Prologue - "Flying high, Flying low"

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Wow. One thing I can't help getting excited over is Hope's Peak. They say you go there, you're set for life. And then, what happens after they finish doing their scouting? I get a letter with that ebony black crest adorned on the yellowing paper.

Dear Cat,
You have been duly noted as the most talented in your field. As part of our talent cultivation plan, we invite you, the Ultimate Cat Aviator, to our establishment. We do hope you find your way safely and the brochures are in the envelope.

Yours sincerely,
Hope's Peak Academy

I read through the letter, my heart skipping a beat. Every single time I read it it makes me shudder in anticipation of what I'm getting myself into. I could be part of Hope's Peak history, or forever hide myself away as a cat aviator. The choice was mine. Although, would I need to make a choice? I got invited to go to Hope's Peak! What kind of fool would turn an invite like that down?

I read through the letter twice more before settling my heart unsuccessfully. They want me at Hope's Peak. I couldn't turn something like this down! I turned my head towards the laptop screen again, stretching my claws before using my purple toebeans to lightly tap in letters on the cream coloured keyboard.

Search : Hope's Peak Academy threads...

There were quite a few, one for quite a few of the rumours of which students will be attending. The first one described the Ultimate Tsundere, a talent I didn't even know one could possess. Apparently it's rumoured he was scouted because Hope's Peak thought that attitude could help towards a greater hope or whatever. To be honest I don't think so. Another described the Ultimate Photographer, a small, not well-known photographer only famous for his anonymous photos. Only recently had he been unveiled as the master photographer. I drew my gaze away from the screen and to the four brochures included in the envelope.

Picking one of them up to take a quick flick through was all I was going to do until a specific brochure caught my eye.

This is some past interviews on students who went to this school.

"Man is this school awesome or what? If I could live here forever I would." - Ultimate Jock

" The only complaint I have is about the freaky science teacher. Apart from that it's like, all cool. I guess. " - Ultimate Trendsetter

" I got accepted in on pure luck, and this is like a palace to me! God only knows how far I'd go to live here. " - Ultimate Lucky Student

If you wish to see numerous more interviews, there is a book located on the fourth floor of the building, in administrations. Thank you for reading.

The interviews I didn't really care about. What I did care about, though, was the incessant doodle of a two-toned monochrome axolotl  on the front. It was hardly noticeable to the non-observant eye, but it also looked very out of place. Why would an establishment like this do that to one of their brochures?

I shrugged it off mindlessly back then. Maybe I shouldn't have.

And soon, I stood there. Right in front of the sacred gates that'll set me up for life. I can do anything after this. I took a low, shaky breath as the sun hit the turret of the highest tower. This looked nothing like a school. More like a modern castle. The blue glass shimmered dazzlingly in the warm spring sun, inviting me in. The crest smiled down upon me as if telling me to take a step forward. Taking another shaky breath, I took that step.

And that's where it all went wrong. My vision blurred substantially. I struggled against the oncoming urge to collapse and fell into a state of drowsiness. The air around me tightened and I tried to lift my paw to scratch at my throat in pain. Flapping my wings tiredly but frantically, I dipped toward the ground, giving up. The earth hurtled closer to my muzzle until...

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