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"Yes,it is I let you stay with Leeteuk and I could have been there."Kyuhyun said.
"Yah!?!It is not my fault."Leeteuk said weakly.
"Guys!Just relax it's no ones fault."I said.
"Ok."Both of them said ashamed.
"Kyu....What did I break."I said nervously.
"You broke your arm,you have scars everywhere,and your lungs were white they were suppose to be black."Kyuhyun said.
"Wait???How long have I been in this coma."I said scared.
"I think about 36 days.He said. I have to go ,okay."
"Kyu?!?Can you buy me a video game that I really want."I said.
"Okay,which one?"He said.
"STARCRAFT!!!!!Please..."I shouted.
"Ok."He said.
After he left,Leeteuk started saying things to me.
"Julie,I am so sorry."He said sadly.
"No,Leeteuk it is not your fault."I said.
"I was so worried about you because you wouldn't wak.....He was interupted by a knock.
"Come in."I said.
Then all the Super Junior members were there with microphones.

**********Thank you so much and please comment,vote,and share.I will like to thank MariMorales125 & kyubaekseungtae_kjd for voting for my story.****************************

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