~ Awaken ~

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The blue haired boy shot up, breathing heavily in a panic. Almost immediately, light filled his eye, a worried voice speaking out from the silence.

"Sir-!? Are you okay? I heard a scream" she stuttered, her soft gaze wide with worry.

Oh. He must have cried out when he woke up. But.. how was he awake, he's supposed to be dead. The longer he thought, the more worried the woman seemed to become.

"Ah- I just realized! I never introduced myself. I'm Lila!" She nervously picked at her fingers, shrinking a bit under the scarred boy's piercing blue gaze. "I found you laying out on the road so- I brought you here. Your guitar is in the closet, and your sweater is in the washer currently.. erm-"

He blinked a few times, wincing slightly as he held his hand up. Burn scars, like spiderwebs, from the chair. They were prominent, paired with his older scars and patches of miscolored skin.

"I'm.. Sal. My friends call- called me Sally Face" was all he mumbled, running a shaky hand through his messy blue hair.

"Well, it's nice to meet you Sal! I have a pair of pajamas if you'd like to shower, so I can wash the rest of your clothes." She offered quickly, her voice cheering up a bit. He nodded softly.

"That'd be nice, thanks miss Lila.."


I got bored so have another chapter

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