Prologue : What Happened?

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2nd of January 2023

Protectorate Of Bangkok

Km̂ā International Hotel 

In a luxurious room, several people were gathered at a round table. The atmosphere at the round table was tense, everyone seemed to be annoyed and angry. And from all of them there was one person, with the reddest and most furious face. Mahapatih of the Majapahit Empire, Aditya Birendra. He ascended the throne in 2021 and became the youngest Mahapatih in Majapahit history at 36 years old.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS??” Adit said angrily. “They want us to give Bangkok to the damn Siamese without any compensation at all?!" Whilst slamming a collection of documents on the table with a very high temper. His patience is thinning as the look on his face gets redder and more pissed off by the minute.

"I agree with you, we just cannot give this city to them without any sort of compensation even if they are supported by the FRC (Federal Republic of China)," said Bonar Ekawira, Majapahit's foreign minister.

"They still insist on taking this city back even though the referendum from the people shows that they choose to remain as our Protectorate" , said Adit, getting a headache from the situation. He has to choose whether he would decide to keep the city and be considered an occupier in the eyes of the world or give the city back to the Kingdom of Siam without the slightest of compensation and make the country lose hundreds of billions of Gobogs.

"But if we don't give this city back we will be considered as invaders and maybe hundreds of people's lives will be lost because of the BLM (Bangkok Liberation Movement) terrorist attack, do you remember the sarin gas attack from 8 months ago in Surabaya, right? Even though our intelligence says and believes fully that they were formed and supplied by the Siamese government, unfortunately for us though is that we don't have enough evidence to take this case to the international court” said Natha Mahika, Mahapatih Chief of Staff.

The debate continued on for 30 minutes with no definite result.

“Okay let's have another referendum, this time though, the decision will really be decided by the people, and if the people want to join Siam then let them be but if the people still don't want to be annexed by Siam and also if they threaten to go to war. Then war is only natural" said Adit, whose head is now emitting smoke. "Bonar conveyed this to the Siamese delegation".

"I'll carry it out soon," said Bonar, bowing slightly. “Pardon me as I'll be taking my leave" said Bonar as he walked towards the exit. 

Before Bonar could touch the doorknob, a dazzling light shone across the room that blinded everyone who saw it, soon the light dwindled and everyone's vision began to return to normal.

"Bastard, what light was that?" muttered Adit, whose eyesight was still a little fuzzy "Don't say it's a Chinese EMP…" hoped Adit. 

Suddenly the door slammed open and several people wearing black suits and sunglasses came in with guns in their hands, turns out they were the MISS (Majapahit Imperial Security Service).

"SECURE ALL VIPs!" ordered one of the people in black suits, he then held his ear to use communication tools "White Elephant is safe. I repeat, White Elephant is safe. Prepare Garuda 1. We will immediately carry out security protocol".

"What happened? Don't tell me this is an EMP from China or Siam?" said Adit, as his eyesight began to return to normal. He then stood up and started dashing towards the exit.

"We don't know ourselves, sir. All attempts at long-distance communication failed and we haven't received any news from the central command at all," said a MISS agent.

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