Call of the wild part 1

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Images of a army of monster fighting a army of humans along with giant animal like creatures is some form of war but more then any thing flashes of a giant red tiger appear. Then a young teen age boy with hazel hair suddenly awoken in shock realizing that it was all just a dream.

As the young boy tried to reflect on the dream a adult female's voice rang out from outside the room," Adam! Your going to be late for your first day".

Adam starts to get ready for school but the echoes of the dream still ring through Adam's mind. The scene then changes to the outside of "Mission Kreek Highschool" as Adam was trying to run to class before it was to late.

"Oh come on! I picked the perfect time to sleep in!," Adam said anxiously.

As Adam was running closer to the school he stopped and notice a young man around Adam's age with long black hair that goes just above his shoulders was just sitting on top of a branch of a tree. Adam took just took the moment to look at this mysterious young man and a couple of moments later the school bell rang breaking away Adam's attention for a moment before looking back and seeing the young man gone.

"Just my luck!" Adam said frustratedly as he rushed through the school door.

The scene follows Adam as he runs through the halls of the school trying his best to make it to class at all before its to late , until he accidently bumped into two individuals. Two young men one somewhat skinnier with a messy mop of dark brown hair that was mainly covered by a red beanie, a white t-shirt with a opened black button down shirt, gray denim jeans and combat boots. The other was slightly bigger young man with bit of a buzz cut he was waring a white rock band t-shirt along with a black biker jacket, blue ripped jeans with chains hanging off the side of the hip, and also wore combat boots.

"Look at what we have hear Eddy.," the bulkier boy said.

"I think we have a little klutzo hear rudely bumping into you Zack," replied the skinnier one known as Eddie.

"Look I'm really sorry I'm new hear and I'm already late for class," Adam said just trying to get out of this situation as easily as possible.

Adam was then pushed against the wall of lockers by Zack as he said, " Look klutso we have a little new kid fee for walking in our halls."

"What's going on here," A voice called out revealing a adult man waring a suite and tie.

Eddy and Zack change up there dimeter and tried to make the situation seem a friendly as possible.

"Nothing at all Mr. Ford were just talking to the new kid making sure he knows were he's going," Zack said trying to be a friendly as possible

"Well I suggest you show him how to get to class before you're all  shown were detention is being held this afternoon.," Mr. Ford said sternly making his point clear.

"No problem at all sir right on it.," Eddy said as seiner as he could before they all separated.

The scene then changes to Adam walking into his home room now later then the rest of his class mates. The classroom was a history class full of books that looks like they date back 100s of years ago and objects that look like they belong even further back in time then that. The teacher of the class was a somewhat large elderly Asian man who's silver beard was full but was neat neat and orderly as it connected to his mustache, he even had long hair that was put into a neat top not.

"Mr. Adam Barynx my name is Mr. Ren ill be your home room teacher along with your teacher for your history class I'm glad you could join the class but for further notice even though you may be new to the school i admire punctuality from all my student. Be sure to remember that," Mr. Ren said in calm and professional manner but scolding one all the same.

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