Chapter 21

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After such a suspicious goodbye I couldn't manage to get back to sleep. Every time I closed my eyes nothing would happen. My mind was running and could not be shut off. I couldn't get rid of the feeling that something was happening. I had been laying there for a little bit when I heard some commotion outside. I could hear people moving about. I looked at the clock and saw that it was still early, too early for most of Dauntless to be awake. My curiosity got the best of me and I got up. I opened the bedroom door and saw that there was a note on the counter. I walked over and picked it up. It was from Eric.


I know that you won't understand what I am about to do and for that I am truly sorry. Right now I need you to trust me. Whatever you do please do not leave the apartment. Things are happening today, big things, and I don't want you to get involved in them. For your safety and the safety of our baby please stay inside. If you love me at all you will listen to what I am saying. I will be home later tonight and I will explain everything to you and answer any questions you have. I am so sorry to have kept this from you. I love you so much Lizzy and I just wanted to keep you safe. Please trust me on this. You will be safe if you stay inside. I love you more than words can possibly describe and I will see you later tonight.



I looked at the words on the page and felt a rush of different emotions. I was concerned about what was happening. If I was not safe to leave then what about Eric? Was he doing something dangerous? Eric would not have told me to stay inside unless it was something very serious so I believed him that I needed to stay inside. I was a little bit angry that he didn't tell me what was going on. It was obviously something that I would have disapproved of so he didn't want to tell me sooner. It hurt that he couldn't trust me with whatever knowledge he had of what was happening. Thoughts were swirling around everywhere in my head. We had one window in the apartment and I walked over to it. I could see the trains pull up and almost every soldier in Dauntless jumped on board. They were all fully armed. If I hadn't been scared before then I was now. What was going on that an entire army of armed Dauntless awoke early in the morning? I stood there watching until every Dauntless and train was gone. I looked for Eric but I never managed to catch sight of him. I was so tempted to try to find out what was going on. If it was just me to think about then I would have but I had to think about my baby. Eric told me to stay inside for the safety of our baby so I had to believe him.

I couldn't stand here at the window and watch for the trains to come back. It would drive me insane. I stepped away from the window and set Eric's note back down on the counter. I knew there was no way I would be able to go back to sleep. I went into the kitchen and made myself some breakfast before taking a nice long shower. I spent all day trying to read a book. Finally around late afternoon I heard the trains coming back. I threw my book down and ran to the window. I watched as the Dauntless jumped off the train. Something was wrong. They looked different than they did this morning. There were less of them now then there were when they left. I looked at every face trying to find Eric. I did not see him or Max. I stayed there and watched again until every person was gone. I had a sick feeling in my stomach that something was not right. It was more than just one something. Dauntless felt different.

I sat on the bed and waited. Eric said he would be home but was still not here. The sun had set long ago and he had still not returned. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. My heart leapt into my throat. If it was Eric he would not knock he would just come inside. I ran to the door and opened it. It was Max.

"Hi Liz. Eric sent me to come and get you." He said.

I relaxed to hear Eric's name. He had sent Max which meant that he alive. The feeling of something was wrong had not fully left me yet. Why would Eric send Max and not just come himself. I pulled on my boots and followed Max.

"What happened today?" I asked.

"You will have to ask Eric. He should be the one to tell you." He replied.

I realized that Max was taking me to the hospital wing. I felt like I was going to throw up. Eric was hurt and that is why he had sent Max. Max led me down the halls and then stopped outside a door.

"He is in there." He said.

My feet would not move. I looked at Max.

"Is he okay?" I asked.

He nodded.

"Yes, just go in and talk to him."

I opened the door and Eric was lying in the bed. He looked up when I opened the door and smiled at me.

"Lizzy." He said.

I could hear the relief in his voice. I ran over to him and he wrapped his arms around me. He pulled me close to him and I could hear him smelling my hair.

"Eric, what happened today?" I asked.

My curiosity was killing me and I could not stand to not know anymore. He let go of me so he could sit up. I saw that his leg was bandaged. I put my hand on his cheek.

"My love are you alright?" I asked.

"Yes, I was shot but it will heal." He replied.

He scooted over and I sat down next to him. He held my hand and wrapped his fingers in mine. He was quiet.

"Eric, I need to know what happened today. I know that something is wrong. I can feel it." I said looking him in the eye.

I could see in his eyes that he was hesitant to tell me.

"I deserve to know why I had to stay inside all day and you came home with a bullet in your leg." I said.

Eric sighed.

"Lizzy, I don't know how to tell you this. So much happened today and you aren't going to like any of it."

I stroked his knuckles and looked at him. I leaned over and kissed him.

"Just tell me please." I whispered.

I listened as Eric told me every detail of what had happened. He told me everything from the serum to the simulation to the slaughtering of Abnegation. He spared no details of his involvement in the entire process. My mind felt like it was going to meltdown from all the information that was being processed in it. I thought about all my fellow Dauntless and how they had become murderers today and about all of the innocent Abnegation that had lost their lives. I was going to be sick. I let go of Eric's hand and dashed for the trashcan in the corner of the room. I heard Eric hobbling over to me as I began to throw up. He pulled my hair back from my face and rubbed my back. His touch made my skin crawl. The man that I loved, my fiancé and the father of my child had helped murder other people's children today. I wiped my mouth and shook off his touch. I back away from him. I couldn't even stand to look at him.

"Lizzy..." he started.

I held up my hand.

"No, don't...I just...I can't..."

I couldn't even form my thoughts into words because I could not manage to wrap my head around them. I headed for the door and Eric moved to stop me. I shoved at him and his leg wound did not allow him to brace himself to stop me. I flung open the door and began to run. I had no idea where I was running to but I couldn't stop my legs from running.

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