We have reached our desired destination. We are now walking, talking and living in our healing. Doesn't it feel great? Oh man, I am so happy for you. I am more than elated that you made the conscious decision to keep going to get the healing your soul so desired.
These chapters were based off how I healed. What works for me may not work for some. However, my sincere prayer is that it at least open up a door for you to begin your journey. Often times we don't make it through things because we don't over-stand them.
Healing through whatever it is that's caused you pain is important as well as necessary. The key to being successful at anything in life is being free of what holds you back. We all have the potential to be great. We all have the potential to succeed. But, how will we do that when we're hurting? How will we do that holding unforgiveness?
God is so good and will always assist you along your way to the road of recovery. But, you have to allow that to happen. You have to allow the spirit to show you true love, appreciation and gratitude. A lot of times we get so caught up in what someone did to us we don't even realize they've moved on. While we're still standing in the same spot.
Move forward in your life. Take charge of your destiny. You are powerful, you are loved, you are smart, you are beautifully made in the eye sight of God. Speak positive affirmations to yourself in the mirror everyday before leaving your home. Know that your circumstances aren't your final conditions.
I told myself every day, "where you lay is not where you'll stay." And I wasn't speaking in terms of houses. Although, once I walked in my truth and healed I was blessed to own a home as well. But, I was talking about me being broken and misguided. Although, I laid down broken. The plan was never to stay that way. So, I got up and did something about it.
My prayer for you the reader is that you grab your broken pieces and you make the decision to put them back together. It's going to get tough but, in the end it'll be all worth it. Anything worth having won't come easily. Fight. Fight for your health, wealth, love and stability. Most importantly, trust God to help you through it all. I love you and I am rooting for you on the other side.
5 Ways To Healing: How I Made It Out
EspiritualHealing is something that we all want. Some of us just need to know where to start. This is a short book on how to get the healing you need.