Single Dad (Preference #9)

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You were by no means required to visit the little girl who currently resided at Nate's mother's home everyday, yet every single day after work that's where you found yourself headed. You had been with Nate for a year and had fallen quickly for him, as well as his sweet little hazel-eyed girl with the button nose. She was staying with his mother while Nate went on tour, still actively pursuing music and his dreams, even with Tessa in tow. Many called him selfish, but you admired his ambition and unwillingness to give up on his dreams, and you knew that his daughter did too, even though it left her lonely a large part of the time. Tessa's mother was long gone, wanting nothing to do with Nate or their daughter after giving birth, and you knew her heart ached when her father was away. Maybe that was why you felt compelled to visit her everyday. But it was in no means a chore, you loved Tessa like your own.
"Tessa?" You called out into a seemingly empty home, having used your own key to enter.
The house seemed still until you heard bounding footsteps. You smiled as the little girl ran towards you and jumped into your arms.
"Hi (Y/N)!" She exclaimed.
"Hi baby!" You replied, cuddling her close before setting her bare feet back on the hardwood floor.
She immediately started walking back towards the kitchen and you followed.
"What have you been up to?" You asked.
"Drawing" she answered simply, climbing onto a stool at the kitchen island and grabbing a crayon with her tiny fist.
Before you could take a look at her artwork, Nate's mother entered the room and you each smiled at each other.
"Oh (Y/N), I'm so glad you're here! I was just about to call actually. I have an appointment to get to, you wouldn't mind watching Tessa for a while, would you?" She asked, clearly in a rushed state.
"Not at all! I got you covered" you responded.
"Oh bless you!" She said, coming over to give you and Tessa both hurried kisses on cheeks.
"I'll be back in a little, okay?" She said, already heading for the door.
"Okay" you both replied.
"Hey kid, hand me a sheet of paper, would you?" You asked just as the door shut.
Tessa wordlessly slipped a sheet your way and pushed the box of crayons so that it laid between you. You began mindlessly doodling as your eyes peered over at what the little girl had drawn.
Four stick figures, all carrying characteristics of you, her, Nate, and Nate's mother.
"Hey is that us?" You asked, pointing to the two figures on the end of her drawing holding hands.
Tessa nodded with a smile.
"And that's Grandma, right?" You asked again and she nodded.
"And that's Daddy?" You asked softly this time, and Tessa nodded her head slowly and solemnly.
Silence fell over the two of you for a moment before Tessa began to sniffle.
"I miss Daddy" the little girl bawled.
You lifted her from her spot on the stool beside you and cradled her to your chest, thoroughly hating to see the little girl in any sort of pain.
"Sweetheart, your Daddy isn't gone forever. He'll come back soon! And he misses you just as much as you miss him"
"Really?" she sniffled.
"Of course silly girl" you replied, tickling her sides a bit and smiling when you elicited a giggle from her.
"What do you say we Skype him tonight, huh?" You asked.

You found Kyle sitting at the kitchen table, distressed as he leaned over a single sheet of paper.
"Hey kid, what's going on?" you asked cheerily, taking a spot beside him.
He looked up at you and his large brown eyes were brimming with tears.
"I don't get it!" he whined.
You instantly took him under your arm.
"Hey, hey. Don't get upset. What's wrong?"
He didn't answer as you picked the sheet off of the kitchen table. Math.
"Oh..." you sighed, finally understanding the little boy's dilemma.
"Well you know, sweetheart, I'm not very good at math either, but I could still help!" you offered, observing the basic addition he had been assigned for the evening.
"Really?" he sniffled.
"Of course! Okay what's the first question?" you asked, laying the paper back down on the table for you both to see.
"Four plus four" he said.
Kyle then attempted to put up four fingers on each of his hands, becoming frustrated instantly when he could only count the fingers on one hand, forgetting the amount left on the other. He almost began to tear up again and your heart ached.
"Hey! You know what might help?" you asked, getting up from the chair beside him.
"What?" he asked aimlessly as you reached up in the pantry for a box of Cheerios.
He looked at you quizzically. You brought a handful out onto the table.
"Alright, pick out four Cheerios for me" you instructed, which he did easily.
"Awesome! Okay now four more"
He followed your instructions again and grouped the bits of cereal together.
"Okay now count them all together"
Kyle slid the Cheerios one by one over to him, counting under his breath as he did so.
"Eight!" He said, beaming proudly.
"Great job buddy!" You encouraged and he smiled as wide as his little face would allow.
"Okay next one?" You asked.
The next question was five plus two and you reached over to eat one of the Cheerios lying in front of the little boy on the table.
"Hey! That's cheating!" he giggled.
You simply smiled and shrugged.
"Well how many is it?" you asked.
He furrowed his brow in concentration and counted again.
"Seven!" he exclaimed.
"Good job, Kyle! See? I knew you'd get the hang of it!" you said, smiling down on the little boy with the big brown eyes.
He nodded. He was quiet for a moment, clearly contemplating something.
"I won't tell anyone you cheated" he said in a very sweet and serious tone, one that could only belong to Kyle Carpenter.
You smiled down at him.
"Good, cause then we'd both be in trouble" you whispered.
He shook his head.
"Nuh-uh. You would be in trouble!" he retorted.
"Is that so, smartypants?"
He nodded confidently and smiled yet again.
"Alright, what's the next one?"

"You don't look much like my mommy...but you're pretty still" the sweet little girl peered up at you with the icy blue eyes she'd inherited from her mother.
You smiled and even found yourself blushing.
"Well thank you, Janie. That's very sweet of you. I think you're very pretty also. You're beautiful just like your Daddy" you told her with a faint smile.
She scrunched up her nose at this.
"You think my Daddy is beautiful? But he's a boy!"
You couldn't help but laugh.
"Yeah, well that's what happens when you fall in love, Janie...everything about that person becomes beautiful to you" you said, almost unbelieving the things you were confessing to your boyfriend's 5-year-old.
"Like what?" she asked.
You sighed.
"Well...your Daddy has a beautiful smile. You know when you've been running around for a long time and your heart just starts thumping like-" you made a quick motion, tapping you palm repeatedly over your chest.
The little girl nodded very seriously.
"I get that after playing tag at recess" she replied.
You grinned.
"Mhm. Well that's the feeling I get when your Daddy smiles"
"Really?" she asked, clearly becoming less disgusted and more intrigued with the information you were offering about love.
You nodded.
"And your Daddy's eyes...I see them whenever I close mine" you sighed, reaching across for a honey brown color from the box of crayons splayed out on the floor.
"Like when you're dreaming?" she asked.
You smiled and sighed.
"Exactly. I dream about your Dad's eyes all the time. Even when I'm awake" you told her, causing an endearing gasp to fall from her little lips.
"What else?" she asked eagerly.
You sighed, falling onto your back on the pink plush carpet of the little girl's bedroom.
She scooted closer to you, waiting for your next words.
"You know what the most beautiful thing about your Daddy is?" you asked, glancing at the ceiling.
You turned to look at her.
"His heart"
The little girl smiled softly.
"Alright, time for bed!" you declared and Janie obeyed surprisingly easily.
She jumped into bed and you pulled the covers over her.
"G'night (Y/N)" she mumbled into her pillow.
You smiled softly as you crossed the room silently and pulled the door shut behind you. You turned around to be met by a much taller figure. You almost yelled out until you realized it was only Cameron.
"Jesus, Cam" you laughed, placing your hand to your chest.
He smiled.
"I'm sorry baby" he said, reaching down to wrap a hand around your waist and kiss your lips sweetly.
"It's okay" you smiled before shuffling out of the hallway and into the living room, Cameron following close behind.
You shrugged into your jacket and collected your purse in your hands.
"Well, wait...where are you going?" Cam asked.
"Home, baby" you replied, chuckling.
"Don't you remember? You said you'd take me home after babysitting Janie"
Cameron shut his eyes tightly, scrunching up his face as if he'd just ingested a lemon.
"Ah, I did say that, didn't I?" he asked.
You laughed.
"Yes! Can we go now?" you asked, still giggling slightly.
Cameron crossed the room to stand before you and before you knew it, his fingers were sliding underneath the collar of your jacket, moving the fabric aside until it slid down your arms. His lips softly planted themselves onto the column of your throat, then your collarbones, and shoulders. You sighed with content as you tangled your fingers into his thick hair.
"I think you should stay. I'll make it worth your while, baby girl, I promise" he teased, ghosting his lips over your sensitive skin.
You wanted to give in. Your body was reacting boldly to his touch as you felt yourself involuntarily press against him. You placed your hands on his shoulders as he kissed all along your throat.
You threw your head back and groaned, "Cam, I have work in the morning. I can't..."
"Sure you can. I'll take you to work after I drop Janie off at school. You have clothes here, you can shower here. Come on, just stay the night" he pleaded, his lips still against your skin as you felt your resistance dissipating.
"I don't want to spend another night sleeping alone" he muttered, and then his lips stilled against your shoulder.
"Okay" you sighed.
His face lit up, and sure enough, your heart started racing at the sight of his smile.
He kissed you in a rush before pulling you by your hand towards the bedroom, but before opening the door he stopped.
"What?" you asked.
He smiled to himself and you swore you saw crimson inch across his cheeks.
"I just wanted to tell you that my heart starts racing like I've been playing tag for years when I see you smile"

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