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"Zhoumi, are you here?"I said.
"Yeah,I'm in my room."He said.
I opened his door.
"Yesung,said that he missed me...."I said.
"Well,go back to their dorm."He said.
"No,it's embarrassing."I said.
After about 28 minutes,he convinced me to go.I first texted Kyuhyun and told him I would be there and apologize.I than ran to the store and got their favorite snacks as an apology.I ran to the dorm and knocked on the door.
"Hi"I said.
Leeteuk opened door,surprised.
"Oh!Hi."He said.
"I'm here to apologize for what happened ."I said.
"Well,come in."He said
I entered and gave everyone their favorite snacks.
"Thank you ."They all said .

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