Chapter One - Investigation - "Jakob...?"

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I looked at his body, the footsteps getting closer every second. I was still hyperventilating, getting more shocked every minute. Jakob... Was dead? I had just started to get to know him.. this.. is unbelievable. The door swung open further, slamming against the wall as Axi, Bonnie and Shiro burst through the doorway. "Cat, what's wron- OH MY GOD!" Bonnie gasped as her eyes latched onto the body of Jakob. "Well, well, well, look what the cat dragged in." Mark said, entering the room slowly. I glared at him, unhappy with the joke he just made.

"Ding dong ding! A body has been discovered! Now, after a certain amount of time, which you may use however you like, the class trial will begin!"

My body shuddered tensely at those words. So he was.. really dead? I still didn't want to believe it, but a small portion of my mind knew I had to face this, for myself and the others. "I'm guessing.. someone.. one of us murdered Jakob, then..." Axi mumbled, seemingly less energetic than before, presumably aftereffects of discovering her dead classmate. Suddenly, Monokai's voice rang out between us. "Eeyup! One of you killed Jakob!" He snorted in glee. "One of you killed Jakob, and one of you may get to leave!" As he said that, we all began staring at one another, as if looking for any facial slipups, any show of guilt.

"Anyways, here's... The Monokai File!" He squealed. He passed out a dark blue file and we looked through it.

Victim(s): Jakob
Cause of death: Blunt force trauma to the back of the head.
Extra notes: The culprit stabbed the victim through the head and palms of the hand with a chisel. A small piece of white fabric was left at the scene of the crime. Time of death was 7:30 AM.

"Ugh, I'll start investigating already. Anyone joining me?" Mark said in a bored tone. Akira shoved herself through the crowd after hearing Jakob had died. Tears spilled from her eyes as she got to the front, where I was. "Jakob...?" She said. After just standing there staring for a bit she rounded on me with a furious glare. "YOU DID IT, DIDN'T YOU?!" She yelled at me. "I SWEAR I WILL KILL YOU, YOU, YOU-" Ghost reached her through the crowd and put his hand on her shoulder. She turned to him, stopped shouting and broke down crying as Ghost hugged her. "I think Jakob would want you to figure out who actually did it instead of accusing people and putting yourself at risk." He murmured softly to her.

As Ghost consoled Akira, Mark made his way over to Jakob's body. "It's like a crucifixion with knives. Otherwise it's your run-of-the-mill stab wounds. Plus what the hell is this purple liquid on his face?" He asked to himself. I cautiously trundled forward and sniffed a puddle of a similar looking liquid on the floor, with metal shards and half a label floating around in it. "This seems to be the source of it." I said. He turned his head to look at it and confirmed that it must be the source. "It's full of chemical smells.." I noted, the stench of strong chemicals reaching my scent glands.  "Whatever it is, when it was sprayed on his face they wanted to cover it up. Although, it's still wet on his face." Mark told me.

"Purple Liquid" has been added into the truth bullets section of your handbook. You can review this at any time.

After we finished inspecting the liquid, we moved on to other parts of the dorm. I decided to check the door, to see if it had been messed with in any way. Shiro was already there, inspecting the lock thoroughly. "Before you ask, no. There is no tampering with the door." He said brusquely. "Ah. Okay." I took a quick look around and realised there was absolutely no sign of a struggle whatsoever.

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'Clean Lock' has been added to the truth bullets section of your handbook. You can review this at any time.

I decided to go see Axi, to talk about possible alibis for others and her. "Hey Axi! Uhm, I kind of need to know if you know who was nearest Jakob last, and where you were at the time of the murder?" I asked. She thought about it for a second. "I saw you with him last, and at the time of the murder I was with Hanna." She told me, certainty in her voice. "Ah, okay..." I said disappointedly.

Next, I was going to go to speak to Dakota, but something else caught my attention. There was a small pair of smashed black glasses on the floor, close to Jakob's shoes. I picked them up to examine them, and noticed a small label that said 'P--nt' on them, two letters scratched off.

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I put them back down and made my way over to Dakota. "Dakota, if you don't mind me asking, what's your alibi?" She looked up at me and sighed. "I was with Bonnie for a while, until she told me she had forgotten her paint belt and went back to get it. From 7:00 to 7:30 I was talking to Ghost." She told me. So, Bonnie left behind her paint belt...?

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I decided I should probably ask Bonnie what happened during that time, so I left the dormitory to go find her. She was in the Dining Hall, seemingly putting something away. "Hey Bonnie!" I called out. She looked at me and came over. "What's up?" She asked. I continued the conversation as fluently as possible. "I just need to know where you were between 7:00 to 7:30 AM." I told her. She thought for a moment until she began speaking again. "I was with Dakota for a bit, then I went back to the dormitory to get my paint belt. I found it literally as soon as the BD rang out and I came to find Jakob dead." I nodded thoughtfully. "Can I see your paint belt?" I asked. She smiled and showed me the belt round her waist, lined with spray paint cans and brushes. I noted that there seemed to be a few free spots and a can missing. "How come there's a can missing?" I questioned again. She sighed, obviously getting annoyed. "I used it up before I came here." I nodded again, thanked her for answering my questions and left her alone.

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I stopped in my tracks, realising this evidence might not be enough to uncover the killer, so I looked around the school for anything that could help me figure this out. After not finding anything, I returned to the scene of the crime. Having a final look around, I realised the drawer near his bed was open, and his hair clips were still inside. But that wasn't what bothered me. The drawer was coming off its hinges, and it bent at an awkward angle. I noted this down mentally.

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The monitor in the room switched on, and Monokai made another announcement.

"I'm getting bored as pigshit, so come to the red door next to the gymnasium to start the trial."

"Already?" I heard Dakota say. We all trundled hopelessly to the red door and made our way into... An elevator? I stepped inside and it was awfully silent as it began its descent. Nobody spoke, but our suspicious glares at each other spoke more than any words ever would. Eventually, the elevator clanked to a slow stop and we began filing out of it. Everyone had an assigned podium, of which we all walked up to.

The trial hadn't even started and already, I knew it would be filled with despair...

(1403 words)

Feel free to guess the culprit lmao

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