Tophat King Henry x Charles (Angst)

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Ignore how inconsistent this one is, Feel free to give advice because damn do I need it.

Request by  @Powerpuffdorothy

1649 words


Charles' POV:

Footsteps echo in the background, slowly getting less muffled and distant... I stand in the Airship's holding cell I assume... pressing my back against the wall... It felt like I was here for roughly 8 hours, but my sense of time has been warped.. whether it's from the only window being from the cell door or the lack of technology, the constant humming from the outside lights is my only basis... Lights out when It's day, and the opposite for night.. why? My best guess is energy conservation... But who am I to assume? I'm going purely based on when I was thrown in here, Galeforce assigned our fleet to check an ongoing disappearance, and now look where I am, I'm starting to think they knew we were going there to ambush us.. makes me think there's a tophat on the insid-

The door creaks open and light fills the room, my face scrunches up.I know he's here nearby.. I can feel him. I-I can't see him but I know.

"Charles Calvin come forward, don't make this difficult." 

 I bite my tongue in hesitation alright,, 2nd times a charm I guess..? I walk out and the lights here are much worse, I now understand why they have power issues.. these guys have no calm with the lights,, I squint and make out a weird guy with a blue tophat.. the one who called to me. The guy next to him I don't recognize. Blue hat guy snaps his fingers and the other ushers me through the hallways. we walk past what I assume is the normal prison cells.. wait.. where are they taking me? I thought they would relocate me to an actual prison cell instead of just a holding one. Sweat drips down my face.

"We're here... walk inside and stay quiet." I step inside and the doors lock behind me.. what...? I examine the room and it's a normal empty meeting office. I walk deeper into the room, I look at the tables and they have weird stuff on them, I start looking into the drawers for anything I can use to escape.  "Charles..?"

Wired probes hit my body and I collapse after my body jerks in pain and sudden shock, the electricity making me spasm.

"Ah... Sorry Calvin~ but that's not appropriate behavior as a guest." I turn my head and see shoes standing in front of my face. God fucking damn it. he bends down and offers his hand... I hold back the urge to spit in it. "What do you want..?" I growl, he looks down at me in amusement. "Well.. first off It's hard to take your attitude seriously with you in that position." He starts laughing at me. "Yeah.. yeah I know 'haha' my arms are between my legs and my ass is up in the air what about it??" He chuckles at my bluntness. I groan.. this guy is insufferable! -to think this is the same person who used to share fries at work with me. "Well anyway-" He grabs me and hoists me up so I'm back standing again. I stare at him with unbridled rage, he's still unphased. "The reason I called you here.." He walks over to the large table and pulls out a chair motions for me. "No thanks, I don't get comfortable with the enemy." He smirks and looks at me in amusement. "Is that why you were standing in the cell?" I freeze.. he was watching me?!??  whatever it's not the time. "Now, I was thinking... how about you join the Tophat clan? You're an amazing pilot and I feel you would fit in very well." for half a second I feel my heart flutter, but it quickly dissipates from disgust. 

"Definitely NO. I don't even understand how you saw this as a possibility..??" He looks at me cracking a bit.. as in he actually looks a bit irritated.  "Right, I should've expected a reaction like this, Y'know I've always respected how loyal you were.. but If it helps you'd be my righthand man~ " He says that last part looking at me directly, I feel my blood boil. "What makes you think I would want to join you??? After you betrayed me?!??" He freezes and averts his gaze, his hat covering his facial expression, I can tell when I've said something wrong and apparently I've just hit the jackpot. He stands up and walks over to me, even after these years he's still taller.

He stands in front of me pondering for a bit, I've decided it's best to keep quiet.. It's been like 5 minutes.. He comes closer to the point I can actually see his expression. "I don't understand..? I can give you everything and more..? Yet you choose to be the military's playtoy?" I start sweating heavily.. "Henry... do you even hear yourself? You're a criminal!? I'd rather be a playtoy for the military than be stuck with an untrustworthy man like you." He shutters, slamming his hand onto the table... he looks at me angrily. "...what..?" He clenches his fist and I stand my ground.. "Henry I'm not sure you understand how much.. how much I resent you for leaving."  Henry stares at me for a moment, he looks away again holding onto his head. I grab a pin from behind me, I managed to rummage before I got tased, I undo the handcuffs but hold onto them to not cause alarm. "So you're saying you wouldn't have done the same? really..?" I stare into his eyes. "I wouldn't have even considered it for a second.. clearly you never cared enough to-"  "Shut the fuck up Charles." He cut me off, he walks up to me fuming. "Don't you even fucking dare say I never cared about you. Cause you know that is bullshit." I get tense. This guy has the audacity to say he cares? Him joining the Tophats was purely out of his own greed!?? He looks at me and looks away again still angrily pondering. 

"maybe... I made a mistake ever meeting y-"

I lunge at him and punch him he steps back surprised I'm out of cuffs, I try hitting again but he dodges and strikes my ribcage making me shiver and weaken, he barely grasps onto my arms and holds me roughly against the table. "What is wrong with YOU??!??" He shouts. he holds me down, there's no point in struggling... but I still continue squirming. I don't even know if I wanna fight anymore. I hold in any tears I could even have at this moment, my still throat tightens.. why would he say that..? Henry looks down at me clearly disappointed.  "Why did I ever even love you?!??" I freeze. God damn it.. the tears started flowing out, a very small part of me was happy he ever even liked me back but the other part just sank my heart.. I start sobbing aggressively, Henry's grip loosens on me, but I still don't even bother running.. what's the point. "Charles.." Henry's tone softens.. He now completely let's go.. at this point I'm not even trying.. god how pathetic am I? My sharp breaths and sobs echo around the empty room.. Henry stays silent.. He hesitates looking unsure for a minute, he places a hand on my shoulder gently trying to comfort me. I can't stop crying my heart out, but his comforting somehow makes me feel a bit at ease.  Henry looks away and calls for 'Burt' and 'Sven'. Shortly the door opens, Henry mutters some orders and they leave. My sobbing has calmed down I can breathe slightly normal only with occasional sharp breaths now.. I avoid eye contact with Henry.. god... "Charles..? How are you feeling?" He asked me in such a caring tone, his face softens once he looks at me..  "I'm Fine.." My voice cracks and I'm still kind of crying.. He didn't seem convinced.. The other two return and inform Henry about something, he then dismisses them. He holds his hand out and I reluctantly take it... why bother protesting? I hide my face while he guides me through the halls.. he takes me in front of a door and opens it, Inside is a normal bedroom he brings me in and massages my back. "Charles.. I uhh..." he looks away.. "This.. is your room, please get rest." He probably noticed me not sleeping for the time I was here.. he walks away and comes back with a glass of water. He hands it to me looking into my eyes. He looks away awkwardly... "If you need anything.. come to me okay?" I nod, he stands up and starts walking out. "Hey... Henry.." He hums and looks back. "I'm.. I'm sorry.." I mutter out.. hesitantly. He pauses for a bit but then answers. "No need to be.." he mumbles and walks out of the room the door shutting behind him.

Henry's POV: 

It's been 30 minutes.. since that meeting.. what do I do? The door behind me opens and Burt walks through. "Boss I know this is bad timing, but what do we do about Charles Calvin..?" Burt seemed confused and understandably so, I mean I told him to give a prisoner a normal room after he walked in on me comforting said prisoner while he was sobbing.. god when I say it like that it makes me feel worse.. 

I sigh, I love him too much to torture him with being around me.

"If he wants to leave, let him." Burt's eyes almost widen. "What..? are.. you sure?" he asks now completely confused.

"Yes. absolutely." It hurts me a lot, I've always really liked him as a person and as a friend and... I always wanted to be more but It wasn't worth the risk. I was hoping he'd join, so It could just be us again like it used to be.. but I'm not sure that's the best for him..

Burt nods and leaves, I stare back off into the distant night sky. 

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