Chapter 5 - Sparks Start Flying on the Roadside

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Okay, let's all just appreciate how cool Elvis looks in the above picture. Anyway, thanks for reading! Enjoy this chapter!

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The phones were ringing off the hook. My receptionist needed a helper to assist in all the calls, and we had to connect another telephone into the wall so we could accommodate all the calls. I came out from the back as another client left, one whose cat simply coughed up a hairball. These were long cat owners, too.

I sighed as I set a clipboard down on the front table, and my main receptionist Glenda, a brunette young woman who was my age, just put down the phone. She pointed to it. "Don't ring again. Let me breathe for once." She saw me. "Oh, hi, Dr. Comm."

The table was lower for my benefit, not like the taller reception desks that were seen in other vet clinics. "Hi. You hanging in there?"

"Yeah. After Elvis showed up a couple days ago, it's been call after call, appointment after appointment. It's great that we're getting people in, but... this is a little too much."

"I have to admit, I agree with you. While I'm so very grateful down to my bones that Elvis stepped in the other day just so we could have more business, I'm overwhelmed with all the people coming in with excuses, pretending their animal is sick, or coming in when something minor happened."

"They just want to meet the vet who's met Elvis and was in his film briefly."

"And they want to go to the vet that Elvis visited," said the other receptionist Edna, a lady around thirty with short blonde hair just passed her ears. Both of my receptionists were rather pretty, but both were married, much to the dismay of the young men who came in now and then.

"I agree," said Glenda. "Wow, you're so lucky, Dr. Comm. You have a superstar for a friend."

"We're only acquaintances," I corrected as I wrote down some info on the last patient's report.

"A mere acquaintance wouldn't go out of his way to visit a lowly vet clinic just on the pretense of helping them be a little more successful," said Edna, making a point.

"And see a certain pretty vet doctor," Glenda added with a twinkle in her brown eyes.

One of my assistants came out from the back, and she called out the next patient's name. A middle-aged blonde lady with a cute little yellow cockatiel on her finger stood up and came over to the front desk. My assistant Heidi took her to through the door.

"It's not like that," I told my two receptionists.

"I beg to differ," said Edna with a giggle. "Elvis Presley doesn't go out of his way for just anyone. He's a busy man."

"Amen to that," said Glenda, then the phone rang. She answered it. "Dr. Shannon Comm's Veterinary Clinic."

"He was just being nice," I told Edna. "He's good man with a good heart in him. Plus, he's an animal lover, which makes it even better. Lila misses him, you know. Ever since she met him, she's been sulking, hoping to see him again."

"Like dog, like owner."

"I don't sulk!"

"Oh, but you really want to see that hunk of love again."

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