Call of the wild part 2

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The scene opens as the five young teens gathered together nervously as the dark clocked figure to block the doorway out of the mysterious bunker they stubbled across.

Hector step in between the cloaked figure and his friends trying to come across as friendly and non threatening as possible.

"Hey there my names Hector. Were so sorry for bothering you and entering your home unannounced. You see were king of lost, we accidently fell down a sink who and were just trying to find our way back home. If you don't mind pointing us the right direction well just get out your hair and be on our way.," Hector said trying to bargain with the mysterious figure.

Hector slowly reaches his hand out to the cloaked man. A small moment passes till the cloaked figure reaches out grabbing Hector's fore arm yanking him towards the figure as he get clothes lined. The figure then jumps towards the remaining huddled together teen separating them as he continued on with his attack. The teens tried to defend themselves from the cloaked figure but they were clearly out matched to the man. Each one of the teens tried there best to keep up with the cloaked figure starting with Daryl. The young man with dark black hair tried his best to duck under the cloaked figures scything arms as he tried to counter attack in the opening he thought he had on the cloaked figure. As Daryl went to go strike the cloaked figure trapped him grabbing the boy arm and redirecting the boys attacks before pushing him to the ground with his own attack. Adam, Sage, and Alison all grouped up on the man trying to corner and stop most of his movement as they were trying to pile on there attacks. Despite the disadvantaged the cloaked figure seemed to be in he handled himself confidently dodging and redirecting the teens attack making them attack themselves more then attack him. After both the girls got nocked to the ground Adam tried to jump on top of the figure but he immediately thrown off to the ground. As all the teens gathered together on the ground and the cloaked figure loomed over them ready to attack again Adam felt something bubbling in side him. The feeling felt familiar this feeling was the same feeling he had every time he kept having the dreams of that war between the monster and the strange looking animal, the same feeling he had when he stood up to Zane and Eddy. This time the feeling Adam had just kept building and bubbling more and more till eventually it exploded into a powerful roar making the cloaked figure fly a few feet threw the air.

The five teens arose from the ground surprised what happened and the cloaked figure got up from the ground staring in surprised at the teens.

"The chosen ones," the cloaked figure stated surprised finally saying anything sense the start.

"Chosen ones?," Daryl asked confused.

"Who are you?," Alison asked.

The cloaked figure removed his hood revealing Mr. Ren the teens history teacher.

"Mr. Ren!?," Adam asked just as confused as the rest of there group

"What going on? I'm completely confused.," Sage stated

"All your questions children will be answered soon.," Mr. Ren said to the five teen.

The scene changed to a dark creepy science lab in a far off remote island. The lab is filled wall to wall with control panels of various machines and jars filled multiple creates like test subjects. What took up the most notice in the room was a giant metal tube with a red triangle in the middle. All of a sudden the red triangle start to glow and flash like it coming back to life and soon other light and equipment start to turn on like it responded to the tube.

"Stocklin! Stocklin!! Were are you, you insignificant insect!!," A deep but robotically filtered voice came from the tube.

As soon as the voice came from the tube a automatic door opened then a half robot, half mutant fly monster came rushing into the lab.

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