Chapter 13

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I felt cold. My body hurt and the cold was seeping into my bones. I opened my eyes and couldn't see anything. It was all dark. The sound of rushing water was all around me. It was loud, very loud. I had no idea where I was. I tried to look around, hoping that I could spot something. I looked up and I could see light high above me. I touched the wall behind me and realized it was stone. The stone was wet. I moved my sore body and reached down. I could feel the splash of water. I was in the chasm, that's why the roaring water was so loud. I knew that it would drown out any scream that I could manage to get out. The water in the chasm rose and receded every day. I had no idea what time it was and so I had no idea how much time I had before it reached where I was. I grabbed onto the wall as best I could and stood up. My head was spinning. I had no idea how much damage had been done to my body but it felt like I had been hit by a train. My feet were bare and the stone was freezing beneath them. I turned to the wall to see if I could get a grip on it to climb. The stone was so wet that it was hard to hold onto. I realized that my pants were torn and remembered the front of my shirt was cut open. I didn't have time to worry about that now. Judging by how close the sound of the water was I didn't have a whole lot of time left. I tried to push the pain out of my head and focus on the task in front of me. I didn't even know if my baby was still alive but I knew if I didn't get out of there then we would both be dead. I thought about Eric and how it would destroy him if we died. Well, if I died. I still didn't even know if he knew about our baby yet. I knew I had to get back to him. He would be in a very dark place without me and I couldn't let him be like that. I had to get to him.

I grabbed onto the wall and then found a foothold. Okay I could do this. I decided not to look up and see how far I had to climb. I grabbed for another handhold then another foothold. The wall was wet and slimy which made it very hard to grab onto. A few more handholds and a few more footholds got me farther up the wall. Every part of my body was screaming at me. I could taste the blood in my mouth and could feel blood running down my body. I couldn't stop my thoughts from wandering from the hell I just suffered. That was my mistake because I stopped concentrating on what I was doing. My foot slipped on the slimy wall and I was only holding on by my fingertips. My feet struggled to find a place to go. My fingers slipping on the slick stone and I went sliding down the wall. I landed hard on my side on the ledge I had been sitting on before. I struggled to breathe as new pain set it. I sat up and leaned my back against the wall. That was a hard fall and it very well could have been the death sentence for my child. I out my hands on my stomach.

"I'm so sorry baby. Stay with my please, stay with mommy. Daddy is coming, he is coming for us."

I rubbed my flat stomach and tried to convince myself that what I said was true. I had no idea if Eric knew or not. He very well could have no idea that anything was wrong. I closed my eyes as I gently stroked my belly. I had to believe in Eric. He would come for us, he had to.


Eric's POV

I didn't even knock I just kicked the door open. Zach was sitting there on his couch.

"Oh hello Eric, what can I do for you?" He said.

I crossed the room in only a couple steps and took his throat in my hands.

"Where is she?" I demanded.

I could feel his pulse under my fingers and longed to feel it stilled. His face was turning red but he still had the audacity to smile at me.

"She is a pretty thing isn't she?" He choked out.

I grabbed my gun and held it against his head.

"You tell me where she is right now you son of a bitch."

He just smiled and laughed. I could see a bruise on his face and was slightly comforted knowing that Lizzy had hit him back. I pushed the gun against his temple.

"Tell me what you did to her right now or I swear I will kill you."

"Kill me and you won't find her, well not in time at least." He said.

I couldn't control myself before I punched him right in his smug mouth. He laughed and smiled, baring his blood stained teeth.

"What did you do to her?" I yelled.

"Mmm what didn't I do to her is the better question. He tits are exquisite are they not? And her cunt, mmm it was so tight. Pity she was already pregnant though."

All I could see was red. I had never felt so much rage before in my entire life. The rage took over and I heard the gunshot before I knew I had pulled the trigger. Zach's blood splashed onto my face. It wasn't good enough for me. I shot him a few more times to make sure the job was done. This fucker had touched Lizzy. He had known about my baby and he had used it against me. I stood up and looked at Zach's lifeless body. I couldn't say he didn't deserve that but now I realized it was stupid. How was I going to find Lizzy now? Zach's had said she was alive but had implied she wouldn't be for long. What had he done to her and where was she? Had my quick temper just killed them? I looked around the room for clues. Where would he have taken her? I walked over to his table and saw papers sitting there. It was a bunch of nonsense but then I saw a pattern. It was information on the chasm and the water cycles. I looked at one paper and it had a time circled. The time when the water rose. That is when it dawned on me,his plan. He had taken Lizzy to the chasm and left her there's to drown. I looked at the time he had circled. It was ten minutes from now. I had ten minutes until the love of my life and my child died.

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