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Holidays are the times when we leave the past behind. It's a day we mask anything that made us frown or fall behind. The memories that flood our minds overtime, also filled spirits that Santa was on his way to town, singing our favorite lyrics of all time with chestnuts roasting, watching momma cook and clean from behind, and just maybe every now and then sipping on a glass of liquor, coffee, tea or wine.

Honoring ancestors with KWANZAA blessings shining bright from the flames with candles repping 7 principles of a special spirit and time. With (unity) bringing together families, showing (self-determination) and (collective work and responsibility), developing and building (cooperative economics), with a (purpose), allowing (creativity) with the size of a mustard seed (faith).

These are the reflections that make us have connections, regardless of the skin color their were no imperfections, because all we anticipated was Santa was definitely coming, delivering presents we just couldn't wait to be unwrapping. It didn't matter what color back then, because kids only had one thing in mind, putting prejudice and differences aside, children laughing and playing outside with what they received and seemed surprised!

Waiting to be called in to enjoy the festive meals prepared by our Ancestors and next of kin, laying out all the food, putting everyone and everything in the holiday spirit mood, with an Uncle or Aunt who made everyone laugh with tears, cherishing childhood memories erased any fears.
Ate and drank until you can't no more, families passed out napping on the floor, with yells of the games and the scores, families are NEVER a bore, as we sit smiling wishing this holiday season last forevermore, because we had room for more.

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