3-The spy mission

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The afternoon passed very quickly, and at the end of the day Kanao and Aoi were leaving for home.
Where was Tomioka?
Tanjiro didn't see him anywhere.
Before they left, he pulled Kanao. Tanjiro-Kanao, what did you want to ask me??
Kanao gave a start and his heart sped up. The two blushed visibly. Kanao-I...Just...
She thought for a while before answering.
Kanao-I want to know if my sister and Tomioka are making out. Tanjiro-Tomioka?? I didnt know he... Tanjiro thought for a moment. Tanjiro-Wait a minute, that's why he left today in the afternoon well considering the situation.
Kanao made a doubtful face.
Tanjiro had been holding his wrist the whole time.
Tanjiro noticed and let go of him slowly. Both of them wanted to keep. But they refused to admit what they felt for each other.
They thought they didn't deserve it. Tomioka helped Tanjiro remember his crush several times, but Tanjiro was too shy.
Kanao didn't have the heart to ask him either, and the balcony was a big step forward.
Tanjiro-I know Kanao! We could investigate together.
Kanao's eyes sparkled even brighter for a moment.
Tanjiro smiled at her, which made her melt all over.
Aoi-You're not coming Kanao??
Kanao turned around.
Kanao-Of course.
She was running, but stopped and turned around.
Kanao-Ahh, Tanjiro, I'll tell you about it later, okay??
Tanjiro nodded yes. She smiled and walked away, waving goodbye. Tanjiro returns the wave. Melting all over, he dropped to the ground. Tanjiro-What did I do to deserve this.


Tomioka and Shinobu were actually at Shinobu's house all afternoon.
Both panties and tracksuits were on the floor in her room, and the noise of moans was heard.
Shinobu hated not having more time with him, but her sisters were coming. In her full orgasm, Shinobu tried to say something to Tomioka. Shinobu-T-Tomioka...Hmm...M-my sisters...Hmm...are...coming.
Tomioka stopped and got out of her. Panting Tomioka sat down. Tomioka-They are??
She nodded.
Shinobu-They said around this time. Tomioka-Seriously?? It was being so good, let me just have a little more. Tomioka leaned over and left a hickey on her neck, down to her breasts. He sucked lightly and then went down to her entrance. The only thing left for him was to enjoy the last moments. He licked with all the strength he had, sucking even harder, so hard that Shinobu grabbed the sheet and screamed.
Shinobu- Ahh...Ahh...Hmm...Gi-Giyuu, f-faster...Hmm...Ahh...
Tomioka obeyed in delight and kissed her there, then his tongue roamed all over her body from her entrance to her breasts and finally her mouth... But he still hadn't stopped. He kissed her passionately, taking her seriously, their tongues touching and playing with each other, while the two touched and caressed all over the body.
They were so distracted that they didn't notice Kanao and Aoi arriving. Kanae had come to get them and placed the keys to the van on the table.
Kanae-Shinobu! I arrived my dear. Shinobu stopped the kiss on the breasts that Tomioka was giving him and left clinging to his neck. Shinobu-Tomioka stop. Kanae arrived.
Tomioka suddenly stopped and hurried to put on his clothes. Tomioka-Bye I love you.
He climbed out of bed and offered her the benefit of one last passionate tongue-teasing kiss.
After that, Tomioka went down through the window and waved goodbye.
She rushed home while Shinobu got dressed and dealt with her sister after the sex incident in her room. Tomioka couldn't stop thinking about everything. In the image of naked Shinobu in front of her.
He only hoped that Tanjiro hadn't noticed his delay.
He was running when he felt that someone hit him very hard with a frying pan in the face.
Tomioka immediately fell to the ground.
Aoi brought her hand to her mouth. That day had happened so much that she thought it was someone, more specifically demons, were in her house.
Aoi-I'm...I'm sorry Tomioka-San, I thought you were home...
Kanae heard the bang and came to check. Shinobu realized that it was Tomioka who had probably fallen and tried to pull her insect coat sleeve. Kanae-What are you doing Shinobu, let go of me.
Kanae looked outraged and incredulous at her own sister. Someone could be hurt and she was there trying to be picky with her.
She tried to pull her sleeve back but couldn't.
Shinobu was clinging to her with all her might.
Kanae didn't understand why she was doing this.
Then something caught his attention...Kanae stopped fighting back and just stared at the room. Shinobu realized his monstrous mistake. Before leaving, Tomioka had forgotten to cover the hickey she gave Shinobu. Kanae approached. Kanae-Whose is this from??
Shinobu blushed and frowned. Kanae-Whose is this from??
Shinobu lowered her head and remained silent.
Kanae looked angry.
Kanae-I'll just ask one more time... Shinobu-I fell!
Kanae-Do you really want me to believe? And what was that out there? Shinobu-Seriously, I...I...I fell, and...outside...I don't know what happened.
Kanae looked at her quite angrily. Kanae-Who is your boyfriend? Shinobu looked up in fright. Shinobu-What?
Kanae-Did you hear, who's your boyfriend?
Meanwhile Kanao had arrived with Aoi.
Like Aoi, he was wondering why Tomioka was there.
Aoi-My God, are you okay??
Tomioka got up with difficulty. Tomioka-Yes I think.
Aoi-What were you doing here at this time?? I'm sorry for the mistake, but I also want to know.
Kanao simply stared at him. Tomioka-I just came here looking for Tanjiro.
Tomioka swallowed hard after that lie.
Aoi-Ah is it?? And why here?? Tomioka looked at Kanao. Tomioka-Because, he was talking to her and I thought...
Kanao understood what he meant, but she was so flushed that she headed for the front door.
Aoi-You can go then, but he's not here, you're getting a little silly.
Tomioka got up with difficulty a little more and left.
Tomioka-No problem.
He waved at Aoi and walked away sighing.
Now it was only left for Shinobu to explain the rest.
Shinobu was in the room completely nervous.
Shinobu-I swear...
Kanae-You don't even know how to lie! First it fell, now it tells me nothing. Did you have sex?? Want to fool who huh??
Shinobu-I don't...
Kanae-I'm just here without hitting you because you're my sister. Shinobu-So what if I did?? I'm eighteen, at least I'm not like your sister, who's been banging Inosuke at night and Kanao with Tanjiro.
Kanae looked at the two in the hall. Kanao just ran into the room lightly. Aoi choked and sputtered.
Aoi-I'm going t-to...to my room. Kanae-Ahh no...Shinobu just don't lie to me please!
Shinobu wanted to tell the truth. Shinobu-Alright, maybe I did... Kanae's crow interrupted the confession. Crow-Craa...Craa...Kanae-san...Craa...Immediately meeting Rengoku at the base. We are waiting for Obanai too...Craa...Craa...
Kanae looked over there and hurried over the ledge. Before jumping she decided to talk to her sister first. Kanae-You are going to tell me, ok?? Shinobu nodded yes and said goodbye to her.
She only thought about Tomioka. Kanao in his room took his cell phone and looked for Tanjiro's number.




Tanjiro-Hi Kanao :)
K-Remember what I said about Tomioka and Shinobu??
T-Yes I remember why??
K-Do you want to investigate together with me??
T-Of course!
K-Good. We start in school tomorrow. But since they arrive earlier, we have to go earlier.
T-Finally I'll have a weapon against Tomioka.
K-And I'm going to have to tell Kanae if they made with each other.
T-They what??
K-Calm down, it was just a suspicion. In the morning they both came to the office together when I went there he was there.
T-And what did you go there to do, by the way??
Kanao is writing...
K-Nothing much.
T-Oh yeah. OK. See you tomorrow. K-Bye Tanjiro-Kun.
T-Bye Kanao-chan.


End of conversation.

Tanjiro tapped his cell phone on his head.
Tanjiro-I called her Kanao-chan?? Tomioka- Yes. You called.
Tanjiro was startled.
Tanjiro-Tomioka, what were you doing here??
Tomioka-Just spying on your dose of sex online.
Tanjiro- YOU MIGHT BE JOKING! Tomioka-You didn't say I was lying. Tanjiro-AHH BRO. PRIVACY IS. ONE. WORD. You should add to the Tomioka vocabulary.
Tomioka-I'm sorry, I was just kidding. Hey, are you finally going out with her tomorrow??
Tanjiro blushed softly.
Of course, it didn't go unnoticed by Tomioka.
Tanjiro-Well, not exactly.
Tomioka-Go there and rest, to make sex with Kanao.
Tomioka gave him a friendly pat on the head and then went to his room. Tanjiro smiled at the thought of her and fell asleep like that.
A mission just the two of you.
Would that be it, a... date??

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