𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐄𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭

541 18 59

Finally. I made it back to this hotel. This outfit isn't the best to wear out when I'm going to a fucking grocery store.

I wonder what Kakyoin is doing to waste time. It's been about thirty minutes since I left. I hope he's not doing anything stupid.

Nah, he's smarter than that. I doubt it.

Floor four? Actually I think it was five.

Suddenly, a loud bang was heard.

Fuck was that? It sounded like it was above me. Probably some maniac. Or those loud-mouthed kids.

No...I haven't seen anyone on this floor except for Yuma and his partner. I doubt Yuma acts like that. And I saw some other guy and his partner. Maybe it's them.

I'm curious.

Alright, now I just need the keys—

I don't have the keys. I must've left them in there...wait, Kakyoin has them.

"Kakyoin, open the door."

There was silence for a moment. All Jotaro heard was a loud hiccup.


What's going on? Did I miss something? Why is he not saying anything?

"Who are you—and what do you want!? Cuz...I'm not opening this damn door. Hah."

Kakyoin? He sounds...weird. Is he intoxicated? No. There's no way...where would he get alcohol? Why would he drink...

"Are you drunk?"

"Drunk? Why? Why would I be drunk?"

"Open the door."

"I don't wannnaaaaa!"

Something is wrong. He's drunk. I know he is, he's starting to slur his words. God damnit open the door!

"Kakyoin open the door."

"I don't even know who you are. Who are youuuuu?"

"Open the fucking door Kakyoin!"

"That's not nice. I don't open doors for rude people."

Shit! He could hurt himself if I don't get in there...fuck. Open the fucking door before I break this shit down!

Where the fuck has Yuma or anyone else been!? Do they not hear this!?

He might've left to go somewhere...sneak out perhaps. Just like I said.

"This looks really sharp. Should I even touch this?"

Sharp!? Is there a damn knife in there or what!?

"Kakyoin, do not touch that."

"It looks shiiiiinyyyy~"


Is he crying?

"I'm sorry..."

Is he an emotional drunk!? What is happening here!? Where did he even get alcohol in the first place!?

"Open the door please."


"I'm going to break it down if you do not open it. Where did you put the shiny thing?"


"You better answer me."


𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬? | Jotaro x KakyoinWhere stories live. Discover now