𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐎𝐧𝐞

525 19 58

I'm glad I brought a coat. It's getting colder out here...but this city is very pretty. I love the way it looks at night.

The streets aren't fully empty, which is a good thing. I wouldn't want any weirdos to be here with no one watching.

I shouldn't be scared though. I'm a stand user, and being a stand user is pretty rare. Well, being born a stand user is pretty rare.

I wonder if there are any other stand users here.

Of course there are. It's just less likely to happen. I'm just glad I got to meet Jotaro. Maybe stand users are drawn to one another...who knows?

Oh damnit. I should've brought my wallet...I could've bought something to eat. Wait, don't I have it in my pocket?

I'm an idiot. Thank god it's in here. I should get something for Jotaro, too. He hasn't eaten all day.

I think that place will do. Hopefully I can take the food with me. Im lucky to find a restaurant here, it's kind of far from the hotel, but that's fine.

Whew...it's cold. That restaurant better have some good heating in there...and some good food, too.

Too bad I'll have to wait until I get back to the hotel to eat it. God damnit! Should I just buy for myself and eat inside?

No, 'cuz then I'll look dumb eating by myself. That would be awkward. Plus, I said I was going to buy Jotaro food so I'll buy him food.




Kakyoin ordered the two meals he was getting, and waited patiently at a seat to be called. He sat there, wondering if Jotaro was still asleep.

He also looked around, the restaurant was very nice and clean. He saw children eating with their families laughing, and he grinned. It was truly a beautiful sight.

Once the front had called his name to come and get the order, he got up, grabbed the food, and said thank you.

He didn't leave though, he sat down at his original seat and opened the food containers to double check if the food he was given was correct.

After he finished that, he put both containers back in the bag, said thank you once more, and then left.


Glad they actually got 'em right. Last time I went to a place like that they screwed up. So far, Nagoya is wonderful.

Now...how to get home? That alleyway looks like a shortcut...or should I just take the long way? Honestly, I just want to get back soon. Shortcut it is.

It's kind of dark here. Guess they never thought to put lights. I mean it is some dark alleyway.

Reminds me of those cheesy movies where a murder is in an obvious place. Yet, the protagonist goes in there anyway.

Heh. Pretty dumb if you ask me. I guess kids get kicks out of those types of movies, it'll teach them to have some sense.

Hm...It's just getting darker in here, though. I need to hurry. The aura around here is suspicious...especially after I just passed that guy. Not a good feeling at all—

—Uh...is he whistling to me?

"Hey, sexy, come here, let me show you a good time."

Oh great. Go away. I'm not interested in you at all. You appear to be in your late twenty's...you're too old to be doing this bull crap.

"Aw, cmon. It's rude to ignore people!"

Don't get any closer to me you bastard. I can just walk away and deal with you using my stand. As long as I'm not involved I don't care what happens to you.

"What the fuck is grabbing me!? This is your doing isn't it you piece of shit!?"

Give me a break already. Quit whining, you're the one who started it in the f—


When...did he pull out a gun?

He shot me in...
the shoulder...the shoulder with my scar.

I'm not even done healing that yet—it still hurts now and then...

"What the hell!?"

"Now I get a reaction?"

Shit—this hurts...There's a damn bullet in my shoulder! I can feel blood dripping down my back...

I need to pay attention. I can't worry about this right now...I need to control my breathing...

I'm dizzy. I'm starting to get dizzy...I need to stay upright. I need to stay up, I don't know what to expect if I pass out. Stay awake...please.

"That's what you get for not listening. Stay put, you better not move."

I need to summon my stand—I need to breathe. I'm breathing way too quickly...I need to calm down. Calm down.

The blood loss is taking a toll on me.

I can't shut my eyes.

If only I never went on this walk...hah, things could've gone differently.

What's he doing..?

"Don't touch me!"

"If you move doll face, I will shoot you again, and this time I won't miss."

I just need to summon my stand. I need to breathe calmly. I need to breathe. Just fix my breathing...don't stress out.

I'm going to be okay.

"Hey! There you go doing that weird shit again! What the fuck did I tell you!?"


I can't do anything. I'm at his mercy...I can't move anymore. I can't move my leg...this bastard really shot my leg!

I can't move. I can't push...I need to make sure I don't lose a lot of blood. No. I'm starting to think passing out would be better. I don't want to feel this...I don't want to feel this bastard's own lips kissing my body. I don't want to feel this anymore. I would rather die.

I have to sit here just to feel this this whole time. I can't do anything but take this until I fade.
All I wanted to do was go on a walk. Last time this happened I just...I don't know. I didn't think it was bad. Maybe this is what I deserve. I'm stupid. I'm so stupid...

I'm bleeding a lot. It's warm...how is it warm? Should I stay awake? I need to stay awake...I need to do something. No. It's getting cold...what's happening?

Am I dying? Am I...going to die? Were those shots fatal..? Am I really going to die? My vision is so blurry...

I can't see. I can't hear. I can't feel anything anymore.

I'm sorry, Jotaro.

1090 words

𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬? | Jotaro x KakyoinWhere stories live. Discover now