Chapter 3 - Elvis Meets a Baby Elephant

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The next day was a bright warm day. Being late-February in LA, it was a comfortable seventy degrees. The moment we pulled up to the carnival grounds, I was scanning the area for mainly an elephant. The scene that we did the first day was shot without the elephant since it needed a vet's okay to be a part of the shot, mainly since a girl had to ride it. Who knew that the vet whose permission was needed was about three-and-a-half feet tall? I could only imagine how she would look next to the beast.

"Elvis, you're shaking the car with your leg going up and down like that," Jerry, my best friend and member of the Memphis Mafia, said as the car was stopped. He drove the car while the Colonel and I were in the back seat.

"Yeah, I know. I'm just really exctited for today. I'm lookin' forward to meetin' Jackie."

"Who's Jackie?" Jerry asked, looking behind him at us.

"An elaphant," the Colonel answered. "She's an animal extra who is a part of the carnival. Can't have a carnival without an elephant. Now, let's go, Elvis."

He exited the car. Jerry asked, "Aren't elephants stereotypical animals for circuses?"

"Same thing, I guess—fair, carnival, circus... Anyway, today's gonna be a fun day."

We both exited the car, and the moment we did, Jerry pointed. "Hey, there's your elephant friend. My golly, this the first time I've seen one of those outside of a zoo."

I looked to where he was pointing, and I saw an elephant with a red blanket on its back, a small elephant compared to the huge ones at the zoos. It was probably a baby. Next to her was a person who looked like a little girl but most definitely wasn't. I grinned since I knew exactly who that girl was. "Well, if anyone asks, I'm sayin' hi to Jackie. You comin'?"

"Nah, I think I'll keep my distance. Be careful."

I patted his shoulder and walked off, but I still had a couple of guys with me—more of the Memphis Mafia. Really, I didn't like the name, but it stuck, just like my title 'The King of Rock 'n' Roll.' I wasn't a fan of that title, either. I had a feeling it would stick with me for the rest of my life and beyond.

We came close to the elephant, and I saw that Barbra Stanwyck was there as well, and she walked out from behind the elephant. She saw me first and smiled. I liked working with her. She kind of reminded me of my momma, even if they were different sizes, and my momma had dark hair. It was her personality. Barb was a kind woman and a legendary actress.

"Good morning, Elvis," she greeted and hugged me.

"Good mornin'." I looked up at the Jackie. "Wow, ain't she somethin', huh?"

"Indeed," said a little voice, and Shannon came around Jackie's backside. I noticed a stool there for Shannon. "She's quite the jewel. Good morning, Elvis."

She had her hair back in a ponytail again, but she wore jeans and a pink blouse this time. The woman was tiny, and just her stature. If she was normal-sized, she would be petite. And those eyes again... wow! Incredibly big and blue in this sunlight. And that hair of hers shined gold in that same sunlight. "Good mornin', Shannon."

"You want to say hi?"

"Oh, yeah, I do!"

The handler of the elephant who was standing off to the side gave the okay, as well as my detail, and I came up to Jackie and pet her head. Her skin was extremely rough, like dry leather, and she was about as tall as me. It was incredible that she was only a baby. I grinned as I pet her, and she made little noises with her trunk. I didn't know why, but I found that adorable.

"Well, I think she likes you," Barb commented. "According to Dr. Comm, that's what elephants do when they're happy."

"That's right," Shannon chimed. "She's a baby, though, so she's happy quite often."

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