【Requests Open】

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(Fun fact: The header is my pfp and I only made it after not using firealpaca for years~)

Hello!!! I will be taking Requests here-! But there's a few rules I should add before continuing, they will be listed down below.


1. Im not writing r*pe. ever. (Ive seen far too many r*pe fics and Im losing hope for this fandom)
2. I am willing to write smut, but no fetish stuff.. (kinks are okay). Im fine with certain ones to varying degrees, I wont write things like  'Ticklefics' (didntknowtherewasawordforthat) per say because I dont understand the appeal to it personally.
3. Im fine with moderate gore, but not as smut. (easy to understand.)  4. Sometimes I might not do your request if I'm not up to it, please be respectful of this. 5. No huge age gaps between them. (also nothing Illegal.)

Thats kind of it, Im willing to do most things as long as it isn't heavily illegal or very fetish-y^^

Also Im not very experienced in writing, (specifically writing stuff down) I usually write stories with only key points so this stuff isnt my strong suit. Basically lower your expectations ;;

Anyway now the way things will be organized! (These are mostly no brainers though)

❤ │ Smut/Suggestive material

▲ │ Content Warning

⋯ │ Will be continued/Already continued

For the content warning, I will specify what specifically at the beginning of a chapter.

I am not very experienced in writing. I am still learning, so I am open to criticism! Please don't be afraid to tell me if something is weird, any feedback regardless is appreciated.

Also, I have just started taking it seriously like a year ago and my grammar is less than preferable, (trying to work on that) If anything is hard to read I also apologize for that. 

Anyway request here-!!^^

Stickvin Oneshots I thinkWhere stories live. Discover now