Chapter 8 - I Never Liked Saying I'm Sorry

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The whole staff at the vet told me to just go on up to my apartment and take the rest of the day off, but I didn't want to. In order for me to get my mind off what happened earlier in the morning, I had to do my work. Taking care of animals of all kinds was my thing and a way I could destress. It was therapeutic in a way. Yes, there were the emergencies we had to deal with, and sometimes putting an animal down, but overall, it was just really fun, fulfilling work.

It took about half an hour for things to simmer down after Elvis left, and the rest of the day went on. Around noon, I sat in the little employee lounge that had a counter and faucet, an ice box and a little table. I usually went up to my apartment for my lunch hour, but I wasn't hungry in the least. And as fun as my work was, and as busy as it was, it did nothing to help me take my mind off of what happened.

That was the first time anyone had done that to me... swooping me up in his arms and carrying me like a princess. Brandon never even did that. As Elvis was carrying me, I stared at his face that was really trying its hardest to keep an even expression. He was ticked, but he was still so handsome and... my hero. When Edna came back to check on me and we talked, she called him my knight in shining armor. My savior. He risked so much doing what he did, and I knew that there would be consequences.

But he was so incredibly kind for doing it, no matter if he was fuming the whole time, and no matter what could happen because of it. I saw the fire in his eyes as he was bandaging my knees. He was that upset not that people were saying mean things about him, but that they were saying mean things about me and mistreating me.

Oddly, I was glad that it all happened, even if I got a couple scraped knees. Otherwise, I wouldn't have had such a special moment with him, talking inside one of my little exam rooms. There was a moment as he had his heated hands on my cheek, and he was looking into my whole soul, it seemed...

He was going to kiss me. Wasn't he? It boggled my mind that he would even think of kissing a woman over two feet shorter than him.

The door to the lounge opened, and in came Edna. She gave me a little smile and sat down facing me at the little two-person table against the wall. Her short blonde hair shined in the above light. "Hey," she said. "You doing okay?"

I let out a large sigh. "Yeah, I am. What a day."

"No kidding. I don't think I'm going to forget it for the rest of my life. Elvis coming in here that first time randomly was one thing, but seeing him bursting in while carrying you in his arms is completely another. You were in tears as he was holding you, and with a very serious expression, he whooshed through the room and to the back." She put a hand to her heart and made a dazed expression. "How incredibly romantic."

I held my red mug of coffee with both hands. "I... guess it was..."

She giggled. "You're completely dazed. So, what happened in that little exam room, huh?"

Her eyes were twinkling with interest for my answer. I smiled as I thought about those few minutes. "We just talked, and he told me that he would make sure that no one else would make fun of me or cause me any harm."

"Aw... he really cares about you, Dr. Comm. And don't you say otherwise."

"He told me that I'm his good friend."

"Psht. That hot, famous man is so in love with you, it's obvious. He wouldn't have done what he did if he wasn't."

My grip on my mug tightened as I recalled how close he came to my face and how wonderful it was to have him hug me when we both were at the same level. Maybe he wasn't going to kiss me. It was all just fanciful thinking. "I... don't know. I mean... he's so famous. How could he have feelings for me?"

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