Cameron Dallas Imagine

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"Y/N?!" Cam yells from the living room while you're in the kitchen. "Yes?" you reply walking in the other room and sitting on the couch next to Cam. "So, Matt just called me and told me that tonight there will be a huge party. Basically, there will be Viners and Youtubers, so what do you think? Do you want to go?" he exclaims. You smile thinking about how many famous people you could meet and you tease him "I'm not a Viner or Youtuber, so why are you asking me if I wanna come?". He smiles "That's true. But you're my girlfriend. So? Cmon, we will have fun!" You couldn't help but smile. "That's why I love you Mr. Dallas. Yes, we should definitely go!" you giggle kissing his cheek.
You both get in the bedroom to get ready. Cam gets into the shower as you open the closet to find something cute to wear. Cam comes back with only a towel wraps around his waist and asks "What's wrong, honey?". You give him a confused look and sigh "I don't know what to wear". He playfully rolls his eyes and caresses your cheek "Calm down, baby. Anything on you will look cute. What about this dress?" he says holding a short, turquoise dress. You look at it and exclaim "Mmh, you're right". You curl your hair and do your make up. You both finale are ready to go.
You arrive at the party and greet Cam's friends. You take some pictures with your favorite Viners/Youtubers and just have some fun with Cam and his friends. "Baby, do you want something to drink?" he asks as you nod your head. "Ok, wait here, I'll be back".
"A cute girl here alone. How is it possible?" you hear a voice, a familiar voice. You turn to look at him and oh my gosh, it was Ethan Dolan, your celebrity crush. "Hi, I'm Y/N" you mumble but in your head you're like fangirling, and screaming "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh". "Hi, I'm Ethan. Nice to meet you". You smile and gently ask him "Can we- Can we take a picture together?". "Of course, honey. You're so cute" he smile. You pull out your phone and take a selfie with him as he kisses your cheek and of course you blush. "Thank you so much you" you say with a big smile on your face. "Can we go outside? He's so hot in here" he suggests as you agree. You know that Cam would get jealous but I mean, you could spend some time with Ethan.
You're in the garden sitting on a bench and he exclaims "So, tell me something about you? I have never seen a video of you" and while he was talking, he places his hand over your leg and starts to play with your hand. You immediately pull it away and say "Actually, I'm studying and I'm not famous. I'm here with Cam". "Oh, I see. Cam? You mean Dallas? He's such a funny boy" he smiles and you blush "Yeah. Well, Cam is my b-" you were cut off by someone calling you. "Y/N, Here you a- What the fuck?" Cam yells as you get up from the bench and rest your arm around his waist. "Hi Cam" Ethan exclaims as Cam gives him an angry/jealousy look and just mumbles "HI". Then Cam kisses your cheek and asks "So baby, cmon, my friends are waiting for us. They asked me if we wanna go dance". Ethan is like sitting on the bench without knowing what's going on so he just sputters "Are you like a couple?" as you both nod. "See you Ethan." Cam laughs as you both get inside.
But you stop him and giggle "Are you jealous, Cam?". "Me? Jealous? What are you talking about?" he lies as you tease him "You jealous. Cam that's so sweet". You sweetly peck his lips as he blushes and admits "Ok, maybe I got a bit jealous, only a bit. But I know you like him, so I jump at conclusion". You just intertwine your hand with his and kiss his cheek. Then you add "Aww my jealous boyfriend. You're an idiot, but you're MY idiot. Ok, I was talking to Ethan but trust me, I don't really care about him. I mean, you're my world and I don't want anybody else, only you. And now, if you want I show you" you wink as he bites his lip and teases "Ohhh. Well, let me see". You get into a make out session, you hand rubbing his back and he places his hand over your hips. When you pull away, you exclaim "Are you happy now?". "Weeell, I guess. But just imagine tonight, me and you. I think we will have some fun" he whispers into your ear kissing your neck.

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