𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐓𝐰𝐨

548 16 104

"Ah~ Stop...You're doing it too fast..."

"Deal with it."

You may be thinking, "What the fuck is going on?"

By now, Jotaro and Kakyoin have been transported to the hotel. It's now Thursday, and Kakyoin has made quite the recovery.

On Tuesday, (the day he was taken to the hotel) his wounds were properly treated. It's true that previous doctors dealt with most of it, but the Speedwagon Foundation had better tools and experience.

He couldn't move his shoulder, but he could move his leg. No, he couldn't walk, not yet. But he was close to being able to.

He had to do a certain exercise every day to speed up his healing. It would be a long and painful process.

Not really. It wouldn't take that long, since his leg wasn't shot in any vital points. Jotaro wasn't sure to be happy or sad about that. He didn't want Kakyoin to go anywhere or talk to anyone outside.

Luckily for him, if Kakyoin did want to go somewhere, he could push his wheelchair for him. That way, no one would go near them.

Since they weren't needed much longer, the Speedwagon Foundation doctors left. They would continuously call Kakyoin just in case anything else happens to pop up, though.

Currently, Kakyoin is attempting to do those exercises to help his sore. Jotaro offered to give him a hand.

"You have to lift your leg."

"What do you think I'm trying to do!?"

"Don't know, but it doesn't look like you're lifting your leg."

"You're supposed to be helping not criticizing."

"Same thing."

Kakyoin stuck his tongue out at him while he turned around. He covered his mouth to hide his laughter afterwards.

"What's funny?"


He snorted and then cackled, and this went on for twenty seconds. Jotaro still didn't know what could be so funny, and that made him displeased.



"It was nothing. I SWEAR. You need to stop using my injuries as your advantages. How would you like it if I bent your arm backwards when it was broken?"

"You wouldn't. I would stop you."

"That's not going to hold me down."


"There you go with your sarcasm."

"There you go with your complaining."

"You know what? I'm done with this for the day. 'Nd don't try helping me. I got it."

"No you don't."

Jotaro used Star Platinum to grab Kakyoin like he originally did, and set him on his bed.

"How am I supposed to learn how to walk if you won't let me?"

"You know how to walk. You just can't."

"It makes me sick..."

Jotaro laid down next to where Kakyoin was sitting. His slicked back his messy hair, rubbed his face, and then shifted his view to Kakyoin.

"Hey, you'll be fine. You're doing good at these stretches, so maybe you'll heal quicker."

"Yeah right."

𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬? | Jotaro x KakyoinWhere stories live. Discover now