Tophat King Henry x Charles Part 2 (Fluff)

206 6 4

I'm trying to still improve my writing so any inconsistencies in style of writing you see are just me fucking around.


Sorry for the inactivity!! I was (And still am) Preparing for Uni. I promise I'll get to the other requests + continuations!! I'm a bit busy with lots of projects.

Part 2 Requested by @MysteryShinyBlue 

I hope this is what you wanted because I just kind of assumed fluff.

1949 words  (roughly)


Charles' POV


"Charlie here, dropped off Zeta-3.. Maintaining 7 hundred."

"Copy that."

I breathe out a sigh, Its been a month since I've been dropped off from the airship. When I was released, not much happened, besides being interrogated by the military. Thanks to Galeforce and everyone practically knowing me there, It was more like a witness statement... so besides Galeforce panicking and telling me to not scare him again, everything was as usual. My arms stretch over my dashboard. Henry's words are still ingrained into my mind,  the way he smiled at me, His soft gaze and his awkwardness while sending me off. Guilt bubbles up inside me when remembering the events that occurred, though I shouldn't let that distract me from my job... after all there's still a lot to do.

The radio suddenly turns on, Which was strange since I just dropped off another fleet..

"Uhhh Zeta-3 here we may need some emergency back-up, over." My helicopter hovers over the ground. Immediate backup? Panic hits as I connect to our main comms, calling for backup. My fear fades away as the call is picked and backup is granted.. but knowing they won't be able to get there quick enough still has me on the edge of my seat.

"Permission to engage? over."


I fly my helicopter close to where I got the call, and I jump down. I carefully tread forward, squeezing my automatic rifle, normally I wouldn't wield a weapon but as soon as I landed to the location there was no trace of Zeta-3.. so judging these circumstances arming myself didn't seem like an over-reaction. I walk through the jungle reaching a somewhat empty clearing, I press on my communication device. "Zeta-3 are you there? If you receive this signal respond immediately." I held my breath for a couple of seconds, hoping for a response.

Distant footsteps approach, for a second I feel hope.. but it quickly gets killed after I noticed a brief moving Tophat from past the trees, one yawns "Hey did you hear something..?" the second grumbles turning his head towards me, "Yeah, I think it came from over there."  Shit-!  I hastily lunge up a tree and hide, accidentally scraping my leg in the process. A Tophat steps out and looks around, sweat drips down my face. The second walks in, shoving the scrawnier Tophat. "Well did you find anything?" The other grunts and rubs his arm. "Ow... also no, and before you say anything why don't you check yourself." The other chuckles playfully. "Tsk, alright." He looks around for a bit but doesn't notice me. "See? Nobody. I don't get why you insist on me being wrong all the time." wait.. oh f*ck

I smack onto the ground right in front of them. The rocks on the ground leaving imprints on my skin, I grunt in pain.

The younger just stares at me eyes wide while the older Tophat smirks. "What was that about nothing?" The other just grumbles in annoyance and sighs. "Put your hands in the air or whatever.." I look up and low and behold my rifle fell behind them. PERFECT!! exactly what I wanted. I surrender, they stand me up and get me to follow them.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2023 ⏰

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