𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕥𝕨𝕖𝕝𝕧𝕖: ℂ𝕝𝕒𝕦𝕕𝕖

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Audrey had the same schedule for the rest of the week getting up early, studying, Anastacius annoying her, more studying, fighting lessons, history and so on.

Yes, the crown prince found great pleasure in annoying Audrey. A bit surprising but not very unexpected.

It was the crown prince after all.

Audrey was a bit of a perfectionist. She didn't like making mistakes and Anastacius decided to annoy her about it every chance he gets bragging about how perfect he is.

Which isn't really true.

Audrey was settling in nicely she became somewhat friends with Felix the boy being somewhat shy but a ball of sunshine around her.

Felix reminded Audrey of a puppy dog........she likes to pat his head alot it's one of her joys in life. The younger boy's hair was already so soft and smooth patting his head felt like patting a cloud.

Audrey surprisingly had alot of knowledge she knew most of the stuff she was learning which made it quite easy for her.

Audrey figured she knew alot from wherever she came from. Most of the things she was learning felt familiar to her some information feeling somewhat new to her.

Audrey was out on a stroll through the gardens already finished with her lessons for the day. Audrey already had enough of Anastacius annoying her so she decided to get some fresh air.

She had the urge to punch the crown prince but she didn't knowing she'll get in trouble and she doesn't want that.

Audrey continued to walk around the garden admiring the beautiful flowers around her, birds chirping happily flying in the sky.

Audrey felt at peace closing her eyes listening to the sounds around her calming her down from her stressful day.

The sound of footsteps on grass snapped Audrey out of her thoughts, the female's head snapping towards the direction of the soft crushing of the grass.

The footsteps suddenly halted as Audrey's head turned a tuff of soft blonde hair filling Audrey's vision as the person in question quickly turned to hide behind a tree.

Audrey carefully placed her hand on her thigh where her dagger rested, the female walking carefully towards the tree while keeping her hand near her dagger in case it was an assassin wanting to hurt her or the royal family.

The figure moved again trying to run away quickly Audrey quickly grabbing the figure pressing her dagger against the figure's neck as they gasped at the dagger.

"Who are you?" Audrey asked her voice cold a void of no emotion.

The figure which appeared to be of a boy the same height as her wearing a simple white blouse and black pants, soft blonde hair framing his face his pale face getting paler as he took in shallow breaths his eyes blown wide.

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