Chapter 8 - He Calls the Mansion, not a House, but a Tomb

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Six weeks earlier....

The days after they got back from Australia were a whirlwind of preparations. Miranda had issued the ultimatum to Starrey; she could leave early, or she could join the kids in New Jersey for the school semester.

"I wish I had more time to decide," Frank overheard Starrey on the phone Friday afternoon. She was tossing the pup's toy for a casual game of fetch while she talked in the backyard. "I mean yeah, I think I'm going to get in, but I'm also trying to not get my hopes up. They only take 30 new students each semester," Starrey paused, listening to the other person.

"I guess technically I would have time to do both, but I was hoping to get situated out here before the semester. If I went to New Jersey, I would barely have a week between the kid's semester ending and the summer term beginning here. I don't want to end up in a roach infested apartment because I was too rushed," she snorted in response to the person's reply, "Do you know how much on campus living would be? I'm not going back to dorm life," she exhaled. "Yeah, I'll let you know when I decide. Talk to you later, bye." she hung up the phone. Starrey tossed the dog's ball one more time and sat in a patio chair.

Frank quietly closed his studio's window.


That night after dinner Starrey asked Miranda if they could talk.

"I've decided to pass on your offer," Starrey stated.

Miranda nodded. "That's fine dear. You've been nothing but helpful during your contract. If you ever need a letter of recommendation you'll have a glowing review from me,"

"Thank you,"

"Have you found a flight back to Florida yet?"

"Erm, actually, I've decided that I'm going to look for an apartment near UCLA rather than flying back,"

Miranda nodded, "Sure, how soon do you think you'll find a place?"

"I've got some places lined up to tour on Monday, hopefully if all goes well, I'll be in one before next weekend," Starrey eagerly shared.

Miranda smiled. "Well, that sounds nice. I'm sure Frank won't mind having your company for a few extra days. Wait just a moment, I went to the bank today and got your paycheck in certified funds," Miranda exited the living room for a moment.

Starrey tucked her legs underneath herself on the couch.

Miranda returned with the check. "There you are all $8,000," she handed it to Starrey.

"Thank you,"

"Don't forget to pay your taxes," Miranda gently reminded with a smile.

Starrey nodded and unfolded herself from the couch. "Thank you for everything Miranda. This has been a really special experience," Starrey said earnestly her eyes beginning to moisten.

"Oh honey, we've loved having you around," Miranda pulled Starrey into a hug. "Whenever I smell roses, I'll always think of you," she gently joked.

Starrey smiled and wiped her eyes, "I know I sometimes layer my perfume a little thick. I'm still transitioning from body mist to real perfume,"

They separated.

"I hope you'll wake up to see us off Sunday morning, but no worries if you'd rather say your goodbyes Saturday night, since we'll be leaving at 5am to get to the airport,"

"I'll be up," Starrey reassured.


Saturday night after Frank had put the kids to bed, he joined Miranda in their bedroom.

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