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I woke up,when it was raining.It's been a few weeks since Kyuhyun broke up with me.I cry about everyday.To distract myself I got a new job.My job was a designer.Today felt like a good day.I got dressed and left.I was walking until I saw a man in the middle of the street.I pulled him ,but my hand went through him.Oh no!He was a ghost following me.
"Sir..Can u not"I said.
With his fingers he said yes.I ran away from him and went to my job.When I was there,a coworker told me that my manager needed me.I went inside his office and knocked.
"Come in."He said.
"Hi."I bowed.
"Today you'll be making designs for Super Junior."He said.
What!?!How could this happen.
"Is there anything wrong,miss?"He said.
"Oh no."I said too quickly .
"Well,you may began. You'll get to interview each of them to see what style they have."He said .
He sent me to a room and I went in.I said only half of the members.Kyuhyun wasn't one of them.
"Hello,My name is Julie.I will interview you to see what kind of style you have ."I said like I didn't know them.
"I will be interviewed first."Eunhyuk said.
I took him to another room and then he started talking.

*******It seems life forever since updated.Thank you so much for supporting.********

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