Test in Priorities

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The scene opens on all the rangers meeting up and gathering together in a strange cafe type store with a big sign at the front that says "Dan's Dinner".

"What's this place?," Hector asked curious on the building.

"I don't know Matt called us and told us to meet him here.," Sage stated.

"We'll let just see what he called us here for.," Daryl said.

All five teens entered the building and were surprised to see what the building had to offer. The inside of the building was like this entire cafe like area with hard wooden floor, three of the walls were lined with bricks that were lined with all types of retro records and poster.  One of them having a giants window made up of small glass panels. The fourth wall was this plane orange wall that had a juice bar and a giant black board that listed out multiple food and drink items. It wasn't entirely a retro bar a part of the store was  dedicated game area with some computer systems and arcade machines set up.

Matt noticed his friends entering the building after he was done serving someone behind the bar and started walking towards them, " Hey guys glad you could make it."

" Matt what is this place?," Adam asked the long haired teen as he was still taking in the sights.

"Yeah this place rocks.," Sage stateded in aw.

"This is Dan's Dinner this place caters to everyone but mainly teens come here to hang out. You eat, listen to music, drink, connect online, play games."

"Who came up with this place?," Alison asked

"That would be Dan use to work for this big tech comp but once he got tired of it he went around traveling the world but soon decided to settle and open this place up., Matt stated.

"Some one say my name?," said a somewhat large Caucasian man in a orange dress shirt and blue jeans as he was walking towards them.

"Hey Dan these are my friends, guys this is my boss Dan.," Matt said introducing the five teens to the older man.

"Nice to meet you guys, can i get any of you anything?," Dan asked the teens.

"I could go for a soda.," Sage said.

"Easy, your Sage Bennett right Matt told me your really into track and field events. I actually have a friend who own a camp designed for stuff like that he even has a couple of scouts come see those who participate. I can get you signed up for the summer if you want.," Dan offered the blonde haired teen.

"Really that sound awesome thanks man.," Sage gratefully said.

"That's Dan for you he has his way to help out just about everyone.," Matt stated.

Dan noticed both Daryl and Hector staring at the gaming and computer area of the store.

"I see you guys like the games we have a lot of the latest games installed and we even have a tournament coming up by the end of the week. If you want you guys can put your names down of the sign up sheets right over there.," Dan pointed out to the two boys.

"Thanks Dan," both boy said as they ran to were the sign up sheet was.

"Look it was nice to meet you in all but i really got get back to studying.," Alison stated.

"You must be Alison Hofstetter. Matt told me your studying to get into M.C.U.'s biology program, i'm surprised you not at there open exams there holding today.," Dan stated.

"You mean the M.C.U.B.E., they hand out scholar ships to those who test with in the top 20 and even allow you to enroll early in some of there classes," Alison said in excitement.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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