▲Zombie Apocalypse AU: Allied up - Part1 ▲⋯

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Again another drawing for the header, I made the concept for this a while back (That's when I drew the thing) but now I'm actually going to write it, or at least try... I'm better at portraying thoughts through comics than through writing. If I don't like it I might re-write it completely.

If you have critique please please tell me what I need to work on.

- Content warning: Descriptions of body horror/Gore -

But I'm pretty sure you expected that from a Zombie AU.



Tap tap tap tap

The grimy thick mud beckons to me, gripping my shoes into its disgusting mass... I push forward still, my boots are completely smothered in their nasty form, my legs are begging me to stop. Pieces are still slipping off of my boots and my ankles continue aching, I breathe heavily, It feels as if I've been running forever.. they can't get me here,, right? I sigh standing alone in the middle of the empty forest clearing... I've made a mistake.. and a big one at that.

God.. my first instinct in crisis is to run? I don't even know how Ellie and Charles are doing.. they should've been my first thoughts. The panic in my brain struggles to rest, and the irrational actions I take are only making it worse.

I grip onto my legs, the adrenaline got me up until here, and with It slowly wearing off I'm gradually feeling the pain I should've been feeling an hour ago. I roll my ankle while misstepping,, I yell curses and whimper in pain... My body is giving out in exhaustion and I need to find a place to rest... I hold onto my body limping uncomfortably to the nearest high ground. I carefully haul my body over onto the overgrown tree trunk.. fuck... how did I get here?


Right... yesterday the message was broadcasted, and everyone's phones got an alert.. the government's branches were even serious enough to hire people to go door to door, at first I didn't believe it, but then.. it was too late... to think I could've actually prepared properly if I had believed them. I sit leaning back on the edge of the trunk and examine my ankle, even just touching it sends waves of pain throughout my body, I rip off my jacket's sleeve and tie a makeshift cast-thing for my leg, stopping any minor bleeding.

The distant noises of the natural jungle come back to me... It oddly calms my mind.. but It feels like something is off. I sigh in defeat.. 'god', I whisper, I'm so lonely... what was I thinking??? It's true I escaped and probably bought myself a lot of time, but now I'm lost and alone! Especially without Charles and Ellie... I sit down for a bit longer, waiting for the rationality to hit me. The muddy areas are only increasing with this heavy rainfall... I need good shelter and quick.

I make my way deeper trying my best to walk normally without wincing.. my ankle is going to be the death of me I swear.. Atleast the jungle is very thick so the leaves are keeping me decently covered so I'm not smothered in rain... well I guess it can't really get worse.. right? I take one step and-


"WHAT TH-" I blink and look around disoriented, I'm being hung up by the leg from one of those hunting traps- "FUCKING GOD IT'S THE RIGHT LEG TOO-" It tightens around my sprained ankle making me go dizzy from the pain... I hold in any possible vomit I could regurgitate.. I hang there upside down, legitimately hoping for something to kill me then and there. I look around wincing, I try to calm my breathing and I'm unsuccessful. fucking god please.. I hear footsteps make their way towards me I wince and close my eyes in a mix of pain and fear.. I think death would at least make this easier.. I hope this guy has enough mercy to make it quick, maybe it's truly better to die before things get worse?

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