink milk from one of the Twoleg bowls that the Twolegs set out for their cats."

Angel nodded. "And when did you wean then off this milk?"

"A while ago..."

Angel nodded again then gently wrapped her tail around the four kits. "Wanna come back with me? I'm sure you'd like it there."

The kits looked unsure, then Reaper spoke. "But we don't know you."

Angel smiled. "I'm Angel, your aunt. Your mother Death was my sister, though I'll admit we didn't get along but still your family and I can't leave you out here  and let this arrogant tom call you Kits 1, 2, 3, and 4..." She glared at Ggio, he shrugged and turned away.

"Fine with me, at least I won't have to deal with a bunch of whinny kits anymore."

Angel growled but then Lena whined. "But I don't want you to go Ggio!"

Efah whimpered. "Come with us please." The other kits all nodded and scampered over to him, rubbing against him as they pleaded for him to come with them.

Ggio gave an exasperated sigh and lowered his head, finally giving in. "Alright I'll come but I won't stay. I'll visit alright?"

The kits squeak in joy and ran over to Angel yowling. "Let's go!"

Angel giggled and stood up, taking the lead as the four kits and grumpy tom followed behind her.

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