Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Death purred. "Oh it's so nice to see you sister."

"It's too bad I can't say the same." Angel snarled angrily.

Crow, Jay, and Robin padded forward and looked at the brown she-cat curiously. "Momma, who are they?" Asked Robin, her green eyes staring at the cats in wonder.

Death looked at the kits confused. "Momma? You had kits!?"

Angel growled and quickly pulled the kits toward her. "That's none of your concern." Then she turned to the kits and meowed. "That she-cat is my younger sister, but she isn't a friend. I want you to never go near her and if you see her or any cat that's not from BloodClan, stay away from them. They are our enemy. Now go fined Rose, the nice cat who fixed up Robin's wound." The three nodded and ran off in search of the Medicine Cat. She nodded to two toms that were close and they followed the kits.

Then she turned to her sister and hissed. "What do you want!?"

Her sister simply grinned and purred. "I just wanted to see if it's true. That you've return to this pathetic clan. It seems it is and you've got some kits with you. Though I'm confused, those kits don't look like you or those two toms that follow you. And the last time I saw you, you didn't look to be carrying and it does take a few moons to have kits."

"That not your business. Now leave while you still have a chance!"

Death sat down and grinned smugly at her. "No, I think I'll stay for a bit, have a bite to eat and then, just maybe, I'll leave."

Angel didn't reply, instead she launched herself at Death, claws unshed. But before she could lay a claw on her sister she was knocked away and sent flying to the ground. She looked up to see Night, the black tom with amber eyes, standing protectively in front of Death. He growled and yowled. "Don't touch her you flea-pelt!"

Angel narrowed her eyes and studied the two, then she noticed the slight bulge in her sister's stomach and meowed. "You're expecting and I'm guessing Night's the father."

Death purred and stood, padding up to stand next to Night. "Yes dear sister, to both your questions." Her eyes glowed dangerously. "Now I've not only come to see if you survived my last attack, which it seems you sadly have, but I've also come to tell BloodClan that a battle will be coming soon and that if you cats are smart, you'll join me." Then with that she spun around and marched out of the ally with Night right by her and the two other cats, their heads and tails held high.

Angel narrowed her eyes and studied the two, and then she noticed the slight bulge in her sister's stomach and meowed. "You're expecting and I'm guessing Night's the father."

Death purred and stood, padding up to stand next to Night. "Yes dear sister, to both your questions." Her eyes glowed dangerously. "Now I've not only come to see if you survived my last attack, which it seems you sadly have, but I've also come to tell BloodClan that a battle will be coming soon and that if you cats are smart, you'll join me." Then with that she spun around and marched out of the nest with Night right by her and the two other cats, their heads and tails held high.

Angel glared after them, her eye never leaving their forms until they were no longer in sight. Her body relaxes after a bit and she let her claws slide back. She turned when she heard her clanmates rushing to her. Scourge was standing right beside her, a worried look in his eyes. "Angel are you okay?"

She nodded and curled her tail around the three bundles of fur that came rushing into her side whimpering. "I'm fine, but it seems war is coming."

"Don't worry, we'll be ready. There's no way she's going to beat us again." Snarled Claw, his eyes burning with rage. Tyco nodded from beside him and he growled a fox like growl. The rest of the clan started yowling in agreement and the foxes started to howl. Angel narrowed her eye. 'Yes, we'll be ready for the fight and when it comes I'll take her life.'

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