Henry, why? (fluff)

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This one is kinda short but whatever, nobody cares probably.


Stuff like these --> 'insert stuff' means its signing, normal quotations is just Charles.

"Henry you got to be fucking kidding me." You'd expect to have a normal day if you were dating any normal person, but dating an ex-convict that happens to also be a kleptomaniac is difficult to say the least, especially when Charles is constantly met with him stealing random stuff, and now here he is berating his boyfriend over him re-stealing a 100 million dollar diamond, and of course the ex-convict tries to deny it. "Henry, on one hand I find it impressive you managed something only last night and without waking me up.. but god you've got a serious problem..." he mumbles out massaging his temples trying to figure out how he got here. Henry looks at him his mouth making a thin line, he awkwardly signs 'thanks for the compliment.. and ah... sorry for the..' he clears his throat a bit and shifts his gaze, there's something Charles hasn't noticed considering he said he was sorry for something else entirely. "....Henry.. what did you do." He takes 2 lefts into the kitchen and sees shattered glass. Charles' face is unchanged, honestly he expected something like this especially since he stole something of this size and that it doesn't fit through the door. Charles looks at Henry angrily while Henry awkwardly smiles, Charles despite being mad finds this cute.. of course, the awkwardness and his terrible acting not the broken window and 100 million dollar diamond sitting in their living room. Charles sighs, no matter how hard he tries he can't stay mad at him. "Just clean this mess up and.. you're going to return it okay?" Henry wanting to make it up to Charles nods his head reluctantly.

Charles smiles and pecks Henry on the lips. Henry blushes, they're still pretty early in their relationship so they haven't been too intimate but god was Henry a sucker for Charles' affection. "Seeing as you obviously can't return it now you'll return it tomorrow." Henry nods aggressively while rubbing the area Charles kissed. Charles giggles noticing the trance he's in, Henry starts cleaning the rubble while Charles goes off to prepare a movie night, He believes that the effort of figuring out however the hell he's gonna return the goddamn thing is enough of a punishment, so for tonight, Ignoring the obviously broken window... they're gonna watch films.

The crisp cold air let in from the window fills the house, Charles and Henry resort to using heavy blankets to keep themselves warm during movie night. Henry purposefully chose a horror film, hoping to scare the shorter into snuggling closer, ah what a slick criminal.. a devious little guy. "Henry I know what you're doing but horror films don't scare me." Henry sighs in defeat, It's easy to forget from Charles' soft appearance that he works for the military, and years working in his branch means he's used to stuff like this. 'god damn it.' Charles chuckles at his failed attempt. "If you just wanted to snuggle you could've just said so" the shorter one says leaning closer.. he lays down near his chest and holds onto his arms. Henry looks away out of embarrassment, his face is completely red from the smallest of contact, he looks back at Charles and is surprised to see him in front of his face. Charles places a soft kiss on his neck, and then unpauses the film. 'Wait it was even paused?' Henry doesn't even know anymore, and definitely doesn't care about that anymore either, he's over here in euphoria over Charles kissing him. Charles knows this and continues laughing like an idiot, Charles snuggles into Henry preparing to fall asleep, Henry is still processing them kissing, and again he isn't used to such affection but he would kill god for it... or in this case, killing god would be returning the diamond without anyone noticing because god how is he even gonna do that..? That's going to take forever and be almost impossible... I mean it's literally stuck next to the TV, they had to move the set to actually watch stuff as it was blocking it before... Why should he even return it? He could just stay a criminal It'd be a time saver... He sighs and looks back at Charles now asleep in his lap, He immediately gets fluttery inside, right... that's why.

I'll be better for him.

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