Chapter 23

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My emotions only became more conflicted as the Dauntless compound passed completely out of view. I sat down in the train car and saw 5 pairs of eyes looking at me. I knew these people but not very well. Marley was sitting next to me and she patted my leg. The people across the train car continued to stare.

"Aren't you Eric's girl?" one of them asked.

I didn't know how to answer that question. Yes, I had been but was I now. Marley spoke up for me.

"Yes, she is but she isn't part of everything that happened today. She didn't know." She said.

I smiled at her for defending me. I was in no mood to try to explain myself to others. I leaned my head back against the train car and closed my eyes. I tried to focus on the steady rocking of the train instead of the thoughts swarming in my head. I don't know if it was the motion or the stress but I felt my stomach begin to churn. I stood up quickly and ran to the door. I held onto the side and began to throw up. Marley came up behind me and held onto me. I continued to throw up outside the train car until there was nothing left. I spit and wiped my mouth then stood back up. Marley watched me closely.

"Are you okay?" she asked.

I nodded.

"Yeah, I'm okay now." I said sitting back down.

Marley sat back down too.

"Is it the baby?" she asked.

"Probably and just the stress."

The same person who spoke up before scoffed.

"Great so Eric's pregnant fiancé is with us now. Put us in a little more danger why don't you?" he said.

"Blaine shut up okay. Amity is a safe place." Marley said.

I looked at the people across from me.

"Please don't tell anyone. I need this baby to be a secret. Can you please keep it a secret?"

They all shrugged and nodded.

"Whatever. None of my business anyway." Blaine said.

His previous words rang in my ears. I hadn't thought about anyone else when I jumped onto the train. I had put all of these people in danger. I knew without a doubt that Eric would come looking for me. I had no idea what he would do to those who tried to keep me from him. I could be putting the entire faction in danger by coming to them. Marley reassuringly rubbed my knee and smiled at me.

"It's okay. We can figure everything out when we get there." She said.

I was so thankful for my friend. I leaned my head against her as the train continued to Amity. An hour later we were getting ready to jump. Marley looked at me.

"Are you okay to jump? Is it safe for you?" she asked.

I shrugged my shoulders.

"I don't know but I have to jump. I can't just stay on the train. I will be careful though." I said.

I could see a patch of grass coming up and decided it would be the best place to jump. Everyone jumped out ahead of me and I stood there waiting. I took a deep breath and jumped for the grass. I wrapped my arms around my stomach and jumped. I rolled as I landed and the impact was not as bad as I thought it was going to be. I stood up and brushed the dirt off of me. Marley jogged over.

"You good?" she asked.

"Yeah I think I'm okay."

We walked through the fields of Amity where there were workers singing and sowing. They did not look at us strangely so the rumors about safety for Dauntless must have been true. We walked to the main building and could see fellow Dauntless outside. They were all dressed in red and yellow but we still knew who they were. The few members of our group exchanged high fives and fist bumps with their friends that they passed. Everyone looked happy on the outside but we could all see it in each other's eyes. We were all heartbroken by what had become of our faction. Many of these people had killed against their will today. We all knew life would never be the same for any of us. Some people glared at me as I walked past. It was only logical that they would consider me a traitor or believe that I had knowledge of what happened today. Yesterday I had been so excited about being announced to the public with Eric and today I wished that our relationship had remained a secret. How strange the difference in one day. Marley nudged me with her elbow and smiled at me. She could see the glares directed my way as much as I could. We got to the front of the line and a woman handed us some clothes.

"Here you will need to put these on. You are safe here with us. All we ask is that you contribute and you are welcome to stay." She said.

Marley and I followed the other woman to a room where we stripped out of our Dauntless clothes. I put on the plain red dress and knitted yellow sweater I had been given. I kept my black combat boots because I was not ready to part with them yet. I watched as my black Dauntless clothes were thrown into a blazing fire. My dress was very baggy and came down to my ankles. This dress could serve me well to hide my pregnancy for a while. It was the first time tonight I had really thought about the future. Could I stay here in Amity and live among them? The reality of my situation took me away from those thoughts. It was only a matter of time before Eric came for me. As soon as his leg healed and he found me not at Dauntless he would come looking. I had no idea what I would do when he found me. Marley and I were led to a large sleeping room filled with cots. We took cots next to each other and lay down. My whole body was exhausted and I knew I needed sleep. I pulled my blanket up over me and put my hand on my stomach. I rubbed gently in circles just trying to calm myself. I had to do what was best for my baby and right now it was being here. I had no idea what the future held but for now we were safe.

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